#˚ ♡ ‧₊˚✧ › t words of advice




after the busy part of the schedule finished towards the end of the month seem like the perfect time to prepare herself for the upcoming debut which means rest was needed because she did not want to injury herself before even promoting with heartz 1/3. she took her time sat down in the practice room humming the tune of their debut single which seem to be stuck in here, it reminded her of berry good single or something along those lines. 

during her break it seem she had visitor, her doppelganger heejin, she observe her body language she seem either nervous or tired not sure on which. the moment the younger opened her mouth asking her for advice, it came quite a shock to her but naturally she was willing to help any way she can. “come, sit down for a moment and tell me what you need ~ I’ll do my best to help you-” she smiled warmly patting down on empty space next to her on the wooden floors of the practice room offering spare water bottle too, just in case she was feeling little bit tired and dehydrated too. it is important to look after each other especially through tough practices.

     heejin can’t deny the happiness she feels at jiyeons welcoming personality, easily making her way to the spot the older woman had patted beside her. she’s unsure if she wants the water bottle held out to her, but in the end, she decides to accept it as well, knowing that even if she doesn’t drink from it right away, it’d be a good thing to have for later. she sets it down beside her as she settles on the floor with jiyeon, getting herself comfortable before she begins to speak. while she isn’t nervous, it still takes her a moment to voice herself, testing the waters gently with her own vulnerability.

     “you’re good with both singing and dancing, right?” heejin assumes she’s right she’d seen jiyeons music video, seen how much moving around she’d been required to do for the dance while singing, and because of that, heejin only natural thought she was good at both to be able to pull that off. “our group evals for this month are for a song that’s pretty dance heavy. i’m a way better singer than i am a dancer, so i was wondering if you had any tips for dancing and singing at the same time

     since they’re first meeting, it’s been easy for heejin to let jiyeon in, albeit still with some apprehension. allowing newly admired acquaintances into her life is something she’s not let herself to too often in the past, prior heartache and hurt closing herself off in favor of protection. it’s been easier for her to let her walls down over this last year, but in the back of her mind, there’s still a want and need to be cautious. jiyeon, however, hasn’t shown her any crueltyin every way, she’s been kind, and so while the older woman has no obligation to take part in monthly evaluations with the non confirmed girls, heejin still finds herself seeking jiyeon out for a bit of help.

     normally, if she needed advice, she’d go to sua, but with sua now needing to prepare for her solo debut, heejin decides not to take up too much of her current time and ask jiyeon instead. “do you have a second?” jiyeon is easy to find during heejins break, and while she still feels a bit winded from practice, she does her best not to let it show. “ineed a little advice.”

                                                           ———— for you, @rkxjiyeon
