#↯ astrox




- starting April 1st 2022!!

- ending April 30th 2022!!


Every day until the 30th of April, I’ll be writing prompts for bakugou’s birthday. Depending on the prompts, I’ll switch between female and male readers (and non-binary, of course) And no…I’m not gonna do NSFW. All prompts have been recommended by friends/mutuals and on several prompts sites for writers


PROMPT #1 ➭ “I promise…” He gasped for a breath. “That I would protect you. And I intend to keep the damn promise,”

PROMPT #2 ➭ “So what’s so urgent that you had to call me so early in the morning?” “I just wanted to see you again,”

PROMPT #3 ➭ The princess only threw masquerade balls. No one has seen her face.

PROMPT #4 ➭ If it wasn’t for her crown, I never would have guessed she was a princess

PROMPT #5 ➭ “What are you doing here?? My parents are home,” “I don’t give a shit, now give me the damn kiss I came here for,”

PROMPT #6 ➭ “Please keep smiling at me like that-you’re so adorable,”

PROMPT #7 ➭ “Are you naturally this much of a pain in the ass or do you try?”

PROMPT #8 ➭ “All my love songs are about you,”

PROMPT #9 ➭ “I thought you said you knew how to get inside?!” “Yeah…that was a lie,”

PROMPT #10 ➭ “OW!” “You’ll live…Get over it,”

PROMPT #11 ➭ “I don’t care. You’re perfect…my beautiful perfect baby,”

PROMPT #12 ➭ “Hey, a dragon broke my bed. What am I supposed to do now?”

PROMPT #13➭ “Your lips are so soft. I could kiss them all day,”

PROMPT #14 ➭ “You’re so warm,”

PROMPT #15 ➭ “You can’t buy the entire store!” “If I buy the store you’ll never have to pay for your snacks,”

PROMPT #16 ➭ “Can’t you stay a little while longer?”

PROMPT #17 ➭ “You better wash your hands before you hug me,”

PROMPT #18 ➭ “You got into a fight?” “Yeah,” “Did you win?” “Hell yeah!” “That’s my baby!”

PROMPT #19 ➭ “Can you take the baby dragon outside?” “No! he’s sleeping with me,”

PROMPT #20 ➭ “The cake needed a little something extra,” “So you wanted it to make it explode?”

PROMPT #21 ➭ “I see a light at the end of the tunnel…I’m gonna die on a mountain,” “Stop being a baby. We’ve only been hiking for fifteen minutes,”

PROMPT #22 ➭ “I guess this is goodbye for a little while”

PROMPT #23 ➭ “Yeah-nah,” “Babe, we’re at Mcdonalds! just pick something!”

PROMPT #24 ➭ “Can you shut the fuck up-” The monster under your bed is blasting rock music but it’s bunk beds

PROMPT #25 ➭ “You’re scaring the baby-” “ME-scaring her!”

PROMPT #26 ➭ The queen find herself awake but finds her dragon waiting on her balcony

PROMPT #27 ➭ “Are you dead?” “I’m getting there-not yet”

PROMPT #28 ➭ “Are you asking me to kiss you, is that it?”

PROMPT #29 ➭ The pirate king attends a hanging but he’s there to save his lover who takes the blame for his crimes.

PROMPT #30 ➭ The finger on the trigger trembled. “I’m sorry-”

© — all works belong to astrox! do not plagiarize, recommend, or translate my work without my permission! reblogs are appreciated!
