

About me

Hi my name is Dinorá, people usually call me Dino. I’m an 18 year old half Japanese half Brazilian girl who grew up in the UK and Germany. In July I’m going to move out from Germany to Japan and this blog is dedicated to that. I’ll be sharing my experience, struggles and some tips with you guys so that you can get an insight to living in Japan.

A little more detailed background information:

I was born in the UK and moved to Germany at the age of 5. I speak fluent English and Germany and my Japanese is pretty good except of reading and writing kanji. I speak good Portuguese and have basic knowledge of French and Spanish. I am very into biology and psychology so I might be writing about that on here too.

My hobbies are blogging, dancing and art. I’ve been blogging on Instagram for awhile now and used to have 5k followers until I started anew for a change. I do watercolor and acrylic paintings which I’ll probably also be sharing.

My general goal is to add value to everyone’s life in different aspects. The main goal of this blog is to talk about Japan but I also want to share my knowledge and know-how about art, health, blogging, studying etc. with all of you.

I really hope you enjoy this blog and since I’m just starting out a like/reblog/comment/follow is very much appreciated.

Feel free to message me and have a little chit chat as well!
