#japanese blog


Japanese Study Group Discord

hi guys ^-^ if you’re wondering about the discord I made a little while back, it’s still up and running! all that’s left is finding some more japanese learning fanatics to join.

of course it will be a constant work in progress, but the dream is that maybe someday it will be filled with a variety of people with the same common goal, all trying to help each other out in the process of helping themselves.

We are currently accepting staff applications and are offering special roles to certain active or more advanced learners. We hope you consider joining! Having a sense of community is so important when it comes to taking on huge goals such as learning Japanese.

I’m also working on getting native speakers to join, so although for now it will be mostly english speakers, hopefully we can change that soon! I look forward to you seeing the server grow into a flourishing community of positivity, motivation, and belief in one another!

JLPT N4  Grammar  - がり・がる

Are you using it right??

Although they sound similar, the differences between がり and がる exist!! We explore them in this episode of Bunpogo.


Welcome to Benkyogo!

In our ぶんぽうご Real Japanese Grammar series, Nani and Mani are deep diving into the textbook grammar required for the JLPT, throwing out the stuff you’ll never use, and teaching you how to speak authentically whilst expressing your own personality.  

⭕️ You WILL:

- Understand grammar in real life context- Be told when and where to forget the BS - Get to listen to 2 random people free-talking about Japanese grammar  

❌ You WON’T:

- Sound boring when talking to your Japanese friends - Say anything rude to your Japanese boss - Speak like you’re fresh outta your favourite anime

We don’t claim to be experts, we’re just 2 Japanese speakers (one native, one second language) chatting about the DO’s and DON’T’s of Japanese grammar in the 21st century. Keep up, textbooks!!  


Check out https://benkyogo.co.uk/for detailed hints, tips and resources to self-study Japanese.

⛩Check out our store at https://www.etsy.com/shop/benkyogo

JLPT N1 Grammar - ぐるみ

Are you using it right??

Is a shady company conspiring to defraud innocent old ladies? Learn how to use the N1 grammar point ぐるみ in this episode of Bunpogo!


Welcome to Benkyogo!

In our ぶんぽうご Real Japanese Grammar series, Nani and Mani are deep diving into the textbook grammar required for the JLPT, throwing out the stuff you’ll never use, and teaching you how to speak authentically whilst expressing your own personality.  

⭕️ You WILL:

- Understand grammar in real life context- Be told when and where to forget the BS - Get to listen to 2 random people free-talking about Japanese grammar  

❌ You WON’T:

- Sound boring when talking to your Japanese friends - Say anything rude to your Japanese boss - Speak like you’re fresh outta your favourite anime

We don’t claim to be experts, we’re just 2 Japanese speakers (one native, one second language) chatting about the DO’s and DON’T’s of Japanese grammar in the 21st century. Keep up, textbooks!!  


Check out https://benkyogo.co.uk/for detailed hints, tips and resources to self-study Japanese.

⛩Check out our store at https://www.etsy.com/shop/benkyogo

JLPT N5 Grammar -  〜たい

Are you using it right??

Tell people what you want without sounding like a nagging child in this episode of Bunpogo, JLPT5! The grammar point is… 〜たい. 


Welcome to Benkyogo!

In our ぶんぽうご Real Japanese Grammar series, Nani and Mani are deep diving into the textbook grammar required for the JLPT, throwing out the stuff you’ll never use, and teaching you how to speak authentically whilst expressing your own personality.  

⭕️ You WILL:

- Understand grammar in real life context- Be told when and where to forget the BS - Get to listen to 2 random people free-talking about Japanese grammar  

❌ You WON’T:

- Sound boring when talking to your Japanese friends - Say anything rude to your Japanese boss - Speak like you’re fresh outta your favourite anime

We don’t claim to be experts, we’re just 2 Japanese speakers (one native, one second language) chatting about the DO’s and DON’T’s of Japanese grammar in the 21st century. Keep up, textbooks!!  


Check out https://benkyogo.co.uk/for detailed hints, tips and resources to self-study Japanese.

⛩Check out our store at https://www.etsy.com/shop/benkyogo

JLPT N4 Grammar -  〜でも

Are you using it right??

In this episode we tackle the differences between でしょう, だろう(ね),and だろ and look into gender differences in Japanese speech.


Welcome to Benkyogo!

In our ぶんぽうご Real Japanese Grammar series, Nani and Mani are deep diving into the textbook grammar required for the JLPT, throwing out the stuff you’ll never use, and teaching you how to speak authentically whilst expressing your own personality.  

⭕️ You WILL:

- Understand grammar in real life context- Be told when and where to forget the BS - Get to listen to 2 random people free-talking about Japanese grammar  

❌ You WON’T:

- Sound boring when talking to your Japanese friends - Say anything rude to your Japanese boss - Speak like you’re fresh outta your favourite anime

We don’t claim to be experts, we’re just 2 Japanese speakers (one native, one second language) chatting about the DO’s and DON’T’s of Japanese grammar in the 21st century. Keep up, textbooks!!  


Check out https://benkyogo.co.uk/for detailed hints, tips and resources to self-study Japanese.

⛩Check out our store at https://www.etsy.com/shop/benkyogo

Check out the accompanying YouTube video here!

On Episode 2 of the Writing Business Japanese Series, we’re going to check inventory, or stock levels. This email can be used and adjusted when you’re looking to place an order for a large quantity of products from a company who you have been in touch with in the past, but want to make sure they have it in stock.

Subject: 〇〇の在庫についての問い合わせ

田中 様









Let’s take a look at the mail in more detail.

Subject: 〇〇の在庫についての問い合わせ

The subject line should be short and sweet. We use 問い合わせ here to mean ‘enquiry’. In an email’s subject, you can use the phrase [insert topic]についての問い合わせ to give a clear idea about what your enquiry is.


This literally means something like “You’re taking care of me”, but in business terms it’s a standard greeting. “ーておます” is used here, which indicates this is a business relationship that is already established. If you are making a new connection, it is sometimes better to say ‘お世話になります’.


(株)here is the shortened version of 株式会社 – incorporated company. When talking about your own company, you can use the shortened version, but be sure to use the full version when referring to another company.


Once again we are using 問い合わせ, however, here we are using it as a verb. We are actually saying, “I want to enquire about…[insert topic], so I’ve contacted you”. However, in order to link the new sentences, we use the stem form of したい which becomes したく.

ご連絡させていただきました literally means “you have given me permission to contact you”, but in reality it is a polite way of saying “so, I’m contacting you.”


State how many items you need. Then, ask if they have it in stock. ございます is both the humble and respectful form of ある – to have.  Therefore you can say:

蔵庫がございます –  “we have the stock”, when talking to a customer,

or 蔵庫はございますか – “do you have the stock?”, when talking to a vendor.


Finally we apologise for the sudden request (急なお願い) and request their response (折り返しご回答).

折り返し means return, and is used most commonly in the phrase – 折り返しお電話いただけますか。- “could you call me back?”

Here it means, could you return your answer to my enquiry? i.e. can you reply to me?


在庫 stock, inventory
問い合わせ enquiry
お世話になる: I’m indebted to you
株式会社 incorporated company
(株)short for 株式会社
早速 sudden
ご連絡 contact (formal)
注文 order
ございます keigo form of the verb ある
急なお願い sudden request
大変 extremely
恐縮 sorry
折り返し return
ご回答 (your) reponse (polite)

Welcome to Benkyogo! 


In our ぶんぽうご Real Japanese Grammar series, Nani and Mani are deep diving into the textbook grammar required for the JLPT, throwing out the stuff you’ll never use, and teaching you how to speak authentically whilst expressing your own personality. 

 ⭕️ You WILL: 

- Understand grammar in real life context
- Be told when and where to forget the BS
- Get to listen to 2 random people free-talking about Japanese grammar 

 ❌ You WON’T: 

- Sound boring when talking to your Japanese friends
- Say anything rude to your Japanese boss
- Speak like you’re fresh outta your favourite anime 

We don’t claim to be experts, we’re just 2 Japanese speakers (one native, one second language) chatting about the DO’s and DON’T’s of Japanese grammar in the 21st century. Keep up, textbooks!! 


Check out https://benkyogo.co.uk/ for detailed hints, tips and resources to self-study Japanese.
⛩Check out our store at https://www.etsy.com/shop/benkyogo

#jlptn1    #jlptn2    #jlptn3    #jlptn4    #jlptn5    #jlpt n1    #jlpt n2    #jlpt n3    #jlpt n4    #jlpt n5    #jlpt study    #learn japanese    #study japanese    #japanese studyblr    #japanese blog    #japanese vlog    #東京    #日本語    #japonais    #japanese grammar    #japantrip    #japan life    #japanlife    #japanese    #japanese lesson    #japanese video    #japanese resources    

About me

Hi my name is Dinorá, people usually call me Dino. I’m an 18 year old half Japanese half Brazilian girl who grew up in the UK and Germany. In July I’m going to move out from Germany to Japan and this blog is dedicated to that. I’ll be sharing my experience, struggles and some tips with you guys so that you can get an insight to living in Japan.

A little more detailed background information:

I was born in the UK and moved to Germany at the age of 5. I speak fluent English and Germany and my Japanese is pretty good except of reading and writing kanji. I speak good Portuguese and have basic knowledge of French and Spanish. I am very into biology and psychology so I might be writing about that on here too.

My hobbies are blogging, dancing and art. I’ve been blogging on Instagram for awhile now and used to have 5k followers until I started anew for a change. I do watercolor and acrylic paintings which I’ll probably also be sharing.

My general goal is to add value to everyone’s life in different aspects. The main goal of this blog is to talk about Japan but I also want to share my knowledge and know-how about art, health, blogging, studying etc. with all of you.

I really hope you enjoy this blog and since I’m just starting out a like/reblog/comment/follow is very much appreciated.

Feel free to message me and have a little chit chat as well!

~たい or ~い form is what is commonly used when saying or asking what you or someone  wants. It is pretty simple to set up, so let’s get some examples! (I’m not sure If I taught this already…)

Please note that in polite speech, です should be used after the conjugation!
 for ~る verbs, simply remove the る and add たい or  たくない (negative).

食(た)べたい I want to eat

食(た)べたくない I do not want to eat

見(み)たい I want to watch

見(み)たくない I do not want to watch

for ~う verbs,simply change to last う sound to an い and add たい or  たくない… In the cast of 行く, く has an う sound and that sound must become an い… making it 行

行(い)きたい I want to go

行(い)きたくない I do not want to go

In formals: just memorize them and they will start to sound natural!

したい I want to do

したくない I don’t want to do

きたい I want to come

きたくない I don’t want to come

Past tense is the same except, ~たかった or  ~たくなかった, ~う verbs still change to い like the present!

食べたかった I wanted to eat

食べたくなかった I did not want to eat

行きたかった I wanted to go

行きたくなかった I did not want to go

Remember to add か to the end of the sentence if you are asking a question!


明日はテストがあるから、単語を勉強したいです。 Because I have a test tomorrow, I want to study vocabulary.

彼の誕生日に、男の子はプレゼントを開けたくなかったです。 On his Birthday, the boy did not want to open any presents

ケーキかアイスクリームを食べたいですか。 Would you like cake or ice cream?

Sorry for short hiatus!

Have any requests for the next guide?
