

田代弓也(弓矢) @hot_monkey (My edit)

Imagine watching helplessly as you’re friends and family (adopted sons) are killed by you’re own hand (T’^`T)

poor Julius

 (my edit) Morgan: Happy Birthday Niisan Nacht: I miss you 

it must be hard to celebrate you’re birthday knowing you will never celebrate it with you’re brother ever again (T’ ^`T)

(And some people actually have to go through with that may God bless their souls)

Please vote for Asta and if not him vote for Licita,Liebe, Nacht,Morgan https://shonenjump.com/j/sp_bclover/vote/_link/001.html…

An emotional moment and emotional buildup that amounted to absolutely nothing MY POOR BAE (T’ ^`T)

Looks like that moment when black clover is trending on Twitter and people calling it the best new generation Shonen I’m gonna have to wait for a longer than I was actually expecting

don’t get me wrong I’m happy for Yuki Tabata getting a break but I would at least like to know when it’s coming back like maybe they want my hero’s story to wrap up and then have black clover return maybe

My coloring of Adramelech made by 田代弓也(弓矢) @hot_monkey 

(my edit) SUPER CUTE

(originally it was Mars and Fana but I edit it instead of romantic soulmates it’s family soulmates)
