
对襟上襦 | Dui Jin Shang Ru Instructions Part 1Source: https://www.newhanfu.com/15638.html#Qi_Xiong_Shan

对襟上襦 | Dui Jin Shang Ru Instructions Part 1



請大家去網站上找自己的尺碼~ | please go to the website to find your size to make

點擊進圖片會比較清楚 | Click the image for higher quality

第一步 | Step 1

把布往上折兩次 縫好

我知道有可能感覺這一步通常是最後才做得,但我建議你們先做 因為等一下會變成非常困難的

紅線是你需要縫的方向(如果你是手工縫 的 :用機器就沒差別)

縫完燙好 !! 做這個  每一步都要熨燙 我保證,這會有很大的差別

Fold the cloth up twice and sew it. I know it may seem that this is usually the last step, but I recommend doing this first, or else it will become very difficult later

The red lines are the direction to sew if you are handsewing. If you are using machine, it doesn’t matter.

After sewing, iron it!! When making this, you should iron after every step. I swear it makes a big difference.

第二步 | Step 2




在 燙!!

I am backstitching instead of tying a knot

Sew the two sides the same way (left and right arm)

I backstitch the whole seam

Iron again!!

毛縫處理好: 兩邊向內折,縫

在 燙!!

Take care of the raw seam: fold both sides inside and sew

Iron again!!

第三步 | Step 3


左手和右手 一樣

This will take a long time to explain, so please look at the picture.

Again, do the same to both sides.

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