#diy hanfu

对襟上襦 | Dui Jin Shang Ru Instructions Part 1Source: https://www.newhanfu.com/15638.html#Qi_Xiong_Shan

对襟上襦 | Dui Jin Shang Ru Instructions Part 1



請大家去網站上找自己的尺碼~ | please go to the website to find your size to make

點擊進圖片會比較清楚 | Click the image for higher quality

第一步 | Step 1

把布往上折兩次 縫好

我知道有可能感覺這一步通常是最後才做得,但我建議你們先做 因為等一下會變成非常困難的

紅線是你需要縫的方向(如果你是手工縫 的 :用機器就沒差別)

縫完燙好 !! 做這個  每一步都要熨燙 我保證,這會有很大的差別

Fold the cloth up twice and sew it. I know it may seem that this is usually the last step, but I recommend doing this first, or else it will become very difficult later

The red lines are the direction to sew if you are handsewing. If you are using machine, it doesn’t matter.

After sewing, iron it!! When making this, you should iron after every step. I swear it makes a big difference.

第二步 | Step 2




在 燙!!

I am backstitching instead of tying a knot

Sew the two sides the same way (left and right arm)

I backstitch the whole seam

Iron again!!

毛縫處理好: 兩邊向內折,縫

在 燙!!

Take care of the raw seam: fold both sides inside and sew

Iron again!!

第三步 | Step 3


左手和右手 一樣

This will take a long time to explain, so please look at the picture.

Again, do the same to both sides.

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Part 1:


Part 2:


完成主要部分 | Finishing the main body


有顏色的 那 一 條 布翻過來縫到前面

雖然這很像縫裙子的方式, 從外面縫的地方是外面,不是裡面 因為你穿的時候會把 上面那條布翻出來 露出裡面


Flip the colored strip of cloth over and sew it to the front

While this is very similar to sewing the high-waisted skirt, the part that is sewn from the outside is different–it is the outside, not the inside. This is because when you wear this, you will flip the top band down, exposing the seam on the inside.

Iron it after you finish sewing.


弦 | Ties

因為這是我第一次做這個,我亂猜 繩子應該多寬 後來覺得弦太細了

我建議你們把它弄粗一點 ~1/2in

用普通布做繩子 穿的時間可能會讓你感覺太緊 不舒服 所以你也可以用一根細的鬆緊帶作為繩子

那麼長度呢 我在視頻中看到 那個姐姐 把 繩子 從後面 拉到前面 的時間  繩子還能夠到達她的 膝蓋上

大家都應該知道如何做吧? 縫好後把裡面翻出來


Because this is my first time making this, I guessed the thickness of the ties, but I think I made the too thin.

I think I would recommend a thickness of ½ inch.

Making the ties out of cloth might make it feel too tight when worn for some people, so you can also use a thin elastic as the ties.

For the length, you can see that the sister in the video, when she pulls the ties from the back to the front, the ties still reach the tops of her knees.

Everyone should know how to make this, right? After sewing, flip it inside out.

Iron it after sewing.


繩子縫上!! | Sewing the ties on


When you are done sewing, sides should only stick out a little bit.


刺繡 | Embroidery

這不是必需的,因為並非所有 的 抹胸 都有刺繡


還 有 ,有些 抹胸上面 比較細 一點 所以 看 看 你喜歡什麼

This is not necessary, since not all moxiong have embroidery, but I bought embroidery, cut out the lace, and sewed it on.

Also, not all moxiong top band are as thick as I made it; I’ve seen some with thinner upper bands. It depends on what you like.




Part 1:


Part 3:


處理毛邊  | Raw Edges

布上的毛邊向內折兩次; 縫上 可以按照我在照片裡面的方式或者可以使用任何其他方式,只要它被縫合

Fold the raw edges over twice and sew, either using the stitch I used in the picture or any other way, as long as it has been sewn down.


中褶  | Middle Pleat

先找白色布的正中間 畫一條線 再把它左右邊各畫2in的線


Draw a line to mark the middle of the body and mark two inches on either side. Fold the lines on the left and right to the line in the middle (this is the side that will show on the outside).


把布縫在一起 | Attaching the pieces


像照片裡面一樣把布疊起來: 注意布的方向

細 的 那塊布左右應該比大布長一點因為大塊的布已經把毛邊處理好了

Because my cloth was thin, I added another layer, but you don’t need to. Layer the cloth like in the picture and sew along the top. Make sure of the way the cloth is facing.

Your top strip should be a little longer on the sides than the bottom, since the top still has its raw edges.

 Mo Xiong/抹胸 Instructions Part 1Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A836ZJ0AqlQPart 2:https://yi- Mo Xiong/抹胸 Instructions Part 1Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A836ZJ0AqlQPart 2:https://yi-

Mo Xiong/抹胸 Instructions Part 1



Part 2:


Part 3:



我這個是大概看他拿在手裡的時候的長度 後來大概猜我需要多少

就注意他拿起來的時候兩隻手在肩膀 還有掉在旁邊的部分就大概中間的一半

重點就是能夠綁在身上 後面也該好好的蓋住


I roughly took a guess at the length based on the picture; notice that she holds it shoulder to shoulder, and the part that hangs down is roughly half the length of the part in the middle. The important part is that it should be able to wrap around you properly.

The purple cloth is longer right now because it is left over from my skirt, but I will make them the same length later.




Because the top colored band folds over the top of the main body, the main body has to be the entire length. The colored part will not add length.

Please, everybody, make it roughly to fit your own body.

最後一點:如果大家想要中間摺成照片裡面那樣子 看看你們要折多少可是我這裡要折2.54cm


Last point: if you want to fold a pleat like in the photograph, depending on how large you want the pleat, add more length to the body. I am making a 1″ box pleat, so I am adding 4″ to the length.

Post link
 Jiao Ling Shang Ru (交领上襦) | Cross-Collared Ru InstructionsSource:https://www.newhanfu.com/15638.htm

Jiao Ling Shang Ru (交领上襦) | Cross-Collared Ru Instructions



^^look to the site for more sizes




我畫不清楚那一個領帶要怎麼縫上去 以後再縫一件的時候好好拍照解釋 也會解釋怎麼處理好縫份


Be careful when sealing the seam where three seams at the top of the shoulder converge, as it is bulky and takes careful working (next to the number 4 on the top).

I would also recommend drawing small pieces 1 and 2 on paper before cutting, as they are difficult to draw directly on cloth.

I cannot draw clearly how to attach the collar, but when I make another top in the future I will take a picture and explain it, as well as how to seal the raw edges.

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 Qiyao Ruqun/齐腰襦裙 正在加多一點布在我上個月做的裙子上因為那個布是有人送我的所以有一點不夠寬當然被送這麼大一塊布也是很幸福的Currently adding a little more Qiyao Ruqun/齐腰襦裙 正在加多一點布在我上個月做的裙子上因為那個布是有人送我的所以有一點不夠寬當然被送這麼大一塊布也是很幸福的Currently adding a little more Qiyao Ruqun/齐腰襦裙 正在加多一點布在我上個月做的裙子上因為那個布是有人送我的所以有一點不夠寬當然被送這麼大一塊布也是很幸福的Currently adding a little more

Qiyao Ruqun/齐腰襦裙


Currently adding a little more cloth to the skirt that I made last month, because the cloth was given as a gift and not enough. Of course, being gifted such a large piece of cloth is still a bliss.

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