




Cream vegetable thin pasta is nothing special.  The sauce is a bit watery, but if you keep stirring it is OK.  The amount of veg is average, based on its average price the dish is OK

The coffee is absolutely horrendous! Adding a creamer makes in marginally better and at least somewhat consumable. Teddy is not a particularly picky eater, but this coffee is really quite a disaster!

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義麵坊 (板橋店) 新北市板橋區中山路一段136號02 2954 6133 菜單上有一區全素(三道菜)和一些蔬食蔡這次小熊點了全素的田園素麵(番茄醬),選筆管麵($195)醬吃起來很實在,菜菜沒煮到爛義麵坊 (板橋店) 新北市板橋區中山路一段136號02 2954 6133 菜單上有一區全素(三道菜)和一些蔬食蔡這次小熊點了全素的田園素麵(番茄醬),選筆管麵($195)醬吃起來很實在,菜菜沒煮到爛義麵坊 (板橋店) 新北市板橋區中山路一段136號02 2954 6133 菜單上有一區全素(三道菜)和一些蔬食蔡這次小熊點了全素的田園素麵(番茄醬),選筆管麵($195)醬吃起來很實在,菜菜沒煮到爛義麵坊 (板橋店) 新北市板橋區中山路一段136號02 2954 6133 菜單上有一區全素(三道菜)和一些蔬食蔡這次小熊點了全素的田園素麵(番茄醬),選筆管麵($195)醬吃起來很實在,菜菜沒煮到爛

義麵坊 (板橋店)

02 2954 6133

甜點有超好吃的千層派! 每層都考得剛剛好,鮮奶油有香濃的香草味道,好吃!
Casa Della Pasta (Banqiao)
02 2954 6133
There is a section of Buddhist vegetarian dishes (three dishes) on the menu, and some regular vegetarian dishes.
This time Taiwan Teddy had a Buddhist vegetarian penne in tomato sauce ($195)
The tomato sauce is thick and delicious, and the vegetables are cooked to perfection so the fsesh taste of each vegetable is not drowned by tomato.
The tomato sauce is a bit on the sour side, and some added carrot would cut the acidity !
B set meal allows you to choose an hors d'oeurves, a beverage, and a dessert ($199)
Taiwan Teddy dined with a fan and we got a baked basil mushroom to split (ordered separately is $100)
The mushrooms had a lovely light basil flavor and a baked cheese shell on top
For dessert I chose a yummy crepe cake! Each layer baked to perfection and sandwiched a flavorful layer of vanilla cream!  Yummy!

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無名子清粥小菜 地址 106 臺北市台北市大安區復興南路二段130號 聯絡電話 02 2784 6735 簡單的便宜消夜~ 好多菜菜能選(苦瓜裡有魚喔)地瓜粥可以一直加,地瓜也大塊好吃! No Nam無名子清粥小菜 地址 106 臺北市台北市大安區復興南路二段130號 聯絡電話 02 2784 6735 簡單的便宜消夜~ 好多菜菜能選(苦瓜裡有魚喔)地瓜粥可以一直加,地瓜也大塊好吃! No Nam



  • 106 臺北市台北市大安區復興南路二段130號


02 2784 6735

簡單的便宜消夜~ 好多菜菜能選(苦瓜裡有魚喔)

No Name Congee

Simple and cheap for night snacks~ Loads of side dishes to choose from (the bittermelon contains fish though!)
Sweet potato congee is limitless, and the sweet potatoes are very yummy and the portions are generous!

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卡托廚房 看圖應該知道小熊心裡想的菇菇燉飯的菇菇超少蘋果紅茶噁心,不是蘋果切丁+紅茶那種喔!!! 喔嘛嘛的一杯應該是粉泡的? Kato Just look at the pictureMushroom


蘋果紅茶噁心,不是蘋果切丁+紅茶那種喔!!! 喔嘛嘛的一杯應該是粉泡的?


Just look at the picture
Mushroom risotto with a severe lack of mushrooms
Apple black tea is disgusting! It is not apple pieces + black tea, but a cup of blackish concentrated liquid, similar to powdered drink mix??

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媽咪好吃220 臺北市新北市板橋區文化路一段421巷15號 菜單有分紅(葷)和綠(素) 紅茶+玉米湯無限喝 這次小熊點了咖哩筆管麵,便宜但偏鹹。還好可以一直喝茶! 其他活半的餐點都看起來很可口所以想回媽咪好吃220 臺北市新北市板橋區文化路一段421巷15號 菜單有分紅(葷)和綠(素) 紅茶+玉米湯無限喝 這次小熊點了咖哩筆管麵,便宜但偏鹹。還好可以一直喝茶! 其他活半的餐點都看起來很可口所以想回媽咪好吃220 臺北市新北市板橋區文化路一段421巷15號 菜單有分紅(葷)和綠(素) 紅茶+玉米湯無限喝 這次小熊點了咖哩筆管麵,便宜但偏鹹。還好可以一直喝茶! 其他活半的餐點都看起來很可口所以想回

220 臺北市新北市板橋區文化路一段421巷15號

  • 菜單有分紅(葷)和綠(素)
  • 紅茶+玉米湯無限喝
  • 這次小熊點了咖哩筆管麵,便宜但偏鹹。還好可以一直喝茶! 其他活半的餐點都看起來很可口所以想回去吃吃看鍋類和飯類的 

Mummy House
220 臺北市新北市板橋區文化路一段421巷15號

There is a red menu (non-vegetarian) and a green menu (vegetarian)
Tea and corn soup are all-you-can-eat
This time I ordered curry penne, cheap, but a bit too salty for me.  Luckily there is endless tea!  Friends’ dishes looked very appetizing, so I want to go back and try the hotpot series or rice bowl series

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