
義麵坊 (板橋店) 新北市板橋區中山路一段136號02 2954 6133 菜單上有一區全素(三道菜)和一些蔬食蔡這次小熊點了全素的田園素麵(番茄醬),選筆管麵($195)醬吃起來很實在,菜菜沒煮到爛義麵坊 (板橋店) 新北市板橋區中山路一段136號02 2954 6133 菜單上有一區全素(三道菜)和一些蔬食蔡這次小熊點了全素的田園素麵(番茄醬),選筆管麵($195)醬吃起來很實在,菜菜沒煮到爛義麵坊 (板橋店) 新北市板橋區中山路一段136號02 2954 6133 菜單上有一區全素(三道菜)和一些蔬食蔡這次小熊點了全素的田園素麵(番茄醬),選筆管麵($195)醬吃起來很實在,菜菜沒煮到爛義麵坊 (板橋店) 新北市板橋區中山路一段136號02 2954 6133 菜單上有一區全素(三道菜)和一些蔬食蔡這次小熊點了全素的田園素麵(番茄醬),選筆管麵($195)醬吃起來很實在,菜菜沒煮到爛

義麵坊 (板橋店)

02 2954 6133

甜點有超好吃的千層派! 每層都考得剛剛好,鮮奶油有香濃的香草味道,好吃!
Casa Della Pasta (Banqiao)
02 2954 6133
There is a section of Buddhist vegetarian dishes (three dishes) on the menu, and some regular vegetarian dishes.
This time Taiwan Teddy had a Buddhist vegetarian penne in tomato sauce ($195)
The tomato sauce is thick and delicious, and the vegetables are cooked to perfection so the fsesh taste of each vegetable is not drowned by tomato.
The tomato sauce is a bit on the sour side, and some added carrot would cut the acidity !
B set meal allows you to choose an hors d'oeurves, a beverage, and a dessert ($199)
Taiwan Teddy dined with a fan and we got a baked basil mushroom to split (ordered separately is $100)
The mushrooms had a lovely light basil flavor and a baked cheese shell on top
For dessert I chose a yummy crepe cake! Each layer baked to perfection and sandwiched a flavorful layer of vanilla cream!  Yummy!

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蛋奶樹 Egg Milk Tree 蛋奶樹是蛋奶素的小天堂!健康的當季材料和豐富的菜單,能單點主食($180~220)但升級套就均一價$320,比較划算 沙拉很新鮮,沙拉醬是淡淡的油沙些玫瑰鹽巴,能吃蛋奶樹 Egg Milk Tree 蛋奶樹是蛋奶素的小天堂!健康的當季材料和豐富的菜單,能單點主食($180~220)但升級套就均一價$320,比較划算 沙拉很新鮮,沙拉醬是淡淡的油沙些玫瑰鹽巴,能吃蛋奶樹 Egg Milk Tree 蛋奶樹是蛋奶素的小天堂!健康的當季材料和豐富的菜單,能單點主食($180~220)但升級套就均一價$320,比較划算 沙拉很新鮮,沙拉醬是淡淡的油沙些玫瑰鹽巴,能吃蛋奶樹 Egg Milk Tree 蛋奶樹是蛋奶素的小天堂!健康的當季材料和豐富的菜單,能單點主食($180~220)但升級套就均一價$320,比較划算 沙拉很新鮮,沙拉醬是淡淡的油沙些玫瑰鹽巴,能吃蛋奶樹 Egg Milk Tree 蛋奶樹是蛋奶素的小天堂!健康的當季材料和豐富的菜單,能單點主食($180~220)但升級套就均一價$320,比較划算 沙拉很新鮮,沙拉醬是淡淡的油沙些玫瑰鹽巴,能吃

蛋奶樹 Egg Milk Tree


湯有分姑姑和南瓜口味,這次熊熊是喝菇菇~ 湯裝在香香軟軟的麵包碗裡可以一起吃!
沒看過這種配料所以吃吃看~ 菜菜多,很好吃! “玫瑰"應該是指"玫瑰鹽巴"所以不會有太重的玫瑰為
(另外推薦青醬松子義大利麵! 上次點這道麵麵,松子超多一點也不偷工減料!)
甜點有四種選擇,這次選"限量蛋糕"竟然是爆漿的巧克力蛋糕! 上面有一層杏仁片
Egg Milk Tree is a lacto-ovo vegetarian haven! Healthy in-season ingredients are used and the varied menu offers a la carte options (mains for $180~220), but if you get a set meal it is all thesame price for $320 so it is a butter deal!
The set meal salad is fresh and the dressing is a bit of light oil and a sprinkling of rose salt.
The natural flavor of the vegetables really shines through.
There are two flavors of soup with the set meal: mushroom and pumpkin.  This time I had mushroom.
The soup comes in a soft bread bowl to be eaten together - yum!
For mains I decided to try the "rose spaghetti” because I’ve not heard of such a flavor pairing before.
There are plenty of veggies in the mix and the sauce is light and delicious.  I think the “rose” refers to “rose salt” so there isn’t an overbearing rose taste.
(Side note: very recommend the pesto pine nut pasta as well! Last time I ordered this main and they are very generous with the pine nuts!)
There are four dessert options and I chose the cake (daily limited!)
To my delight, it was a molten chocolate cake with a layer of almond shavings on top! So rich and delicious!

星期二至星期日 中午11:30-14:30 ,晚上17:30-21:00
星期一 公休
( ิ◕㉨◕ ิ)d評分:★★★★★

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