

Maid day feat baby Xue yang. haha! XD

forgot to post this oops!! my second piece for @theuntamedzine!!! it’s featured in the companion zine!!! >:333

full pic here

finally posting my first piece for @theuntamedzine !!! ty for featuring me hehehe

heyyyy daozhang…….hurry and eat up before it gets cold oke? =^_^=

SSSSSsssSSsSSsssSSS!!!! uhmmm be careful daozhang…..this guy’s kinda ssSSsusSpiciousSss…..!!!!! O_O

my piece for the xuexiao ocean of stars zine!!!




xxc picking up werewolf xy on a full moon thinking he’s just a regular little puppy……….. hehehehe #XueXiaoMonsters(1/?)

wolfpuppy xy grew UP!!! #XueXiaoMonsters(2/?)

sometimes xy needs to be muzzled……….for xxc’s safety!!!!!!! #XueXiaoMonsters(3/?)

last one!!!! xy’s still a spoiled puppy after all ehhehehhe #XueXiaoMonsters(4/4)

full pic on twt



xxc picking up werewolf xy on a full moon thinking he’s just a regular little puppy……….. hehehehe #XueXiaoMonsters(1/?)

wolfpuppy xy grew UP!!! #XueXiaoMonsters(2/?)

sometimes xy needs to be muzzled……….for xxc’s safety!!!!!!! #XueXiaoMonsters(3/?)


xxc picking up werewolf xy on a full moon thinking he’s just a regular little puppy……….. hehehehe #XueXiaoMonsters(1/?)

wolfpuppy xy grew UP!!! #XueXiaoMonsters(2/?)

xxc picking up werewolf xy on a full moon thinking he’s just a regular little puppy……….. hehehehe #XueXiaoMonsters(1/?)
