Ziggy is a bit of a brat towards Pony sometimes. Surprisingly, that’s usually how they end up playing. I promise, they get along pretty well, despite how loud Ziggy sounds. She has a deep love for messing with him while he’s trying to work- I tend to blame it on her being my washout. She gets jealous that he gets to help me out more than she does these days.

But this is Pony re-learning ‘boots’. It’s been a whole spring, summer, and fall without him needing to grab them- so he’s a bit confused as to what exactly I mean. My new slippers look like wool boots- I think it’s throwing him off. That’s what he had started to want to grab before he redirected to them.

Ponyboy prefers when they’re secured with a ribbon. But hopefully, eventually, he’ll start speeding up on this- although admittedly I don’t technically ‘need’ this one other than bad migraine/pain days when I can’t move and get cold. And honestly, seeing him play a bit while doing this stuff always makes me happy. ;) This is a very new trick/task we’ve been working on for probably only a week or two.

We were going to go inside- but I forgot his vest. Darn brain fog! But we went out to train in front of dollar general anyways, and I am proud of how well he did out of vest, at night, after his first snow storm. Especially after not heading out for the past week, and even longer since we went out vested. Such is the life of a hermit, lol…

Would anyone be interested in more videos like this? Where we are either practicing tasks he already knows, or training new ones? I also have older videos I can post of us training, all the way back to when he was 8 weeks old! 

[Video Description: Ponyboy is wearing a red and green sweater with a snowman on the back, who has a scarf. He has on his head halter and typical black leash, along with his head halter and his blue collar. He also has on his Ruffwear boots. We are outside of a store at night, on the pavement- it is wet from the snow. He is working on picking up a small white paper card from an old doctors appointment. At the very beginning of the video, he gets distracted by the snow, but then redirects to picking up the card. 

End description.]

Emily  silicone female mask

wanda wang

#femalemask    #disguise    

Germans don’t start overt revolutions like those Frenchmen, here we prefer to write calm acoustic songs about our monarchs, pointing out all their flaws, after they’re long gone. 

An excerpt from the lyrics for the non-Germanophone people out there: 

I leisurely stroll through the Friedrichsstraße [Fredericks-Street] and ask myself

Which of the many Fredericks is it actually named after?

Well, maybe Frederick William I, who they call the “Soldier King”

Who we know from the forced recruitment of the “Langen Kerls” [”tall guys”, a Prussian regiment of taller-than-average men]

A stingy military-head, know for his art of squeezing money out of people

And the invention of the Prussian virtue of beheading children

Who locked his son, together with his cherished buddy Katte,

Into the fortress in Küstrin, because they had run off once

Where he let poor Katte’s head be chopped of

Before his son’s eyes, as they say, just as a rebuke

And if he hadn’t been held back, then he would’ve immediately

Beheaded his own son, unperturbed, so that he’ll turn into a proper man someday

It has to be a different Friedrich, for in this pious country

One wouldn’t have named a street after such a hoodlum

Maybe after Frederick II, Old Fritz, tough and authoritarian

And nothing on his mind except his dogs and his military

And especially not his wife, “I will cast her out”

“As soon as I am the master in this house”, is that why one calls him Frederick the Great?

Well granted, it was he who brought the potato to Germany

But it was also he who put our neighbour off our literature

In eleven year of war he fought fifteen bloody battles

And carried the damn militarism over into our time

Even today he still causes trouble under the earth

With the order that he be buried with his dogs

Only King Helmut [Helmut Kohl, German Chancellor from 1982 to 1998] obeyed, now his dogs have him

The old bone, and we have his Equestrian statue in the middle of Berlin



I remember seeing them perform this live on my campus.. My jaw dropped within 10 seconds.

I’m sorry I have to watch it again I had such whiplash I kind of blacked out here for a sec


I’m glad I watched this


When he hit that first note and she jumps I fucking love this.
