thylacine-dreams:Male and female thylacine skeletons on display at TMAG in Hobart, Tasmania. Photo b


Male and female thylacine skeletons on display at TMAG in Hobart, Tasmania. Photo by Megan Jerrard.

Another view of these specimens.

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#skeletons    #animal bones    


floating down the river styx on an inflatable donut and high-fiving all the lost souls i pass. i’m on vacation

#god the dream    #about me    #ghosts    
forgottenboneyard:Set up at the @odditiesandcuriositiesexpo in Columbus, OH Today only!https://www.i


Set up at the @odditiesandcuriositiesexpo in Columbus, OH Today only!

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#skulls    #animal bones    #sculpture    #taxidermy    
toadschooled: Some frog species have been shown to acknowledge the presence of tadpoles in a water stoadschooled: Some frog species have been shown to acknowledge the presence of tadpoles in a water s


Some frog species have been shown to acknowledge the presence of tadpoles in a water source, and this influences whether or not they breed there. In one study, female climbing mantella frogs [Mantella laevignta] in Madagascar were observed rejecting breeding sites which already contained tadpoles. Similar behavior has been observed in African ranids and Amazonian treefrogs. This parameter likely developed as a means to reduce the risk of cannibalization amongst tadpoles. Images by Rob Schell

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Love that the boys go into max’s shop simply because they know he hates it- they’re in there for a total of 5 seconds lol

fuckyeahanarchistposters:“No War but Class War”Graphic by  MAGGOT DEATH


“No War but Class War”

Graphic by  MAGGOT DEATH

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#anarchism    #animals    #weaponry    #eat the rich    


i understand murder and killing. you might not get it but i do

#about me    #murder    

“You should check out [x] media! It has representation for—”

Aroaces? Is it aroaces? No? Cool then I actually don’t give a fuck

circusmotel:here they all are! my clown babies are now available in my etsy shop :) do u have a favo


here they all are! my clown babies are now available in my etsy shop :) do u have a favorite?

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eventually you will have to face the fact that you have to develop your own opinion on things that you’re convinced you’re “listening to marginalized people” on

there is a wide variety of political and sociological motives and theories in every single social group and they will clash and some of them will be WRONG. you HAVE to find the spine to make the call to differentiate opinions that are valid in the context of the objective reality of the world and/or your subjective opinions on the world as a whole and takes that just are not that. you cannot be a forever centrist. you can’t be an ally to every opinion in every marginalized group and you need to draw your own opinions from the information you when received and stop trying to do that.

“i’m listening to marginalized people” is a fine stance when you’re trying to find the opinions and theories that make sense. “i’m listening to marginalized people” is essential to making informed political and theoretical choices but it cannot be your opinion forever. when you situate every person and every political opinion in the context of their marginalization you will eventually run into an issue where you will try to associate that persons or groups entire political agenda with their marginalization. sometimes they will appeal to it purposefully. sometimes it will be you being sort of bigoted. someone can be marginalized and wrong. you have to develop your own opinions so you don’t end up supporting an actual cult because they appealed to their status as marginalized people and your opinion being “whatever a marginalized person says” led to you accepting their rhetoric at face value
