rosakazart: Watch out, Guncats is coming! First issue will be out September 5th 2018!Creative team


Watch out, Guncats is coming! First issue will be out September 5th 2018!

Creative team behind Guncats:
Rosakaz,Joge &  Samantha Wallschlaeger

This here is an excerpt from the very first page I drew to test out the visual style of Guncats!

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#guncats    #indiecomics    #comics    #female protagonist    #action lab    #action lab danger zone    #my art    #jogeart    
 Only 5 more days to go!This excerpt is from one of my favourite pages of Guncats, and actually the

Only 5 more days to go!

This excerpt is from one of my favourite pages of Guncats, and actually the half-a-page for which I did the initial two pages featuring Lan. I needed to figure out quick ways of doing space backgrounds without using photos (because that would’ve been too lazy even for me). And I think the end result is quite nice. Much better than I expected to honest.

“Guncats has beautiful, stylish art, a women-centered story, diverse creators and space puppies! It’s a mix of classic pulp sci-fi and old western storytelling with a modern twist.” So it’ll be pretty cool.

Check out the rest of the creative team: SamanthaandRosakaz.

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#guncats    #indiecomics    #comics    #female protagonist    #action lab    #action lab danger zone    #my art    #jogeart    
rosakazart: Enough said. If you like badass female characters, insane space action, friendship and c


Enough said.

If you like badass female characters, insane space action, friendship and cute pups, you should check it out! Guncats #1 will be out September 5th 2018!

Creative team behind Guncats:
RosakazJoge & Samantha Wallschlaeger

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#guncats    #comics    #indiecomics    #female protagonist    #action lab    #action lab danger zone    #my art    #jogeart    
rosakazart: We are more than happy to say the long wait is soon over. GUNCATS will be out on 5th Sep


We are more than happy to say the long wait is soon over. GUNCATSwill be out on 5th September 2018!

Meet your new favourite bounty hunters! When a pair of rookie bounty hunters accept a dangerous job in the wildest corner of space, they stumble into a fight they weren’t prepared for—and draw the ire of the baddest criminals in the galaxy.

Check out the creative team!
Writer:Samantha Wallschlaeger

This is important!

Also I’m quite excited it’s finally happening!

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 These are the colour refs of the first three characters to make an appearance in my next comic proj

These are the colour refs of the first three characters to make an appearance in my next comic project, Jigiza, a story about thieves, ancient treasures and some “friendly” competition. The characters are (from left to right): Nail, Taen and Sandeep. I’ll be revealing more stuff as things progress.

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 Despite the scorching heat I managed to finish something in between working on the comic pages! I h

Despite the scorching heat I managed to finish something in between working on the comic pages! I have this thought in my head that having worked on projects like re-terraforming earth and debris clean up Lan tends to make lot of remarks how IX’s main objective seems to be fixing humanity’s mistakes rather than actual technological progression. So I drew her a shirt about it.

I hope everyone’s still alive despite this infernal weather we’ve been having.

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Spread the word! The first volume ofGuncats is finally out for preorder! Don’t know any better way to put it. The first issue will be out August 29., so if you like scifi/action spiced with occasional silliness and strong female protagonists you should definitely check it out!

Also, I will soon be posting another big comics announcement and probably some related art will follow! I really appreciate your continued support despite being swamped with so much work for the past year or so that I haven’t really been able to update as often as I’d like! You’re all awesome people and a huge inspiration for me!

Page 9! With some of the most elaborate backgrounds I’ve done in a while.You can find the rest of th

Page 9! With some of the most elaborate backgrounds I’ve done in a while.

You can find the rest of the pages under the UNICP tag on my blog.

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#comics    #artists on tumblr    #original    #my art    

We finally have an update on Guncats’ schedule! The comic will start publishing in August with four issues! I will most likely make more updates on this as the date approaches.

I will be putting reboot. aside for now. This is because the comic’s style and complexity are at the moment something I feel I could not keep up, considering my current financial situation.

I will move on to work on UNICPwhich is also my experiment on letting the story write itself. It follows the misadventures of Lan, a tech savant self proclaimed space pirate who dabbles in robotics and aerospace engineering.You can read the pages done so far in my DA, or under the UNICP tag on my blog. I start officially publishing UNICP once I have around 20 pages done.

I will also start working on Carnivale of Time, a comic really close to my heart that I have been writing and designing for closer to a decade now. Based on a dream I once had I had put CoT aside after I’d hit a wall with one major plot element a couple of years ago. However I had an epiphany about how to make it all work a couple of weeks ago, and am now itching to get working on the comic! I will tell you more once I have something visual to go alongside it. >;’D

And I finally got myself around to open an instagram account for myself. It is a great opportunity for anyone interested to see more of my sketches and WIPs.

#comics    #updates    #instagram    #guncats    

Name: Joge (among many others bestowed upon me by friends and family)
Star Sign: tAkE a WiLd GuEsS.
Height: 183 cm (almost exactly 6 feet)
Orientation: Semi-vertical. Facing east at the moment.
Favourite colour: Pink, red, electric blue, petroleum blue and more than 10 million others.
Time right now: 13:20:09 International Atomic Time (TAI)
Current location:Finland.
Average hours of sleep: As of late? Barely enough to sustain the cognitive faculties necessary to function as a person.
Lucky number:Pfffft.
Last thing I googled: Stuff about the fermi paradox.
Number of blankets I sleep under: Usually about 0,28.
Favourite fictional character: Too many to list. Basically any well written character who displays meaningfulldevelopment and represents the values I relate to.
Favourite book: Too many to remember on such short notice. The most recent is The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin.
Favourite artists/bands:LikeHama I too listen to songs as individual pieces of art. Today I’ve been listening Pink Floyd.
Dream job: Comic Artist.
What I’m wearing: Led Zeppelin T-shirt and my comfypants.
Random Fact: Triton, Neptune’s largest moon, orbits against Neptune’s rotation which is unique for an object its size in our solar system.
When did you create your blog: Around 3 years ago?
Do you have other blogs?: Not currently.
What made you get a tumblr: Because many of my friends had blogs, and I wanted to hang with the cool kids. Still don’t have the courage to try approaching anyone online though, so it’s been silent living mostly.
Do you get asks on a daily basis?: What are asks? Seriously though, nope, not even yearly.
Why did you choose your url?: Because it has my name in it?
I was tagged by:@hamaon
I tag: @rosakazart,@grebnetsh,@thr33tee,@mudoon,@fiveprime,@spectre-draws

‘kay, I just picked you all from the top of my head. You don’t really have to do this, unless you feel like it.

 I’m a huge fan of science, and to me Stephen Hawking was a great inspiration. So when I heard about

I’m a huge fan of science, and to me Stephen Hawking was a great inspiration. So when I heard about his passing I felt at a loss. It’s one of those moments I realise how short a human lifespan is. In the universal scale it’s not even a passing moment. I mean sure, you can accomplish great things in that time and inspire many, but in the end the chances are your work will most likely be still left unfinished.

This started off as just a sketch to figure out Lan’s IX IEVA suit’s helmet, but then it escalated into this when I needed something to vent my feelings into. While I’m not sure if this will be the final design coming up in the comic this sure was a fun exercise. I personally really enjoy all the problem solving involved in creating animations.

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#animated    #comics    #artists on tumblr    #original    #my art    #emotional    
 Had a huge epiphany how I could finally pull the plot for Carnivale of Time together, and inspired

Had a huge epiphany how I could finally pull the plot for Carnivale of Time together, and inspired by that I had to go and do something that could effectively work as the cover for the first chapter. Those of you who’ve known me a bit longer most likely already know who Nyx is, but to those unfamiliar with the project I can reveal she’s the main character of the messed up story. And the masked creep doesn’t really have a name (for story reasons).

It’s been quite a while since the last time I did anything animated, or the last time I did anything related to Carnivale of Time for that matter! I’ll probably do an update on my ongoing projects sometime soon.

EDIT:Check out the full-size version on my DA!

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#animated    #cover art    #my art    #original    #comics    #horror    #carnivale of time    #bleeding    
Page 8! Still amazed how easy Lan’s robotic prosthetic arm turned out to be to draw.The rest of the

Page 8! Still amazed how easy Lan’s robotic prosthetic arm turned out to be to draw.

The rest of the pages can be found under the UNICP tag.

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#comics    #artists on tumblr    #original    #my art    
ayobambino: krotched:Now this is a manUmmm



Now this is a man


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luz-natural:@HECTORCOCCO Ummmmm




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tumblr gallery photo
Why even wear a shirt? So damn sexy

Why even wear a shirt? So damn sexy

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Gorgeous man

Gorgeous man

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Fuck yes

Fuck yes

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jimbibearfan:Russian dream Ummm yes


Russian dream

Ummm yes

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