Thank you guys for 200 followers!! :D

Thank you guys for 200 followers!! :D

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I just saw I have 206 followers!! Thank you all so so much!! I’ve… honestly never had this many followers on anything hehe. I feel like I should do something special… Should I?? And if so, what would I even do?? Post some of my art, maybe??



i kno i dont post much here. but I WILL CHANGE THAT!!
i will try to post som sketches every now and again that i make. haha.

I will also post a lil somethin for my other socialmedias to! hehe..

Oh wow! I hit 200 followers!

Thank you all so much! ☺️


Y'all, we’re 2 away from 200 and I’ve got 2 WIPs that I can share; a Din one and a Modern!Poe one. Cast your votes for which one you’d like to see and I’ll post a little teaser before sharing the full thing at 200.

As always, y'all are the light of my life and I’m so happy to have this community. Love y'all SO MUCH.

Y'all, I’ve been off Tumblr cuz I haven’t been able to watch the new Kenobi episodes yet but WE DID IT! WE’RE AT 200 FOLLOWERS!

To thank you all for being here, I'ma release BOTH the fics I was trying to choose between because I just appreciate and love all of you so much and can’t thank you enough for being here. This afternoon I’ll post the modern!Poe (because I’ve missed him lol) and then tomorrow I’ll post the Din fic. Both are nice and fluffy to send you into the weekend with the warm fuzzies.

I genuinely can’t thank you enough for being here. I started this whole fic-writing thing in November of 2021 and the last 7ish months have been incredible, sharing and simping with you. I LOVE YOU.

WOW. I’m at loss for words. It hasn’t been that long since I passed the 100 followers, and now I’m already over the 200. 

Thanks everyone <3!
