#240am rantings


Just had one of my blogs terminated…

Whoever it was who thought it would be funny to take away my safe space - it was not cool.

To whoever thought my content was triggering - don’t look at it then!

If you followed me on Slimmer-me-Happier-me, I’ll be back up and running again soon. I don’t encourage this life style, yes I post a lot of thinspo, but that is for my

My use only!

The problem only started to arise when I started to use the #notprojustusingtags tag. Why shut down a blog that has been going for nearly three years when there are still porn and NSFW blogs out there?! Especially as when I did get asks I pointed them towards a healthier side than to what I am doing!!

Getting my blog terminated will not stop me from starving myself and will not stop me from looking at thinspo, meanspo, sweetspo etc. It just makes me more determined to look a certain way. So what have you achieved? Nothing. Oh and my following was only about 50 people, so you haven’t stopped many people from seeing my content either!
