#2d animation


A Pooh bear for animation class

sashamutch: Rodents wearing various asian inspired armours. Throwback Thursday to all the way back i


Rodents wearing various asian inspired armours.

Throwback Thursday to all the way back in 2015!! I really liked the style these very cute warriors were animated in.

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Long time no see everyone (「`・ω・)「

I’m still busy right now BUT I want to let you guys know what I making

Here’s a little peek (~‾▿‾)~

(mild flashing image warning for the empty frames)
Further progress on this bit of animation.

Another Pokefusion w Caterpie and Snorelax!! Catersnore I guess it’s the name of this one!!—&m

Another Pokefusion w Caterpie and Snorelax!! Catersnore I guess it’s the name of this one!!

Other pokefusions:

- Porygon+Spiritomb


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Been seeing some pokefusions lately and I wanna make a few, this one is w porygon and spiritomb, got any suggestions of Pokémon for me to combine?

Other pokefusions:



I should finish her story one day tho.

Crappy pic I took from my phone, Ima try to upload more of her properly.

Death from above - feat, a crapton of rocks

You heard the dragon. Press. Start.

Sadly this is about as far as I can take this comission. Maybe one day I’ll reopen the file and push this a little further. For now, hope you guys like it as much as I enjoyed working on it ^^

Skittery-Goblin-Tree-Thingy? Testing transitions between cycles.


#pixel art    #pixel animation    #video games    #game design    #gamedev    #game art    #animation    #2d animation    #animated gif    
33% wolf / 33% anteater / 33% minotaur. 100% the best french kiss in the game

33% wolf / 33% anteater / 33% minotaur. 100% the best french kiss in the game

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 Stop and smell the flowe… JESUS F'IN CHRIST. KILL IT! Still missing some polishing but hopef

Stop and smell the flowe… JESUS F'IN CHRIST. KILL IT! Still missing some polishing but hopefully is disgusting as is

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Skittery goblin.. tree… thingy atk animation.

Skittery goblin.. tree… thingy atk animation.

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