#a3 juza


believe me when i say im never turning off repeat for double solitare. like???

muku rapping??? immaculate. juza’s baritone rapping??? godly.

there is literally no bad song whenever any one or more member of the hyodosaka family are singing in it. all we need now is muku, juza, and kumon in one song and we’ll all be done for. not even the depths of hell can stop us from rioting over this family and i stand by that fact.

just look the sheer power they hold and imagine how that would multiply tenfold if we get a song with all three of them. good lord don’t even get me started with their character songs.

itsuka oujisama ni?? adorable. loner?? emotional masterpiece. seiten no sinker?? God’s greatest gift no cap.

then there’s their mixed troupe/play songs. q to juu?? iconic. the prince in full bloom?? angelic. double solitare?? intoxicating as fuck.

now project all that power into a hyodosaka fam song iN THIS ESSAY I WILL

double solitare,,,, rapper muku,,,, baritone rapper juza,,,,

#❝。tomis rambles    #a3 juza    #a3 muku    

what is a3’s best song and why is it q to juu?

Juza’s message made me smile so I had to draw it

Happy birthday kumon!

#best bro duo    #fight me    #rainbow223posts    #my art    #fan art    #fanart    #doodle    #a3 act addict actors    #a3 fanart    #a3 juza    #a3 kumon    

Phantom thief Trump

#a3 game    #a3 juza    #a3 muku    

Autumn 8 stuff

#personal    #a3 game    #a3 omi    #a3 azami    #a3 juza    

Juza from A3!(I didn’t play A3! but my japanese friend love him)

#a3 game    #a3 juza    #juza hyodo    #mankai a3    #vokbink    #vok2269    #my work    #my art crap    #my artwork    
There was a twitter raffle and the winner asked me to draw Juza Hyodo from a3!I downloaded this game

There was a twitter raffle and the winner asked me to draw Juza Hyodo from a3!
I downloaded this game a while ago but didn’t actually play because i can’t handle too many games at the same time :c
I hope i did him justice

Post link
#a3 game    #a3 juza    #a3 fanart    #juza hyodo    

a3! stash coming in hot!!!

sneak peek of some of the stuff inside the bundle…

Keep a lookout for the listings on Instagram and Twitter @taruchisells!

#a3 act addict actors    #a3 mankai    #a3 merch    #a3 sakuya    #a3 masumi    #a3 tsuzuru    #a3 itaru    #a3 citron    #a3 chikage    #a3 tenma    #a3 yuki    #a3 muku    #a3 misumi    #a3 kazunari    #a3 kumon    #a3 banri    #a3 juza    #a3 taichi    #a3 omi    #a3 sakyo    #a3 azami    #a3 tsumugi    #a3 tasuku    #a3 hisoka    #a3 homare    #a3 azuma    #a3 guy    

A3! Mankai Stage Bromides Part 3


Kenta MizueasBanri Settsu

Taro NakamuraasJuza Hyodo

Ryotaro AkazawaasTaichi Nanao

Seiya InagakiasOmi Fushimi

Ray FujitaasSakyo Furuichi


the new event’s cg i-

Skrrt Right: AkigumiEdition

#a3 act addict actors    #a3 mankai    #a3 memes    #a3 banri    #a3 juza    #a3 taichi    #a3 omi    #a3 sakyo    #a3 azami    #banri settsu    #juza hyodo    #taichi nanao    #omi fushimi    #sakyo furuichi    #azami izumida    #akigumi    #autumn troupe    