#ace anarchy



the thing with ace anarchy is that he seemed to have meant well in the beginning. his anger was righteous and, at least as far as we know, he only wanted freedom for all prodigies.

but his methods of going about it were questionable. it resulted in innumerable deaths and surely, there could’ve been better ways to get where gatlon city is now.

so many people—most seemingly innocent—lost their lives at ace’s hands. he even had his own family murdered, one of whom was a baby, after his brother went to the renegades. and for years after, ace manipulated and used his niece for his own gain with no regard for her feelings or well-being.

sure, the renegades aren’t perfect, or even all that good (a discussion for another day mayhap), but their actions in no way excuse or justify ace’s own.


i would say i’m surprised ace anarchy apologists exist but then again….so do shadow weaver apologists


you do realize that ace is the renegades equivalent of shadow weaver from spop right. he didn’t even sacrifice himself to save anyone either

Ace: I’m not going to fight them.


Ace: Sometimes the only friends you have are your countless enemies.


no amount of freedom gets you clean

for@thepurpledragon4444 in the smgh/hive mind/masquerade gift exchange!! have some angst michstie

“Adrian, stop! We don’t know if he’s lying and we can’t risk making the wrong decision!”

The cathedral around them shook with the sounds of battle around them. Nova was pulling against Adrian’s arm, trying to keep him back as he raised the gun, pointing it at Ace. Nova forced all of her weight against his arm, pushing it down against his side, pushing Adrian back a step. The gun wouldn’t do anything against Ace, not with his powers, and they couldn’t risk losing the deal that could save them all. Or destroy them all. Nova wasn’t sure, but the wrong decision would end in the annihilation of them all.

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