#adrian everheart


Danna: Gentle reminder to not have too much coffee before bed.

Adrian: No.

Danna: This was a gentle reminder, yet your words of defiance bring me ungodly amounts of rage.

Max: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.

Simon: Wasn’t Adrian with you?

Adrian: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.

Oscar: We’re thick as thieves.

Adrian: Okay.

Oscar: As juicy as burglars.

Adrian: Stop.

Oscar: Just a couple of dummy thicc stealy bois

Phobia: I’ve brought you here, fools, because I crave the deadliest game…

Adrian: Knife Monopoly.


Phobia: I was actually going to hunt you for sport, but now I’m really interested in whatever Knife Monopoly is.

Oscar: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects, discuss.

Adrian: Oh. This. I don’t like this.

Oscar: At my funeral, there is going to be a closed casket, and then it will be opened to reveal that I am not inside. Instead, they will turn on the ceiling fan and my lifeless body will swing around the room while the Space Jam theme song is playing in the background.


Oscar: Never mind, Adrian says I can’t do that.

Nova: Love is weakness and an evolutionary mistake.

Danna: You are literally making a Valentine’s day card for Adrian right now.

Nova: [pointing her hot glue gun threateningly] You’re on thin fucking ice.

Nova: Feeling a bit lonely, are you?

Adrian: Well, only sometimes, when I’m by myself, or other times, when I’m with other people.

“I don’t get tired. I get results.”

- Adrian or Nova (take your pick)

Nova: I’m sorry, but this time I can’t do as you say.

Adrian: What do you mean “this time”? You’ve never done what I’ve said once since I’ve known you.

Nova: Adrian’s been in the hospital so much they gave him a preferred customer card.

Adrian: Yeah, one more head injury and I win a trip to Hawaii.

Adrain: My head, or as I like to call it, my suffering dome.

Nova: Please? For me?

Adrian: Don’t do that.

Nova: What?

Adrian: You think every time you say “Please? For Me?” I’ll do whatever you want, well, not this time.

Nova: Please? For me?

Adrian: Okay.

Adrian: [to his Dads] Is it time for my 10:00 am scolding?

Adrian: Are you ready to change the world?

Nova: No. But I’m ready to kick some ass.

Adrian: That works too.


no amount of freedom gets you clean

for@thepurpledragon4444 in the smgh/hive mind/masquerade gift exchange!! have some angst michstie

“Adrian, stop! We don’t know if he’s lying and we can’t risk making the wrong decision!”

The cathedral around them shook with the sounds of battle around them. Nova was pulling against Adrian’s arm, trying to keep him back as he raised the gun, pointing it at Ace. Nova forced all of her weight against his arm, pushing it down against his side, pushing Adrian back a step. The gun wouldn’t do anything against Ace, not with his powers, and they couldn’t risk losing the deal that could save them all. Or destroy them all. Nova wasn’t sure, but the wrong decision would end in the annihilation of them all.

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