#acne vulgaris

Current skincare arsenal. Will be adding a new nighttime moisturizer to replace my Cera Ve tub as we

Current skincare arsenal. Will be adding a new nighttime moisturizer to replace my Cera Ve tub as well as a vitamin C serum.

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Took my first accutane pill & prepared my first arsenal of skin care products to fight side effeTook my first accutane pill & prepared my first arsenal of skin care products to fight side effe

Took my first accutane pill & prepared my first arsenal of skin care products to fight side effects. Wish me luck! I will try to update semi-frequently. And always let me know if you have any questions ❤

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My dermatologist prescribed me accutane. I will be starting at the end of the month. I’m making my extensive list of must-have products to endure some of the nasty side effects! Wish me luck. I’m sitting hear with my entire chin inflamed and in pain, scared to shave my facial hair…really hoping for some relief.

Just saw this photo on an acne website??????This is what kills me! This is how acne is represented i

Just saw this photo on an acne website??????

This is what kills me! This is how acne is represented in the media. The lengths I would go for this man’s skin!

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All those suffering from acne on tumblr have really helped me. We are really strong. Acne is a taxing reality. But we remain beautiful and we continue. Can we all go on a retreat together?

A safe-space where we could freely talk about acne to understanding ears. Take selfies together and talk about how we are flawless and wonderful and how we will (or won’t) have clear skin one day. And that’s okay.

Who’s in?
