

I’m so tired. Red eyes and mental fog. Almost every thought is about my skin. How does this lighting make me look? I feel a slight tinge here- will this be a new blemish? Which way should I position my face to show the least amount of acne? Is my current acne product working? When’s my next dermatologist appointment? Will my oily skin ever go away? Are others staring at my skin? What do they see?

I just want a break. I want to be free from these thoughts. To sit, carefree and comfortable, under fluorescent lights.

All those suffering from acne on tumblr have really helped me. We are really strong. Acne is a taxing reality. But we remain beautiful and we continue. Can we all go on a retreat together?

A safe-space where we could freely talk about acne to understanding ears. Take selfies together and talk about how we are flawless and wonderful and how we will (or won’t) have clear skin one day. And that’s okay.

Who’s in?

1.Do not suggest acne products: it’s a kind gesture, but chances are we know. We’ve tried it. Our cabinets are overflowing with products that have failed us. My bathroom looks like a small chemistry lab.

2.Do not draw correlations between acne and our diet: I tried drinking 8 waterbottles a day, eating organic, cutting out sugar, filling up on a laundry list of fruits and vegetables. It’s not often the solution. A lot of us would have clear skin if it were that easy.

3.Do not talk about your so-called acne: As I’m sitting here drowning in my own face oil and covered in multiple pimples, I am incredibly envious of your one red dot that apparently, for you, constitutes ‘acne.’ Give me that acne plz.

4.Do not tell us “you can’t see our acne”: Yes you can. So can I. Your feigned blindness to it does more harm than it does good.

Please feel free to add to this…
