#across the void


What do you mean the “Across the Void” fandom is dead and no one’s gonna see, like, or share my fanart of Eos kissing Oberon after he saved him from being a prisoner of war and getting tortured to death by the Jura?


Okay, I stan “Across the Void” for all of eternity…..

But after all the adventure that book gave us, that was the most anti-climatic ending ever. Or maybe it was too climatic. I was waiting for the epilogue scene where we get to see the after math of the war and see everyone living happily ever after with their love insterest. I think we just needed a moment to breath at the end; some closure after all the chaos. It just felt a little rushed without it.

Also why did the entire fandom ignore the fact that Eos ripped the void leader’s entire jaw off to kill him? Or that Artemis and Sol were Jura all along? I feel like the fandom is sleeping hard on this book.

Honestly my heart literally almost stopped when Vee almost died. I would have rioted.

Fuck yeah

Our boyfriend never leaves us on “read”.

Eos tracing Oberon’s scars to show him he still thinks they’re just as beautiful as him

Nova watching the stars with Zekei and promising each other they’d follow one another to the end of the Universe

Pax kissing Holmes while he’s in the med bay getting his leg prosthetics

(This book has the softest romantic scenes I’ve ever been blessed with in my entire life)

Ex-squeeze me?

No…… nonononono. Eos’s 40 year old looking ass is not stealing my main character’s bomb ass bisexual alien boyfriend away from him. No, I did not spend 15 diamonds, at the beginning of this 22 chapter book, for my character to have the softest most romantic cliche best-friends-to-lovers gazing under the stars while-our-ankles-are-touching scene, just to have his brother steal him away from us. This was not the content I waited 5 chapters for. I did not pay for this.

meindraws:First Officer Sol


First Officer Sol

Post link


honestly…… across the void wasn’t even that bad.

I agree that Across the Void wasn’t terrible. There have certainly been worse entries in the app. This book has beautiful artwork and design, and a lot of potential.

For me, what bugged me most about the book was the lack of worldbuilding - specifically regarding the war between the Jura and the Vanguard. We as players are constantly forced to choose sides, but are rarely given any context. We don’t know the history of the war. We don’t have any concrete information about each faction’s beliefs or goals. The characters obviously know what’s going on, but the players don’t, and that’s not good writing. Most of the time, we’re basically choosing between the MC’s brother and sister, rather than understanding the situation itself. It’s hard to connect to a world you don’t know anything about, and it’s even harder to make supposedly world-changing decisions.

I’d love to have gotten more lore about the unique galaxy in this book, even if it was just paywalled text dumps like in Blades. With brand new planets and races and cultures, we could have gotten so much to play with. And honestly, we didn’t. And that’s disappointing.

(Also, Pixelberry knows how to write an ending where the MC might choose to sacrifice themself for their loved ones. It was done well in It Lives in the Woods and Endless Summer. It was not done well in Across the Void.)


If I can summon the time and mental energy, I am going to write a post about I think Across the Void really changed how PB went about handling sequels and how it’s failure had long term effects on the company and the approach to content.

This would be something really interesting to read if you do have the energy and I’d love to hear your thoughts.

I only started playing during the huge ATV hiatus, but from what I read in the fandom at the time it was a really expensive project that PB threw a lot at and were expecting to do well. They probably got really burned when it went south for them.
