#act on climate


Global wind power capacity has topped nuclear energy for the first time

The generation capacity of wind farms newly built in 2015 was a record 63.01 gigawatts (GW), corresponding to about 60 nuclear reactors, according to the Global Wind Energy Council based in Brussels.

This Friday is Earth Day, and it will be historic: World leaders will meet at the United Nations in

This Friday is Earth Day, and it will be historic: World leaders will meet at the United Nations in New York to sign the historic Paris climate agreement they struck last December. The signing will officially put the world’s blueprint for a clean energy future into motion. 

But now, we must turn the promise of Paris into the concrete steps we need to protect our world. That’s why we’re looking to the world’s five largest emitters of carbon pollution — the U.S., the European Union, China, India and Brazil — to steer this new era in our fight against climate chaos.

You can help! Take action by signing our petition and asking the “Big 5″ carbon polluting countries to deliver on their Paris climate commitments. Click here to learn more and add your name!

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President Trump doesn’t seem to understand how wind energy works. While he keeps pushing bogus claims about renewables, Congress must work on real solutions to move our country toward clean energy.

On Earth Day, learn how investing in battery energy storage would help. WATCH.
