#climate science


- The North Pole is 36 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than usual this winter. At first, scientists thought their equipment was broken because this is so unusual. Source:  http://wapo.st/2mXi69A 

- Sixteen of the seventeen warmest years on record have occurred since 2001. Source: http://go.nasa.gov/2iRikw1 

- Miami’s streets now flood on bright, sunny days due to sea level rise caused by melting glaciers. Source: http://nyti.ms/2mfOXlC 

- According to the U.N., approximately 150 species go extinct every day. The leading causes are human development and climate change. Studies show that extinction rates are up to 100 times higher than they would be without human influence. Source: http://bit.ly/2cuy57c 

- The United States is the only developed nation with a conservative party that still denies climate change is a human caused issue. Source: http://bit.ly/2dNoJmo 

- NASA confirmed that 2016 was the hottest year on record, ever. The same goes for the last three years. Source: http://wapo.st/2mXjE3p 

- The U.S. military, including Trump-appointed Defense Secretary James Mattis, has stated that climate change poses a significant threat to our national security. Source: http://n.pr/2mXA2OY

- According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (a non-partisan government organization), flooding is estimated to be from 300 percent to 900 percent more frequent within U.S. coastal communities than it was just 50 years ago, due to melting glaciers. This flooding costs tax payers billions of dollars, takes lives each year, and is expected to become even more frequent as climate change continues. Source: http://bit.ly/1uhNNXh 

- Here is a link to a graph created using NASA data which clearly shows that greenhouse gases are the cause of global temperature rise: http://bloom.bg/2hxsT7D

I often encounter climate change deniers in the work that I do, so I share these facts in the hopes that they will help you convince your skeptical friends that climate change is real. One of the best ways we can act on climate change is by bringing it up in conversations with friends and in school, to help people wrap their minds around this complex and continually growing issue. 

Yes gas prices are up.. BUT

I’m happy to see so many people in my town riding bicycles instead

Ayo ya’ll better start fuckin with bamboo alternatives instead of styrofoam and plastics js

The world can still hope to stave off the worst ravages of climate breakdown but only through a “now

The world can still hope to stave off the worst ravages of climate breakdown but only through a “now or never” dash to a low-carbon economy and society, scientists have said in what is in effect a final warning for governments on the climate.

Jim Skea, a professor at Imperial College London and co-chair of the working group behind the report, said: “It’s now or never, if we want to limit global warming to 1.5C. Without immediate and deep emissions reductions across all sectors, it will be impossible.”


#IPCC #climatecrisis #climatebreakdown #climatescience #climatenews #climateaction #climatechange

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Climate Change: The tourist destinations that could disappear | ecogreenlove→ http://ecogreenlove.coClimate Change: The tourist destinations that could disappear | ecogreenlove→ http://ecogreenlove.coClimate Change: The tourist destinations that could disappear | ecogreenlove→ http://ecogreenlove.coClimate Change: The tourist destinations that could disappear | ecogreenlove→ http://ecogreenlove.coClimate Change: The tourist destinations that could disappear | ecogreenlove→ http://ecogreenlove.coClimate Change: The tourist destinations that could disappear | ecogreenlove→ http://ecogreenlove.coClimate Change: The tourist destinations that could disappear | ecogreenlove→ http://ecogreenlove.coClimate Change: The tourist destinations that could disappear | ecogreenlove→ http://ecogreenlove.coClimate Change: The tourist destinations that could disappear | ecogreenlove→ http://ecogreenlove.co

Climate Change: The tourist destinations that could disappear | ecogreenlove

→ http://ecogreenlove.com/?p=13967

Sea level rise will affect the entire global population in one way or another. Whether it’s the livelihoods of communities in low-lying floodplains, the food procurement process, or global transport networks, sea-level rise will continue to threaten millions of people worldwide.

Specifically, the world of tourism is at risk of rising sea levels. Scientists, experts, and government officials have outlined the extreme risk of flooding in some of these places and that even some of these destinations could simply disappear. The increased threat of sea-level rise also will severely impact the communities that facilitate tourism in these holidaying hotspots.

Here are some visuals showing how some of the world’s most popular holiday destinations could look by 2100, if sea levels continue to rise dramatically.


by @moneycouk
#tourism #sealevel #sealevelrise
#flood #flooding #touristdestination #hotspot #holiday #holidaydestination #environment #venice #maldives #newyork #hongkong #science #climatecrisis #climateaction #2100 #sustainability #stoppollution #noplanetb #saveourplanet #saveourworld #protecttheearth #globalwarming #urbanization #flashlfoods

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Everything, from workplaces to parks, could be within 15 minutes of walking for Parisians.

The city is working hard in making itself as independent from cars as possible, investing over 300 million euros in its projects. Car parking lots are replaced with parks while bicycle lanes become more common.

Such a move will drastically improve Paris’s carbon emissions which not only helps in the fight against climate change but also makes the city a better place to live.


Going zero waste needs to be a systematic change! Not just an individual’s choice. China, the European Union and some other countries and counties seem to get the idea but haven’t yet reached this ideal.

Happy Chinese New Year!

Boris Johnson expressed his support for a new coal mine in the North of England. The UK will host the Cop26 UN climate summit in Glasgow in November…

Woodhouse colliery would be the first new deep coalmine in the UK for three decades.

This decision is truly the a terrible one that must be reversed at once. Not only is it detrimental to the global climate but it also sends mixed messages to countries world-wide about tackling climate change, which is the last thing we need in this fight.

This must be stopped at once.

Read more about this here. (Guardian Article)

Yup. Mining Bitcoin sure is bad for the planet with an estimated 37 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions a year.

To put into perspective how much CO2 that is, we’d need to let grow 155 million mature trees for 10 years to suck out the carbon dioxide emissions caused by Bitcoin mining alone for only one year.

Half of all the crypto mining in the world is done in southwest China where power is provided through the burning of coal. The rest aren’t innocent either as most of the world still gets most of its energy from non-renewable sources that emit powerful greenhouse gases.

The fact that crypto mining is so energy intensive combined with the sources of this energy are what makes it a terrible choice for our planet. This could be prevented if renewables were used for meeting the energy demands.





President Joe Biden just signed “an executive order to supercharge our administration’s ambitious plan to confront the existential threat of climate change.”

He is pledging a million new jobs in the US automobile industry which will be generated by the federal government switching its entire fleet to electric vehicles.

This all is amazing but he then stated again that he will not ban fracking…

Switching to electric cars is great if your (or in this case the government’s) cars are old and need to be changed anyways. It’s also important that the energy they run on doesn’t come from non-renewable sources.

Is this move doing more harm than good by replacing functional vehicles with new electric cars? This executive order seems at best symbolic and at worst damaging.

It’s amazing that he tries to tackle climate change (unlike Trump who refused to acknowledge its existence), but if he truly wants to help he must do it in an effective way that goes beyond his public image.

It’s official! Joe Biden just signed the executive order that will bring the United States of America back in the Paris Climate Agreement.

Author of the photo: @ZekeJMiller on Twitter

2020 had good parts after all. This Zero Waste shop has opened in December last year and it’s the first of its kind in the city of Bucharest!

90% of the profit generated is either reinvested in the shop or donated, with a whopping 40% going to the Global Ecovillage Network which is a global organization dedicated to building a more sustainable reality for everyone everywhere.

The shop’s Instagram can be found here.

Post created by @qdinaaa on Instagram

Only now did I realize that our Twitter oage wasn’t showing up when searching. You can now access it so please follow it for additional content! Here

We started a Team Trees campaign! If you want to join us in donating money for planting trees, you can do so at teamtrees.orgbut make sure to write “The Climate Crisis Movement” in the “Team” section.

Let’s see who plants the most trees in this campaign! Send us a screenshot of your donation and we will happily repost it!

One might be tempted to ask oneself why it is that the right wing is so stubborn when it comes to the overwhelming scientific evidence regarding climate change. Even those who can bring themselves to admit it’s happening, it’s our fault, and it’s bad, nevertheless are lukewarm about doing anything about it. In fact, even they tend to revert back to making fun of global warming when the opportunity presents itself.

Think about that: they find it easier to mock something they readily otherwise admit is real than actually do something about it.

This has been somewhat difficult for me to understand. Why would you accept as fact that something that critically bad for everyone is going on yet be reluctant to do anything about it? Why do some people refuse to even entertain the notion?

In some cases, it’s unthinking politics. People take a side and filter the information they get through a political lens based on the sources they read and then do little thinking of their own, choosing what resonates ideologically. To some degree, while reprehensible, they’re the least offensive of recalcitrants. Then there are those who refuse to accept the possibility because it would necessarily require them to admit to themselves and, even less tolerably, admit to the other side that they were wrong about something. But those aren’t the most offensive ones. 

The most offensive are those whose intellectual vanity is greater than their ideological satisfaction and lead them to accept the consensus and, really, what their fucking eyes are telling them, yet choose to remain anything short of strident in adopting the justifiably alarmist position. I couldn’t understand why. Then I remember Magda Goebbels in Downfall:

     “My children cannot grow up in a world without National Socialism.”

She would rather destroy her children than allow them to grow up in a world where her ideology was fundamentally wrong (in her case, German racial superiority). 

I have a hard time coming to any other conclusion than to think that conservatives who accept climate science would rather see the world burn than have a reality where their fundamental position of industry first, environment second, is inescapably wrong. 

And that’s why they’ll never come around. There are those among them who will blindly refuse to believe it because they are too dull-witted, there are those among them who will refuse to believe it because ideologically their egos cannot take it, and then there are those who will believe it but refuse to do anything about it because, “My children cannot grow up in a world without amoral capitalism.”

“I know, the dominant narrative around climate change tells us that it’s our fault. We left the lights on too long and didn’t recycle our paper. I’m here to tell you that that is bullshit. If the light switch was connected to clean energy, who the hell cares if you left it on? And your scrap paper did not hasten the end of the world.

Don’t give into that shame. It’s not yours. The oil and gas industry is gaslighting you.

That same IPCC report revealed that a mere 100 companies are responsible for 71 percent of global climate emissions. These fuckers are locking you and everything you love into a tomb. You have every right to be pissed the fuck off. And we have to make them hear about it.”
