#adaine abernant


i just finished the first season of dimension 20’s fantasy high series and i would die for each one of these very cool kids

the joke here is that aelwyn is 6'4



At a certain point I like to think Adaine begins seeing everything like, exactly 3 seconds before they happen. She’s living life exactly three seconds in the future, and it takes everybody two months to figure it out. It’s the trippiest shit, and her reacting to things before they happen is both a blessing and a curse

I have more

  • Adaine cheering before fabian actually scores the finale point in a blood rush game
  • Texting Gorgug a response to his text before he can decide what to send
  • Having an actual extended vision, but not being able to tell, and believing it’s actually happening
  • Snatching Riz’s coffee or Fig’s drink right before they’re about to drink it
  • Augefort adores this development because it fucks around with chronomancy and that’s his thing
  • Absolutely refusing to watch the finale of a show with everybody else because she knows they’re gonna be starring at her for when whatever big twist happens and that’s creepyguys
  • “Kristen your goddex is about to appear take your blanket off your head”
  • “Fig your agent is about to FaceTime you, stop pouring soup into Kristen’s blanket”
  • I repeat; attacking somebody right before they get sneak attacked by them


Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well

[ID: A digital illustration of Riz Gukgak on the shoulders of Fabian Seacaster, from Fantasy High. Riz is stretched back, pumping his fists, as Fabian holds onto his ankles. Boggy the Froggy is riding on Riz's cap, looking alarmed. End ID]ALT
[ID: A digital sketch of Fabian, Riz, Adaine, and Boggy. Riz is sat on Fabian's shoulders as Boggy jumps down from Riz's head to Adaine's hands. Adaine looks unimpressed. End ID]ALT

its d20 exchange week, and I had @dahlingplease as my giftee! I had a great time drawing this, and i hope you like it!! <3

enderesting: adaine and riz being besties is the best thing ever bc i am aroace and i am projecting enderesting: adaine and riz being besties is the best thing ever bc i am aroace and i am projecting enderesting: adaine and riz being besties is the best thing ever bc i am aroace and i am projecting


adaine and riz being besties is the best thing ever bc i am aroace and i am projecting hard <3

also riz with facial hair to look more like pok :,] also short riz rights please :,]

Post link

how often do you think about if Adaine failed that werewolf bite roll. like a normal amount? haha yeah me too

[id: digital art of adaine abernant from fantasy high as a werewolf in front of a full moon night background, the moon framing her head like a halo, there is magic coming from her raised hand and she appears to be howling]


Fantasy High sketch dump!!

This fuckin rules, god I love artists

Some Fig and Adaine. Been real burned out but this was a nice way to get back into drawing.

I still have sooo many skecthes I need to get inked and up. I want to make Candyheart fanart.
