#adam lanza

The weapons used by Adam Lanza during the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting

The weapons used by Adam Lanza during the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting

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Adam Peter Lanza (second row, second to the left) with his first grade class at Sandy Hook Elementar

Adam Peter Lanza (second row, second to the left) with his first grade class at Sandy Hook Elementary in the year 1999.

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So the FBI just released 1,500 pages of documents on Sandy Hook. They mostly consist of documents on Adam Lanza’s life prior to Sandy Hook. I’m not sure what’s already known about the case I’m just gonna put it all here.

The information consists of school information and medical records. There are also accounts of the websites he frequented. He had been taking some online language and college courses and also sold National Rifle Association safety qualifications after visiting shooting ranges with his mother, who had been described as a “gun nut.” Some blame her for her son’s mental health and for having weapons in the house at the time.


Above: An image believedto be Lanza as child

In addition to these, there are also records of his relationship with his mother as he only communicated with his mother via email as he does not leave his room for three months prior to the shooting, some neighbours even said they had not seen him in years. In these three months, he did very little, mostly listening to Japanese techno music and playing video games. (Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, Doom, Left 4 Dead, Pikmin, Paper Mario, Shin Megami Tensei, Lego Star Wars, Kingdom Hearts.) The police discovered a number of gaming devices and computers upon searching the Lanza household which had been “significantly damaged by force trauma” and “scratched with an implement.”


Above: Lanza’s home

In his medical records, it stated that he was a vegan who did not like the texture of food, he was only 111lbs (50kg) when he died. In addition to this Lanza adopted “strange behaviours” such as preferring to sleep on the floor instead of the bed. He also liked to go on walks but avoided bright and natural light. It is also worth noting that Lanza was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome (which is on the autism scale) though he had a hard time accepting this and refused to take his perscribed medicine. 

In regards to his mother, it detailed that his mother once worked at a school, which Lanza also attended and he felt as though “his mother loved the students more than she loved him.” A witness told an agent that Lanza had been bullied at school though “not excessively” due to his “social awkwardness” and appearance. Also, when Lanza was in ninth grade he hacked through two levels of security to an undisclosed government computer. It was also reported that Lanza threatened to kill his mother sometime around December 2008.


Above: Lanza in 9th Grade

An online friend he met on a website dedicated to Columbine said he was the “weirdest person online.” Lanza also used screen names based on Tim Kretschmer and Kimveer Gill. It was said in an interview that Lanza “was singularly focused and obsessed with mass murderers and devoted almost all his internet activity to researching and discussing mass murderers and spree killing.” 

He also had an online relationship with a woman, whose identity was protected for privacy reasons whom he met through a website where players adopt the roles of the Columbine shooters. She noted that it was clear that he was depressed and viewed the world negatively. He expressed occasional suicidal thoughts but she did not think he was capable of killing himself nevermind others.

Despite this, the FBI concluded that Lanza had done “careful, methodical planning and preparation.” and could have possibly been planning the attack since March 2011. She also told authorities that he had gone into details about his sexuality, he also hinted at the fact he might’ve been asexual. She mentioned that he composed “at least one lengthy email” on his views about paedophilia. In which he expressed his hatred of it but also said it could be “possibly beneficial to both parties.”  FBI agents found a file on Lanza’s computer ‘advocating paedophiles’ rights and the liberation of children’ as well as a screenplay about a relationship between a 10-year-old boy and a 30-year-old man.  

Another online friend was quoted to have said that Lanza felt “pity” for children as they believed that authoritarian people were “improperly controlling” them. She added that Lanza possibly felt as though he was “saving” or “protecting” the children from “taking them away from harmful influences.” He also viewed death as “an escape from the pressures of life.”


Ryan Lanza’s Facebook posts after being wrongfully identified as the sandy hook elementary school shooter. his brother, Adam Lanza, was the perpetrator.

[Adam had taken Ryan’s ID to the school, which is why Ryan was originally identified as the shooter…]
