#adam x reader


Warnings: Nop.

Word Count: 300 words.

A/N: Day 2 of my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration! Like I said before I’m trying to write to some new characters so here’s another one, hope you enjoy it. Thanks so much for reading

Gif obtained from Google. All credits to its owner.

Thanks for reading <3


You were laughing with Jay and Antonio in the break room, a cup of coffee in your hands to get you ready for the day ahead. 

You really enjoyed mornings like this one, relaxed and in company of your best friends, having a moment to talk about something different than gangs, drugs busts or bloody murders. 

“Stop it! It wasn’t like that at all” you told Antonio, punching his arm lightly for completely making up a story about one night  you went to Mollys to get drunk “I just tripped but I never landed in anyone’s lap”

“You totally did! This poor guy never even knew where you came from, he just stayed there trying to not touch you at all after seeing your badge”

“I swear it, Antonio, if you keep saying that you are the one who won’t be able to touch anything”

Jay laughed at your last comment “You know, (Y/N)? I’m totally going to believe Antonio’s version, you can get drunk so easily”

“That’s so not true” 

“Yeah, you do” added Antonio

“Hey guys, Voight sent me for you” said Adam interrupting you and taking a look at the three of you, seeing how close and comfortable you were with the guys, jealousy growing in his chest.

“So um… I wanted to ask you something” he said dryly later in the car on your way to a crime scene.

“What’s going on?”

“Is just… are we still dating? Do you really want to even be with me? I mean, I saw all cozy with the guys this morning and it made me wonder if you are even happy with me”

“Really? Adam, there’s no need to be jealous” you laughed a little “They are just like my big brothers, it’s you who makes me happy”


