#adam ruzek x reader


Chosen character (male) x reader (kinda)

In this story you can imagine any character.

It’s something that I wrote years ago and wanted to renew.

TW: suicide, sad….

Words: 705

I don’t know what happened. Everything seemed fine, he seemed fine. And now I’m sitting here in our shared bed, all alone because he left me. He’s gone. He took his own life away. Away from me, from his family and from his friends. I found him dead, no life left in him, not moving, nothing, only the empty bottle of pills lying next to him. He left a note behind, lying on the bathroom counter with my name written on it. I wasn’t able to read it. Not because I didn’t know how to read, but just because my heart couldn’t take it. My heart was shattered into many small pieces, that took me a while to get back in place.

And five years after his death, I was finally brave enough to open the note, that was addressed to me.


I opened the envelope and pulled out the letter, my hands were shaking and the anxiety was rising up. No one would ever be able to explain the emotions I was feeling. It was his handwriting and that made it worse, that made it real.

Slowly I stated to read.


My love,

I’m sorry I’m not strong enough to take all of this.

I can’t do this anymore, all the stress, all these expectations people have of me, it’s just too much.

I know I tried it before, and thankful to you, I didn’t finish what I started.

You came into my life and turned my world around and showed me, what living means.

From making me wake up before sunrise just because you wanted to watch it together, to falling asleep on the beach and getting sunburned, to staying up all night, watching the stars and telling each other stories.

All of that were reasons why I stayed longer than I wanted.

You took me to see cities I only was able to dream of visiting, made me try new kinds of food, and without you, I would have never found my passion for sushi.

Seeing your eyes starting to sparkle as soon as we watched a movie with your favorite actor in it, even though I was a little jealous, to making our own little movies together.

You made me read all kinds of books and I remember you turning red the first time, you had to tell me that your favorite book was basically just porn written on paper.

But honey, you turning red so fast is one of my favorite things about you.

You get so shy and flustered and mad when I point it out.

I’m thankful for all of it.

I’m thankful for the happy moments we got to spend together and for the best memories of all time.

But even the best memories couldn’t really stop the emptiness, that always came back, from consuming me.

I feel so empty, no emotions left inside of me, well except one.


More specific the love I feel for you and that I will always feel.

And I know it will hurt for a while, maybe a really long while, but I want you to go on with your life. To find someone else to share all the things that you like so much with. Someone, you can read with, show your favorite movies and watch the sunrise and sunset.

And nothing of this is your fault, you did all you could have done.

Don’t go too hard on yourself.

I will always watch over you and be with you, always and forever.

And don’t forget “Goodbyes aren’t forever”, we will see each other again and get a second chance, someplace we can both be happy.

I love you so much

My tears were slowly sliding down my cheek, so I had to close my eyes for just a second.

I closed the letter and put it aside, after that I sunk back into the comfortable bed.

I couldn’t believe that my love wasn’t enough for him to stay, but I also couldn’t be mad at him. He made this choice and maybe is happier than ever.

And he’s right, goodbyes aren’t forever, so I just have to fulfill his wishes and move forward, till we see each other again.

Either in heaven or in hell.


Ok, after reading this again, it feels shitty.

I don’t know what to think about this one, so pls let me know your opinion.

Also please send me requests:)

Heyy, I’m thinking about writing my own fanficts. Feel free to send requests:)

I can write about:

- onechicago


- euphoria

-vampire diaries/originals

-outer banks

- 13 reasons why



- and almost every other show on netflix…

Warnings: Nop.

Word Count: 300 words.

A/N: Day 2 of my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration! Like I said before I’m trying to write to some new characters so here’s another one, hope you enjoy it. Thanks so much for reading

Gif obtained from Google. All credits to its owner.

Thanks for reading <3


You were laughing with Jay and Antonio in the break room, a cup of coffee in your hands to get you ready for the day ahead. 

You really enjoyed mornings like this one, relaxed and in company of your best friends, having a moment to talk about something different than gangs, drugs busts or bloody murders. 

“Stop it! It wasn’t like that at all” you told Antonio, punching his arm lightly for completely making up a story about one night  you went to Mollys to get drunk “I just tripped but I never landed in anyone’s lap”

“You totally did! This poor guy never even knew where you came from, he just stayed there trying to not touch you at all after seeing your badge”

“I swear it, Antonio, if you keep saying that you are the one who won’t be able to touch anything”

Jay laughed at your last comment “You know, (Y/N)? I’m totally going to believe Antonio’s version, you can get drunk so easily”

“That’s so not true” 

“Yeah, you do” added Antonio

“Hey guys, Voight sent me for you” said Adam interrupting you and taking a look at the three of you, seeing how close and comfortable you were with the guys, jealousy growing in his chest.

“So um… I wanted to ask you something” he said dryly later in the car on your way to a crime scene.

“What’s going on?”

“Is just… are we still dating? Do you really want to even be with me? I mean, I saw all cozy with the guys this morning and it made me wonder if you are even happy with me”

“Really? Adam, there’s no need to be jealous” you laughed a little “They are just like my big brothers, it’s you who makes me happy”



Never Later

Pairing: Adam Ruzek x Reader

Requested:yes, by @adamruz for my “Write That GIF!” 2.5k celebration!

Summary: Adam and Y/N get interrupted when they need to get a move on their current investigation. Y/N soon finds herself in an unexpected predicament.

*not my gif*

Word Count:1,761

Warnings: canon-typical mentions of guns, hostage situations, blood

A/N: Lexi, you know how I feel about my Adam writing, so I hope you like this! Also, special mention to @mertes4cker for being my beta!


“… so we checked through her recent transactions but there’s nothing that even hints of any ties to cartels.”

Adam leant against one of the desks in the bullpen, moving his hands as he spoke. You struggled to focus, to stop staring at the way Adam’s eyebrows furrowed a little slightly as he was talking, or the way his hands moved as he talked.

Get a grip, Y/N.

You could only say you were glad that you’d almost perfected the art of multitasking, especially since there was something about the way Adam briefed the team about a case, decked out in his checkered shirt and denim jacket that had you extremely distracted. So you were glad when Voight had finally interjected with his own views and instructions, you had no choice but to tear your eyes away from your boyfriend.

Faced with another pile of footage to go through, you’d retreated back into the pantry for a cup of coffee.

“Did you hear a word I said in there?”

You looked up just as Adam stepped in, closing the pantry door behind him. You could see the twinkle in his eyes that meant he was in a cheeky mood, a small smile playing on his lips.

“Of course I did.” You narrowed your eyes at him and Adam let out the tiny laugh that you loved, so much so you turned away again.

You felt Adam’s hand close gently around your wrist before he turned you back around to look at him.

“Adam, we’re at work.” You growled, as he leaned in closer with a smile.

“I wanted to tell you something.” He said and you could hear the smile in his voice, just as someone knocked the pantry door.

“Hey, we gotta go.” Jay said, cracking the door open.

You saw the stupid annoying smile cross your partner’s face and you rolled your eyes, before you looked back at Adam.

Adam smiled. “We’ll talk later.”

You nodded and Adam squeezed your hand before you followed Jay out, punching him on the arm for being annoying and shooting your boyfriend one last smile.

You and Jay had hit another dead end at the victim’s workplace, but Kevin had called to say that he and Kim had found an address that seemed like a storage unit which had kept popping up and was probably worth checking out. So Jay had turned his truck back around and Kevin had told you that Adam and Hailey were on their way and would meet the both of you there.

You glanced around as Jay pulled up but the street was quiet and you looked up at the building. It was one of those self-storage places which you were used to, since if there was anything to hide, a self-storage place which wasn’t manned by any staff was the best place to use.

You glanced at your phone. “Warrant’s clear.” You told Jay as your eyes quickly scanned the contents of the text that Kim had sent you.

Jay nodded back at you, breaking open the lock and pulling up the shutters of the storage unit.

Jay stepped in, his eyes falling on a secured box and you were about to step up to join him just as you heard the cock of a gun and the unmistakable feeling of the nozzle of a gun pressed to the back of your neck.


You froze, just as you saw Jay freeze as he looked up from where he was.

You’d let your own fucking guard down. Just because you thought you’d been coming to check out some of the victim’s stuff. You should have known something was up, especially since Kevin had reminded the both of you that they’d found this unit under the victim’s mother’s name.

Jay raised his hands slowly, his eyes flicking to yours.

“Alright, we are all going to calm down, alright?” Jay said, and you could hear the concerted effort it took your partner to keep his voice even and steady.

“You’re going to give me that box. That bitch stole it from me.” You heard the growl from behind you, realizing at that moment that the investigation had been clean because of him. He must have been a hidden boyfriend or something that none of you had dug up, yet.

Jay looked back at the box he’d been going for. “Okay. I need you to put your gun down.”

“Shut the hell up.” The guy growled and you felt him tug you backwards, feeling your body crash against him as he now held the gun to your temple.

You exhaled.

“He’s just nervous because you got a gun pointed at my head, alright?” You spoke for the first time now, finally feeling confident enough to speak without your voice shaking.

“Shut up.” He growled, digging the gun harder into your temple.

There was a short silence. It was almost like he hadn’t thought of how he was going to get out of this one.

“We’re leaving. Give her the box.”

Jay looked up again. “I can’t let you do that. You can take the box, just let her go.”

You glanced up at him in alarm but Jay gave you a look. You’d been partners long enough to know what it meant - stand down.

You took the box from Jay, failing to stop your hands from shaking just a little. You swallowed and the moment your fingers wrapped around the box, he tugged you right back, creating the distance between Jay and you again but he didn’t stop this time as you felt yourself being dragged back out of the storage unit to God knows where.

Adam stopped the car right behind Jay’s, glancing up.

“They must have gone right in, come on.” Hailey said, putting a hand on the door when movement caught their eye.

Adam felt himself freeze, his heart dropping right down to his gut as he saw you being dragged out onto the street, Jay close behind.

“What the…”

Hailey glanced at Adam. “Adam, look at me. Can you handle this?”

“What are you going to do?” Adam asked, finally tearing his eyes away from the scene that terrified him to his bones.

“I’m gonna shoot.” Hailey answered, reaching behind for her long range weapon.

You had your eyes fixed on Jay, your feet trying to keep up with the pace as he yanked you backwards.

“We’re leaving together.” The guy growled.

“You know I can’t let you do that.” Jay said, trying to talk over the street sounds.

There was the very obvious sound of a car engine and the perp turned, forcing you to turn with him.



You could see the checkered shirt from earlier that day peeking out from under his police vest and you swallowed, just feeling the relief of seeing Adam standing there, although Jay wasn’t as relaxed.

You gave Adam a small nod.

I’m okay.

Adam could feel the emotions threaten to bubble over the surface, could feel the impulse rage under his skin that made him want to pounce at the man standing there with his gun to your head. But Adam also knew that any step out of line would put you in danger. Adam would risk his life but he would neverrisk anyone he cared about, especially you.

Adam put his hands out in front of him. “Rick, right?”

Kevin had called just minutes before they’d pulled up to update them on the newest development.

You could feel him tense up and you took another breath as you felt his hold on you tighten.

“Listen to me. Right now, this isn’t looking good for you alright?” Adam said, his eyes flicking towards you, before he glanced at Jay and made a small motion with his head.

A small frown crossed Jay’s face before he realized what was happening and stepped off to the side. “Hey, hey. Let’s all calm down.” Jay said, as Rick swung his head to glance at Jay, allowing Adam to step backwards.

Adam glanced at you, nodding. “Let’s all get what we want, alright? You let her go and we’ll let you go too. Fair swap, alright? We just want her safe, that’s all.”

Adam’s eyes rested on Rick’s finger which was now hovering near the trigger. If Hailey didn’t…

The gunshot resounded across the street as both you and the perp fell against the floor, the blood pooling on the concrete.

“Y/N!” Both Adam and Jay’s voices mixed together as they headed towards you, Jay pulling the perp off you as Adam reached for you.

“Y/N, please, oh my god.” Adam mumbled, his hands reaching around you to pull you towards him.

You opened your eyes and Adam breathed out a sigh. “You okay? Are you hit?”

You exhaled a shaky breath before you shook his head. “It’s all him, it’s all his blood. For a moment, I thought…”

Adam didn’t let you finish your sentence as he pulled you into his arms, not caring about the blood that was all over. A gentle hand on the back of your head, Adam gently pressed you into him, as if he was afraid you’d fall to pieces if he let go.

“Thank god.” Adam whispered, as you buried your face into his shoulder, taking deep breaths to try to slow your own heartbeat.

As your breathing slowed, Adam pulled away enough just to help you to your feet.

Jay nodded at Adam. “I got this.”

You glanced back at your partner and gave him a small smile, which Jay reciprocated.

Adam helped you off to the side, before he pulled you back into a hug.

“Adam, you’re gonna get all…”

But Adam didn’t care, fitting you right where you belonged, in his arms. His hands wrapped around you gently and you sighed into his shoulder, as he rested his cheek against the top of your head.

“I love you.” Adam whispered.

You smiled without looking up, pressed into him. “I love you too, you know that.”

Adam nodded. “But I’m always going to say it when it comes up in my mind. No more laters, never later. I thought I was going to lose you.”

“No way, you won’t get rid of me that easily.” You muttered into his shoulder.

Adam didn’t answer, just pulled you in even deeper.

“Never later.” You agreed.

Adam pulled back to look at you, before he pressed his lips firmly onto your forehead. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.”


If you want to support me, buy me a coffee!
