
Near Desert Center, California, where George Adamski claimed to have met a man from Venus.

Near Desert Center, California, where George Adamski claimed to have met a man from Venus.

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Orthon would be horrified.

Orthon would be horrified.

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Science vs. The Contactees

Science vs. The Contactees

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mini-space-alien: dreamland51: theyre so cute i want to leave Always nice seeing people enjoying a g



theyre so cute

i want to leave

Always nice seeing people enjoying a good read

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retroreverbs:Inside the Spaceships by George Adamski (1967 edition). retroreverbs:Inside the Spaceships by George Adamski (1967 edition).


Inside the Spaceships by George Adamski (1967 edition).

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nuforc: chileufo:Adamskiano. Se le dio este nombre por el nombre del contactado que los descubrió:



Adamskiano. Se le dio este nombre por el nombre del contactado que los descubrió: el polaco George Adamski. Esta persona vio y fotografió a las naves, las cuales poseerían una ventanilla tipo ojo de buey y tres esferas en la parte inferior, cuya función estribaría en la propulsión y dirección. A pesar de la fotografía, varios ovnílogos desconfiaron de él y creyeron que Adamski había construído la nave fotografiada

[English] Adamskiano. It was given this name by the name of the discovered contacted: Polish George Adamski. This person saw and photographed the ships, which possess an porthole window and type three areas at the bottom, whose function would lie in propulsion and guidance. Although photography, several ufologists distrusted him and believed that Adamski had built the ship photographed

I just love the word “Adamskiano”

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Adamski & Seal: Killer

Adamski: “At the time, I was on the Enterprise Allowance Scheme, which gave you £40 a week and your rent so you could set up your own business, to get people off the unemployment statistics. I was No 1 in the charts, and they were still paying my rent.”

Seal: “Within a week, I went from being a relative nobody – this weird guy at raves, with silver bits in my hair – to a household name.”

From:How we made Killer, by Seal and Adamski
