
chibird: I think it’s really courageous to go after the life you want to live! Even if it takes effo


I think it’s really courageous to go after the life you want to live! Even if it takes effort and hard work, I think it’s always worth it to fight for what you truly want.

I’ll be at the San Francisco Cherry Blossom Festival in Japantown this weekend 4/16 and 4/17! I’ll post my table location on my Instagram Stories tomorrow- feel free to stop by if you’re in the area!

Chibird store|Positive pin club|Webtoon

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AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: nothing in this world is above me.


your feelings are hurt…

…and you’re thinking that it must be something about you or that it’s your fault.

but is it really? think about it and if it is then go ahead and apologize. but if it’s not - then don’t put the blame on yourself.

how someone reacts to a situation is not under your control. what you can control is your own reaction. let yourself feel ✨


don’t be embarrassed that little joys take up a lot of space in your heart. sometimes they’re the most important things there are in your life, and deserve your attention



[Image ID: Tweet by Alisha Robertson, @THEAlishaNicole, which says, “Just an FYI. You can do what you love and still be tired. You can do what you love and still become burnt out You can do what you love and still get excited about taking a break.” ./ End ID]


forgive yourself. forgive yourself for not being where you dreamed you would be. forgive yourself for all the wrong things you said. forgive yourself for the times you messed up even when you’ve tried your best. forgive yourself for the way you hurt, belittle, or abandon yourself in the past or in the present. forgive yourself for not being perfect. you don’t have to be perfect to be worthy (of love, understanding, compassion, kindness).


Spoiler alert: You will never reach a place in life in which you experience constant happiness or never experience challenges. What you canachieve is learning to find joy in as many moments as possible, fully embracing the good when it graces your life, and navigating the challenges life throws your way with greater ease. It all has its place; it all contains a blessing. Beauty can be found in every season of life. 

Harming yourself will not make anything you did in the past better.



[ID: Six cactus potted cactus drawings on a pale green background. The title is “Self-Acceptance Sounds Like…” and there is a blurb under each cactus. They read: “This is difficult for me and I have other strengths.” “I notice my negative thoughts and know that not everything I think is true.” “I accept the unique, evolving person that I am.” “I made a mistake and now have an opportunity to learn and grow.” “I acknowledge I am struggling and I am ready to seek help.” “This makes me feel anxious and I know I’ll get through it.” End ID]


you aren’t lost, you’re learning who you are. you’re still here & growing & changing. stagnation is a feeling, not a state of being. don’t let it drag you to the ground.

You can change what you value about yourself. Your values and your perception of your best qualities can and will shift with your experiences.

You don’t have to be defined by what you liked about yourself before. What do you like about yourself now? What do you want to be your most prominent characteristic now?


Quote from @SwampAdvice on Twitter (written by frequent collaborator on The CryptoNaturalist Podcast Leslie J Anderson).

Here is a secret about things you love. If you put them down you can always pick them back up again. You can always paint again, sew again, hike again, play music again, read that book again, watch the movie. “But it’s been so long.” The thing you love doesn’t care.


tbh life’s too short to be embarrassed by little things ??? wear that outfit ur mom said was ugly & laugh ur natural too loud laugh & talk to intimidating people u find interesting !!! join cringy clubs & read books everyone hates & wear too much eyeliner !!! if shit doesn’t work out who cares !!! people who are worth being around will stick by u anyway !!!


Allow people to like you, to enjoy your company, to want to be your friend. Allow them to compliment you, allow others to think you’re cool and funny even if you think you’re not. It is not up to you to tell others how to feel, and remember that people might see the positive things in you and qualities that you have been failing to see while being too self-critical. Allow yourself to be liked by other people, even when you don’t see why they should. Don’t self-isolate because you think you are not good enough for other people.


things that seem small can be really brave:

  • getting up in the morning
  • asking for help
  • stopping when you know you’ve pushed yourself too hard
  • admitting when you were in the wrong
  • forgiving yourself
  • making an effort even when you don’t have the motivation
  • reaching out to others when you feel alone
  • + much more


For people with inconsistent symptoms that go from very severe to nonexistent:

You are not worth less on the days you can’t get out of bed. Your value does not come from your ability or productivity, your value is inherent as a human being. You don’t have to do anything, your state of being as a human person has value.

You are also not making it up. You’re not lying. Your pain is still real even on good days. Just because it is not the present moment, doesn’t mean it’s not still there. Good days are good days, not cures or proof of being Secretly Abled


if you could do it as a child, you can do it as an adult, whether that’s making new friends or creating something new without worrying what people will think of it.

you can do it.


praise all the girls inside of me:
the ones not worth saving, the ones
who thought she’d never make it this far.

I will carry their weight inside of me;
not like ghosts, but like songs.

Jade Mitchell, from “Affirmation,” published in Inside the Bell Jar
