#agere girl



agere asks! ♡

  1. ♡ sippy cup or baby bottle?
  2. ♡ favorite disney princess?
  3. ♡ cute straws or drinking from the cup?
  4. ♡ do you have a bedtime?
  5. ♡ onesies or dresses? 
  6. ♡ what’s the name of your favorite plushie?
  7. ♡ pastel colors or neon colors?
  8. ♡ do you have a carer?
  9. ♡ regressing on your own on or with friends/carer? 
  10. ♡ what’s your favorite baby/kid item?
  11. ♡ overalls or skirts?
  12. ♡ do you wear diapers?
  13. ♡ milk or juice?
  14. ♡ do you like bathtime? 
  15. ♡ stuffed animals or dolls?
  16. ♡ do you believe in fairies?
  17. ♡ dinos or astronauts?
  18. ♡ what’s your favorite animal?
  19. ♡ tigh highs or frilly socks?
  20. ♡ what’s your regressed age (range)?
  21. ♡ strawberry milk or chocolate milk?
  22. ♡ do you use pacifiers?
  23. ♡ amusement park or build-a-bear?
  24. ♡ do you have a baby voice?
  25. ♡ bratty or calm? 
  26. ♡ do you like playdates?
  27. ♡ dependent or independent when regressed?
  28. ♡ what is all the agere stuff you have?
  29. ♡ dress up or tea party?
  30. ♡ what is your favorite dessert?
  31. ♡ anime or cartoons?
  32. ♡ what is your favorite bedtime story?
  33. ♡ are you a prince(ss/t)?
  34. ♡ pacifier or thumb?
  35. ♡ do you have coloring books?
  36. ♡ crayons or markers?
  37. ♡ how different is regressed you from big you?
  38. ♡ my little pony or paw patrol?
  39. ♡ favorite carebear?
  40. ♡ pink or black?
  41. ♡ do you have rules?
  42. ♡ twin tails or braids?
  43. ♡ do you also pet regress?
  44. ♡ mary janes or sneakers?
  45. ♡ do you throw a lot of tantrums?
  46. ♡ winter or summer?
  47. ♡ how would your perfect blanket fort be?
  48. ♡ spring or autumn?
  49. ♡ are you also a carer?
  50. ♡ apple or orange juice?

Ask me some questions please~

༄︎シ︎ . !シ︎༄︎

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my buba found me a draculaura on a charity shop, when i was ill he bought me her to make me feel a little bit better! i still ill but im happier cause i can play in between my naps


I drewwww my favourite ponies!! I love the newest ponies a lot! AND A PINKIE!!


Ways to help your Little with anger issues

Having anger issues, especially if you’re little can be draining and exhausting (- from the Little who suffers from severeanger issues)

Do NOT yell at them or punish them!! Yelling at/punishing your little can make things worse! Know that your little one CANNOT control their anger and doing things like this can only increase their anger and/or make them feel guilty

Talk to them! Sit down with them and try to talk to them about what’s making them upset. Please note that your little one might not always answer you, if their anger issues are severe or if in the middle of a temper tantrum. So be patient and understanding

Try to distract them! Keeping your little one’s mind occupied can help their anger to go away! Examples: doing things they enjoy, making them their favourite food, taking them to places they like… many options!

Making them laugh! Try and do something funny!! Something that’d make them 100% laugh! They might try to deny it at first, but if you keep going - they’ll burst into laughter xD <33

Give them a piece of paper and let them write down all of the stuff that’s making them upset! Some littles might be having troubles expressing their emotions through words, so writing is a good option!

Let them let it all out!! This is a perfect and the best option! (in my opinion)! giving the space to your little one to express their feelings always works! sometimes we all need to let all our troubles and feelings out!


Little Winter Activities

❄️ Go play in the snow. Build a snowman, make snow angels, eat ice sickles.

⛄️ Have a snowball fight. Build little walls to hide behind and sneak attack hehe.

❄️ Go Sledding. Make sure you’re careful though!

⛄️ Go Ice Skating. It’s the perfect time of year to try out an outdoor rink.

❄️ Put on some Christmas classics and cuddle up in bed for a movie marathon. Don’t forget your stuffies. They want to watch too!

⛄️ Make some hot cocoa. Maybe try some different toppings. Or a certain type of hot cocoa you’ve never had. Peppermint hot cocoa I definitely recommend.

❄️ Bake some cookies and sweets. Be safe and when in a regressed mindset remember to ask an adult (parent/caregiver/etc..) for help with some of the more big aspects if you can or need to.

⛄️ Make coffee filter snowflakes and other arts and crafts. Like hand print reindeer.

❄️ Make a gingerbread house. It’s so much fun and you can customize however you want. Just don’t eat all the yummiest parts before you finish building little one.

⛄️ One of my favorite things to do this merry time of year is go look at all the pretty lights and decorations. They even have whole parks that are gorgeous.

❄️ Play some games inside. Such as board games and card games. Maybe do a puzzle or read a book. Keep your mind active and keep yourself entertained when the cold months keep you indoors more.

⛄️ Go catch some snowflakes on your tongue.

❄️ Make some Christmas tree ornaments. And add them to your tree.
