
Haida and Retsuko IRLHaida and Retsuko IRL

Haida and Retsuko IRL

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So I have just finished Aggretsuko, always have really liked this TV show because of how it has dealt with certain problems that are really common in everybody’s life. I really like this TV show because it deals with all these issues in what my opinion is the healthiest way possible.


Sooo I have seen a lot of people really angry about the fact of how Haida treats Inui. Like I understand that people like Inui, she is a very good character and seems a very nice girl, BUT it seems we are forgetting one fundamental thing in order for a relationship between these two to work. Haida actually doesn’t like Inui in a romantic way. I am sorry, but it is the truth. So yes, someone can be a very nice person and could be so good for you, but I mean at the end of the day a romantic relationship is not only based on “oh, that person is really nice to me, I should date him/her”.

I don’t know I think Haida treated Inui correctly and he did good refusing her. If he didn’t have any romantic feelings towards her, the best he could do is refusing her, otherwise neither him or her would have been really happy. Or at least that is what I think.

Here’s a little quick drawing of Sato being her sunshiney self and asking a pretty bold question during working hours ! Kabae will most likely unleash some gossip afterwords for sure. Sato can be extremely oblivious sometimes ( who do you think she’s asking?)

Also I would never use that text for a comic LOL! I just added it for fun !

Here is another Aggretsuko OC I should’ve posted earlier, I found him in my files and smacked myself because how could I forget to post him along with Sato my other OC?? Why am I such a dummy?

Anyway, he is a super chill guy, soft spoken and keeps to himself. Likes to not be noticed and for the most part he’s under everyone’s radar, except there is someone who always seems to notice him … wonder who it is? Also he has a major sweet tooth and is always trying different bakeries, traveling far and wide to try them. I’m thinking of a name for him, perhaps Keido Kazuhiro ? ( Keido meaning calm and Kazuhiro meaning harmony and abundance… once again Im not good at Japanese so let me know if his name meanings make sense! )

As always feel free to give your opinion on him! I love to hear what you guys think or if you think I could tweak him color or design wise!

Watched the new season and ahhhhhh there was some fluff that made me really happy! The little wedding scene was so cute that I had to do a take of my own~ I wanted to make this scene feel super shojo manga inspired lol! Also I always liked the theme of blue and white for a wedding so that’s the color scheme I went with as well as adding some warm colors to show the love ~

Let me know what you thought of season 4! I’d love to hear what you guys thought of it ~

A Aggrestsuko OC I made up prior to season 4! I’m still deciding on her design, I just wanted a cute pony girl because horses have always been my fav and I think aggretsuko needs more horses lol!

I’m thinking her name will be Kagayaku Sato ( Kagayaku means sparkle and Sato means sugar in Japanese I believe but I’m not a native speaker let alone know Japanese very well so let me know if that’s incorrect !) I wanted a name that describes her personality, she’s a social butterfly and makes friends real easy because she’s also very sweet! She brightens up even the dullest office when she walks in ~

I’m also having trouble figuring out a color scheme for her, I like the pink best but I like the other 2 colors as well… if you guys want to chime in I’d love to hear what color you think looks best or if another might work better!

I was in a really fluffy mood and drew some fluffy RetsuHaida stuff while testing out some screentones ( probably a really nice dream Haidas having ) … Also saw the trailer for season 4, I already know I’m in for a ride and I’m ABSOLUTELY HYPED!

What did you guys think of the trailer ?

Was it just me or did Restuko and Haida looking like they not about to take no more shit in the new 4 th season poster?

I’m ready for the RAGE!

The gang chillin and having bubble tea! I do wish they would hang out more outside of their work pla

The gang chillin and having bubble tea! I do wish they would hang out more outside of their work place… The bubble tea shop is inspired by one my favorite bubble tea shops ever called Vivis! I would go meet up and hang with my friends all the time… I kind of missed doing that…(oh how i miss the simple things!!)

So thats what inspired his piece! I really hope we see more of Haida and Fenneko developing a closer friendship with Retsuko, they support her so much! What do you think Fenneko is showing them on her phone? What flavor bubble tea do you think they got? I also just love drawing Haida all flustered and confused !

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momo-deary: This adorable sonofagun deserves nothing but happiness


This adorable sonofagun deserves nothing but happiness

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orcawhvle: *donkey emoji*


*donkey emoji*

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finished aggretsuko s3 last night … i have a lot of feelings for these two

finished aggretsuko s3 last night … i have a lot of feelings for these two

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I L.O.V.E. the Aggretsuko series!!!!

I L.O.V.E. the Aggretsuko series!!!!

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