
I want to take a moment to acknowledge the accomplishments of my friend @eakinwale. She just compete

I want to take a moment to acknowledge the accomplishments of my friend @eakinwale. She just competed in her fifth @crossfitgames. Only @beccavoigt has had more appearances. She continued her streak of at least one first place finish in an event (she won Soccer Chipper) in each of her Games appearances. She was also the eldest woman competitor in the field in a sport that rewards youth. I’m proud of what she’s done and what she represents in the sport. I’m thankful she let me have a hand in her athletic success this year. Thanks to @chivers2000 for creating a dope swim program as well. To number SIX EA. I can’t wait to see it happen.

photo cred: @crossfitphotojournal

#CrossFit #crossfitgames #AkinwaleVol5 #fittestwomen #fitness #training #coach #programming #podcast @barbellsandbagels #success #thoughtsarethings #blessed

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In life, hurdles gonna come. Jump over ‘em. But do it with some style and grace.
More @crossfitgames technique/strategy videos in the tank. This one is about how to jump over stuff. Full video on YouTube after the events.
#crossfit #CrossFitGames #olloclip #motivation #fitness #fitover40 #coach #programming #training #running #athlete #mastersathlete #akinwaleVol5 #success #canon #oldmanspeed

#motivation    #crossfit    #success    #athlete    #programming    #training    #akinwalevol5    #running    #crossfitgames    #mastersathlete    #fitness    #olloclip    #fitover40    #oldmanspeed    