

It’s ok to quit sometimes. Temporarily. Most things that are worth anything take time to develop. And typically you won’t accomplish your goal with one gigantic effort. It takes small, consistent efforts, with fits and starts to get to your goal. Look at the big picture. A small setback is just part of the journey.
10 rounds
5 overhead squats @ 135#
10 calories on bike
5 bench press @ 205# (or bodyweight)

#health #wellness #fitness #assaultbike #greatness #patience #crossfit #motivation #inspiration #mastersathlete #oldmanstrength #dadbod #falldown7timesstandup8 (at Mission Fitness- Crossfit West Livingston)

#oldmanstrength    #motivation    #falldown7timesstandup8    #crossfit    #dadbod    #wellness    #fitness    #patience    #health    #greatness    #mastersathlete    #assaultbike    #inspiration    

I won’t trivialize any issue someone might be having. Some stuff in life comes up. Personal tragedies, heartaches and setbacks are serious. But what none of us can afford to do is to wallow in self doubt and get stuck. Bullsh*t happens to everyone at some point. We owe it to ourselves to keep working and keep moving. The workout:

Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes:
• 5 squats at 200#
• 5 hammer strikes (left) @ 16#
• 5 hammer strikes (right)

women: 135# squat and 10# hammer

#fitness #blackstarsc #Crossfit #strength #functionalfitness #sledgehammer #training #fitover40 #mastersathlete #athlete #coach #success #motivation #inspiration @barbellsandbagels #podcast

#sledgehammer    #training    #strength    #crossfit    #success    #athlete    #functionalfitness    #motivation    #mastersathlete    #fitness    #fitover40    #podcast    #blackstarsc    #inspiration    

I won’t trivialize any issue someone might be having. Some stuff in life comes up. Personal tragedies, heartaches and setbacks are serious. But what none of us can afford to do is to wallow in self doubt and get stuck. Bullsh*t happens to everyone at some point. We owe it to ourselves to keep working and keep moving. The workout:

Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes:
• 5 squats at 200#
• 5 hammer strikes (left) @ 16#
• 5 hammer strikes (right)

women: 135# squat and 10# hammer

#fitness #blackstarsc #Crossfit #strength #functionalfitness #sledgehammer #training #fitover40 #mastersathlete #athlete #coach #success #motivation #inspiration @barbellsandbagels #podcast

#sledgehammer    #training    #strength    #crossfit    #success    #athlete    #functionalfitness    #motivation    #mastersathlete    #fitness    #fitover40    #podcast    #blackstarsc    #inspiration    

In life, hurdles gonna come. Jump over ‘em. But do it with some style and grace.
More @crossfitgames technique/strategy videos in the tank. This one is about how to jump over stuff. Full video on YouTube after the events.
#crossfit #CrossFitGames #olloclip #motivation #fitness #fitover40 #coach #programming #training #running #athlete #mastersathlete #akinwaleVol5 #success #canon #oldmanspeed

#motivation    #crossfit    #success    #athlete    #programming    #training    #akinwalevol5    #running    #crossfitgames    #mastersathlete    #fitness    #olloclip    #fitover40    #oldmanspeed    