#alec hardison


“Then, of course, we could have dinner on top of the building before the police come up.”

A domestic ot3 doodle from last Leverage Secret Santa that I forgot to post in the midst of everything.

[ID: drawing of Parker, Hardison and Eliot on a couch in a brightly lit room. Hardison is sitting in Eliot’s lap, nested against his shoulder, looking down with a soft expression. Parker is lying across his stomach, stretched out and talking with her head upside down. Eliot is looking at them with an unconvinced frown, holding his glasses. He wears a white shirt with a grey t-shirt. Hardison has a dark blue shirt on and Parker is dressed all in black, hair in a ponytail. In the background, photographs and a large map of the world can be seen. End ID]


Eliot: “Oh my god… vanilla extract.”

Eliot: “Vanilla extract smells wonderful but tastes horrific on its own. But mixed with sugar and flour and cream, it tastes just like it smells. We need the support of others to reach our full potential.”

Eliot: “No man is an island, everyone is vanilla extract.”

Hardison: “He doesn’t sleep for four days, and suddenly he’s spouting philosophy.”


Eliot and Hardison bickering like an old married couple while Parker casually reveals a new talent in The Fairy Godparents Job. Just ot3 things :)
