#aleksander morozova


The Darkling slumped back in his chair.
“Fine,” he said with a weary shrug. “Make me your villain”

We all know the famous ACOWAR line; “His growls of pleasure filled the tent, drowning out the distant cries of the injured and dying. ”, I just wanna say that this is what would have happened if darklina actually happened but make it 10x worse.

Dearest Darkling Stans,

why r u giving an old, white, murderer pretty privilege. ALEKS NEVER LIKED ALINA IN THE FIRST PLACE. also, I do agree that Malina is a little bland and annoying but at least they dont have a 500 year age gap. I mean come on-


another darklina stan(who’s dissing about aleks cuz its darkling-slander-sunday)

500 year-old man who controls shadows and has an entire army filled with superhumans rlly got nothing better to do than be apart of a teenage-love-triangle

alina: i’m sad.

mal: *holds out arms for a hug* it’s going to be okay


alina: i’m sad

the darkling, nodding: mood

You have no chance, Shadow Man.

After Alina escapes, there is time for reflection

Every night, after bath time, a small battle rages in the Little Palace

@destiniesfic introduced me to the term “Dadling”

Big bad shadow man studies
