#alex quackity imagines


pairing(s): dreamwastaken x gender neutral reader, georgenotfound x gender neutral reader, sapnap x gender neutral reader, karl jacobs x gender neutral reader, quackity x gender neutral reader

summary: you call them by their real name instead of a nickname.

warning(s): use of dream and quackity’s real names. the use of sapnap’s name once.use of the nickname bubs on karl’s since people don’t like that one for some reason ?

DREAM: has the shock of his life when you call him clay. like karl, he thinks you’re mad at him for something he did. he tries to figure out what he did as he walks to the kitchen to you. “yeah?” he asks when he’s unable to come up with anything he did wrong, watching you clean the dishes. it couldn’t be the dishes, right? today is thursday, your day to clean the dishes. “clay, can you get patches some more food while i finish here?” he winces, having hoped you just decided to call him clay for once but nope. “okay,” he mutters, doing as you told him to but can’t help himself and asks, “did i do something wrong, baby?” he watches your expression carefully as he sets patches’ bowl on the floor. your brows furrow, looking over your shoulder at him. “i don’t know, did you?” you’re immediately suspicious of him after that but he shakes his head, “no, no i mean like— you’re calling me clay instead of babe or even dream. you only call me clay when you’re mad at me or being serious.” “oh,” you shrug, turning back to the sink. when you don’t say anything, he grows more concerned. “baby,” he whines slightly, “i’m sorry for whatever i did.” your lips twitch up, listening as he continues to whine and make promises that he’ll make it up to you. when he says, “i promise i’ll do all the house chores for a week!” you brighten up and turn to him, “really? great, thanks, babe. you can start now, i’ll go tell sapnap that you’ll do everything.” he watches in shock as you walk away to the living room, slowly registering that you tricked him. “Y/N!”

GEORGE: you have to stifle your giggles before starting with, “george, pass me my laptop charger.” he goes to grab it but halts halfway, brows furrowing. he concludes it was just a one time thing so he grabs your charger and hands it to you, expecting a kiss on the cheek or lips along with a sweet, “thanks, love!” as you always do. but he gets nothing except for “thanks, george.” and you dismiss him without another thought. he stares at you in silence and you look up at him, “what?” “don’t call me that.” “call you what? your name?” your eyebrows raise. “you don’t call me george, you— you call me love or, or gogy,” he explains hastily, cheeks turning pink at his words. you have to force your lips into a straight line, “oh? i thought you didn’t like me calling you those names since you whine all the time about it.” he huffs, cheeks turning even more pink, “y/n! don’t pretend you didn’t know.” “didn’t know what, exactly?” you can’t hide your smile this time. “that— that i like you calling me love!” you simply stare at him in silence, a satisfied smile on your lips as he soon realized, “you just wanted me to admit that, didn’t you?” “yup,” you chirp, leaning in for a kiss which he quickly dodges, “no! no kisses since you like to trick your boyfriend.”

SAPNAP: he’s busy playing valorant when you decide to do it, eyes focused on his computer screen. “hey, sapnap, what do you want for dinner?” you lean on the door frame, knowing he’s only in call with punz as he plays and neither are streaming. he doesn’t answer, making you furrow your brows. you’re sure that he can hear you, his volume is never loud enough just in case something happens, but you step forward and tap him on the shoulder anyways, “sapnap. what do you want for dinner?” he still doesn’t answer, making you huff only to hear punz ask through his headphones, “dude, y/n’s asking you a question.” sapnap still doesn’t answer. you roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest, “oh really? that’s how it’s going to be? nick!” he keeps silent. “jesus, fine! what do you want for dinner, baby?” you emphasize the pet-name and he finally turns around, sending you a sweet smile, completely different than his blank look from earlier. “how about some sushi?” “dude,” you hear punz laugh as you roll your eyes and start to leave the room, “you’re unbelievable.” “don’t call me sapnap again! love you.”

KARL: freezes the moment you say “karl”, trying to think of something he did to upset you. can’t think of anything so he decides to play it safe and tentatively asks, “yeah?” he’s confused when all you do is ask him to do something simple and not at all torturous. stays quiet, deciding to just forget about it but it doesn’t leave his mind for the rest of the day, not to mention he also notices the other times you continue to call him by his real name. he ends up not being able to take it close to dinner time, “okay, what did i do wrong? ‘cause you’ve been calling me karl all day and a hundred percent of the time, you call me bubs. so—” he’s confused at how you start giggling, cutting him off. “i was just waiting to see how long it’d take you to confront me,” you explain through your laughter. he stares at you before giggling in amusement and a huge amount of relief, “thank god. can you call me bubs now? because hearing you say karl directly to me makes me want to be asleep forever.”

QUACKITY: “alex, do you think i should buy this?” you tug him closer to you so he can look at your phone but all he does is stare at you. “alex? … alexis?” he simply blinks at you with a blank face. you stare back at him in confusion, “dude. quackity. do you even hear me?” he then decides to open his mouth, “who is alex?” you give him a bitchy stare, “um, you?” he shakes his head, turning back to his computer and staring at it with his jaw clenched slightly. your lips twitch at the sight, knowing he’s not really mad but just being dramatic and salty. “quackity.” “nope, don’t know who that is. why are you talking about another guy?” you scoff, “oh, sorry, honey. happy now, cutie? oh, or how about handsome? or—” “jeez, okay i get it!” his cheeks flush lightly, avoiding your stare with how quick you seemed to turn the situation on him instead of the other way. “ … i like honey.”

tiktok series.library.

send me a number with one of the feral boys’ name and their group. | credit|inbox|guidelines|library

ionly write for dream team + karl + quackity!

if there is a name already beside the number, please don’t request it again <3

  1. as a hello | karl
  2. with a hoarse voice, under the blankets | dream
  3. a scream | sapnap
  4. over a cup of tea | george
  5. over a beer bottle | george
  6. on a sunny tuesday afternoon, the late sunlight glowing in your hair | sapnap
  7. as a thank you | sapnap
  8. as an apology | george
  9. when baking chocolate chip cookies | george
  10. not said to me | george
  11. with a shuddering gasp | dream
  12. when we lay together on the fresh spring grass | sapnap
  13. in a letter | george
  14. a whisper in the ear | quackity
  15. loud, so everyone can hear | karl
  16. over and over again, till it’s nothing but a senseless babble | karl
  17. when the broken grass litters the floor | dream
  18. from very far away | quackity
  19. with no space left between us | george
  20. as we huddle together, the storm raging outside | george
  21. over your shoulder | dream
  22. muffled, from the other side of the door | george
  23. through a song | quackity
  24. without really meaning it | george
  25. in a blissful sigh as you fall asleep | quackity
  26. broken, as you clutch the sleeve of my jacket and beg me not to leave | george
  27. a taunt, with one eyebrow raised and a grin bubbling at your lips | sapnap
  28. when i am dead | karl
  29. slowly, the words dripping from your tongue like honey | quackity
  30. too quick, mumbled into your scarf | dream
  31. in awe, the first time you realized it | dream
  32. in a way i can’t return | karl
  33. on a post-it note | george
  34. before we jump | dream
  35. as a goodbye | george

pairing(s): dreamwastaken x gender neutral reader, georgenotfound x gender neutral reader, sapnap x gender neutral reader, karl jacobs x gender neutral reader, quackity x gender neutral reader

summary: wiping off their kisses.

warning(s): none

note: let me know if there are any other trends you want me to write and make sure to send an example in case i don’t know what it is !! sorry it got shorter to karl and quackity’s

DREAM: you’re on his lap while he’s editing a video, scrolling through tiktok with earbuds in. he gives you a kiss on the cheek five minutes later. smiling at him, you ‘subtly’ wipe it off with the back of your hand. he freezes, staring at you and you raise your eyebrows at him, “what?” “did you just wipe my kiss off?” he asks and you frown, shaking your head. “okay…” he mutters, kissing you again but this time on your lips. again, you wipe it off with the back of your hand. dream stares at you incredulously, “you just did it again.” “no, i didn’t,” you deny, shaking your head. he scoffs in offense, “yes you did! what, you don’t like my kisses?” you giggle, “i’m not wiping off your kisses, dream!” he shakes his head at you, pulling you in by the back of your neck to give you a rather wet kiss on the lips, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. when he pulls away, he raises a defiant eyebrow, “try to wipe that away.” you stare at him before quickly raising your arm to wipe it away. “babe!”

GEORGE: he presses a loud kiss to your cheek, being dramatic. you shake your head at him before quickly wiping it away and he blinks in shock as you go back to your phone. he stares at you before kissing you again on your cheek, just in case you didn’t mean to. he then watches as you wipe the kiss away again. his mouth drops open, unsure of whether to feel hurt/offended or just shrug it off. “did i do something wrong?” he asks and you frown as you look up, “no, why?” “i— you…” he racks his brain to think of anything he could’ve done as you go back to your phone again. definitely texts dream and sapnap for help before sapnap realizes what you’re doing and tells george. turns to you in offense that you thought you could get away with this, even though you kinda did at first. he takes your phone away, ignoring your protests and showers you in wet and loud kisses all over your face. “can’t wipe them all away,” he mutters, pressing a kiss under your ear, “no more tiktok for you.”

SAPNAP: he’s immediately suspicious when you wipe his kiss away the first time, going to give you another kiss and watches as you wipe it away again. pokes you in the side, giving you a WTF look and you look at him in the same way, pretending to be confused. he scoffs, “wiping my kisses away? real mature.” “no idea what you’re talking about,” you feign innocence, shrugging at him. “mhm,” he mutters, going back to playing valorant but you can tell he’s still thinking about it, trying to think as to what he could’ve done to deserve this. “is this because i didn’t pick the dirty clothes up from the floor?” he turns to you 20 minutes later and you raise your eyebrow at him. “no, but thanks for reminding me of that.” he huffs, “okay, then… is this because i ate your leftovers?” your mouth drops open, “that was you? you told me it was dream!” he realizes he just snitched on himself and winces, “um…” “sapnap!”

KARL: already knows the trend but it doesn’t register in his brain until the third time you did it in the span of ten minutes. doesn’t give you a reaction and does the same thing to you later on in the day. he tries his best to not laugh when he sees your mouth drop open in shock at him, continuing to scroll through his phone. “babe!” you whine, “did you just wipe my kiss off?” he grins, finally glancing up at you, “no, why?” “liar! you totally just did.” “oh, so you can do it, but i can’t?” you huff before wrapping your arms around his neck, “fine, fine. give me a kiss now, but don’t wipe it away this time.” he giggles again, pressing kisses all over your face, “as long as you don’t do it, either.”

QUACKITY: he stares at you like you’ve grown two heads after he watched you wipe the kiss away. he’s immediately offended but also kinda hurt. tries to act nonchalant but you could tell he was like WTF. becomes clingy and definitely scatters kisses around your face that you also wipe away. around the 15th time, he realizes you’re playing with him when he sees the small smirk on your face. unable to believe that he fell for it, he gives you the silent treatment and makes you beg him for kisses. you lost, he won. will definitely pull a prank back on you because giving the silent treatment just isn’t enough.

tiktok series.library.


request can I req a fic on quackity helping you through a hard time? quackity is my comfort streamer and he means so much me :-) thank u <33333.

noteaaa i feel you, anon! i adore quackity, he lightens up my world <3 i’m sorry if u expected paragraph form LOL i felt like it’d be better to do bullet points </3


before requesting, read this.


  • i will try to be very vague with what your hard time is aaa
  • despite quackity being busy with with school and streaming, he notices very quickly that something is wrong
  • is hesitant on asking because if you wanted him to know, you’d tell him, right?
  • after talking abt it with karl, he decides to very very cautiously ask you if something is wrong
  • and judging by the immediate crying he can assume that something is wrong
  • won’t push you to tell him but he’ll do anything he can to cheer you up either way
  • if you do tell him, he’ll listen quietly and gather his thoughts for a moment
  • if it’s something like … a relative’s death or pet’s death or anything like that, he knows nothing he’ll say will make the pain away but he will try his goddamn best to make you feel better
  • ie like i said earlier, doing anything to get you distracted
  • will 100% burn down his kitchen if you asked him to
  • if it’s something like school or generally stuff you’d need advice for, he’ll do that
  • i feel like he is a very good speaker a very good motivator so
  • whatever he says will cheer you up and help you
  • like i said earlier he’ll do anything to cheer you up/distract you
  • including watching movies with you or even streaming with a few friends bc he knows how much you love his streams
  • do not underestimate what this man is willing to do for you ok
  • he’ll literally even try and do his own makeup (using his mom’s or yours … whichever scenario)
  • if you live near him/with him, he’ll take you out for a drive <3
  • he’ll play chill music or upbeat music or whatever anything you want
  • except for sad music that’s a no-no for now
  • he’ll get yall food too whatever your heart desires<3
  • all in all he is a very good (boy)friend and i love watching him he gives me comfort too