#quackity fluff


pairing(s): dreamwastaken x gender neutral reader, georgenotfound x gender neutral reader, sapnap x gender neutral reader, karl jacobs x gender neutral reader, quackity x gender neutral reader

summary: you call them by their real name instead of a nickname.

warning(s): use of dream and quackity’s real names. the use of sapnap’s name once.use of the nickname bubs on karl’s since people don’t like that one for some reason ?

DREAM: has the shock of his life when you call him clay. like karl, he thinks you’re mad at him for something he did. he tries to figure out what he did as he walks to the kitchen to you. “yeah?” he asks when he’s unable to come up with anything he did wrong, watching you clean the dishes. it couldn’t be the dishes, right? today is thursday, your day to clean the dishes. “clay, can you get patches some more food while i finish here?” he winces, having hoped you just decided to call him clay for once but nope. “okay,” he mutters, doing as you told him to but can’t help himself and asks, “did i do something wrong, baby?” he watches your expression carefully as he sets patches’ bowl on the floor. your brows furrow, looking over your shoulder at him. “i don’t know, did you?” you’re immediately suspicious of him after that but he shakes his head, “no, no i mean like— you’re calling me clay instead of babe or even dream. you only call me clay when you’re mad at me or being serious.” “oh,” you shrug, turning back to the sink. when you don’t say anything, he grows more concerned. “baby,” he whines slightly, “i’m sorry for whatever i did.” your lips twitch up, listening as he continues to whine and make promises that he’ll make it up to you. when he says, “i promise i’ll do all the house chores for a week!” you brighten up and turn to him, “really? great, thanks, babe. you can start now, i’ll go tell sapnap that you’ll do everything.” he watches in shock as you walk away to the living room, slowly registering that you tricked him. “Y/N!”

GEORGE: you have to stifle your giggles before starting with, “george, pass me my laptop charger.” he goes to grab it but halts halfway, brows furrowing. he concludes it was just a one time thing so he grabs your charger and hands it to you, expecting a kiss on the cheek or lips along with a sweet, “thanks, love!” as you always do. but he gets nothing except for “thanks, george.” and you dismiss him without another thought. he stares at you in silence and you look up at him, “what?” “don’t call me that.” “call you what? your name?” your eyebrows raise. “you don’t call me george, you— you call me love or, or gogy,” he explains hastily, cheeks turning pink at his words. you have to force your lips into a straight line, “oh? i thought you didn’t like me calling you those names since you whine all the time about it.” he huffs, cheeks turning even more pink, “y/n! don’t pretend you didn’t know.” “didn’t know what, exactly?” you can’t hide your smile this time. “that— that i like you calling me love!” you simply stare at him in silence, a satisfied smile on your lips as he soon realized, “you just wanted me to admit that, didn’t you?” “yup,” you chirp, leaning in for a kiss which he quickly dodges, “no! no kisses since you like to trick your boyfriend.”

SAPNAP: he’s busy playing valorant when you decide to do it, eyes focused on his computer screen. “hey, sapnap, what do you want for dinner?” you lean on the door frame, knowing he’s only in call with punz as he plays and neither are streaming. he doesn’t answer, making you furrow your brows. you’re sure that he can hear you, his volume is never loud enough just in case something happens, but you step forward and tap him on the shoulder anyways, “sapnap. what do you want for dinner?” he still doesn’t answer, making you huff only to hear punz ask through his headphones, “dude, y/n’s asking you a question.” sapnap still doesn’t answer. you roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest, “oh really? that’s how it’s going to be? nick!” he keeps silent. “jesus, fine! what do you want for dinner, baby?” you emphasize the pet-name and he finally turns around, sending you a sweet smile, completely different than his blank look from earlier. “how about some sushi?” “dude,” you hear punz laugh as you roll your eyes and start to leave the room, “you’re unbelievable.” “don’t call me sapnap again! love you.”

KARL: freezes the moment you say “karl”, trying to think of something he did to upset you. can’t think of anything so he decides to play it safe and tentatively asks, “yeah?” he’s confused when all you do is ask him to do something simple and not at all torturous. stays quiet, deciding to just forget about it but it doesn’t leave his mind for the rest of the day, not to mention he also notices the other times you continue to call him by his real name. he ends up not being able to take it close to dinner time, “okay, what did i do wrong? ‘cause you’ve been calling me karl all day and a hundred percent of the time, you call me bubs. so—” he’s confused at how you start giggling, cutting him off. “i was just waiting to see how long it’d take you to confront me,” you explain through your laughter. he stares at you before giggling in amusement and a huge amount of relief, “thank god. can you call me bubs now? because hearing you say karl directly to me makes me want to be asleep forever.”

QUACKITY: “alex, do you think i should buy this?” you tug him closer to you so he can look at your phone but all he does is stare at you. “alex? … alexis?” he simply blinks at you with a blank face. you stare back at him in confusion, “dude. quackity. do you even hear me?” he then decides to open his mouth, “who is alex?” you give him a bitchy stare, “um, you?” he shakes his head, turning back to his computer and staring at it with his jaw clenched slightly. your lips twitch at the sight, knowing he’s not really mad but just being dramatic and salty. “quackity.” “nope, don’t know who that is. why are you talking about another guy?” you scoff, “oh, sorry, honey. happy now, cutie? oh, or how about handsome? or—” “jeez, okay i get it!” his cheeks flush lightly, avoiding your stare with how quick you seemed to turn the situation on him instead of the other way. “ … i like honey.”

tiktok series.library.

’ 〖〗

wilbur, quackity, niki, karl, sapnap, x reader !

summary what they do when you can’t fall asleep

genre fluff !

warnings insomnia? not being able to sleep? are these warnings ? i don’t know ? + use of streamers’ real names!

a/n ↴

hello ! i had the sudden motivation to write headcanons, and i’ve seen other writers do this, so i decided to do my take on it !

enjoy some fluff ! <33


wilbur soot !

- starting off with wilburr, because you can never write enough wilburr

- his sleep schedule is terrible and I feel like he would understand having trouble sleeping

- not the type to get out of bed, rather he tries to get you both asleep

- has you face him with your head on his chest, curled into him

- i feel like he’s probably very warm, like your own personal heater

- but anyways your head is on his chest,

- that way you can listen to his heartbeat

- rubs circles on your back, or runs his finger through your hair, very soothing

- offers to sing you to sleep

- his voice is tired and barely above a whisper

- he’s either singing a cheesy love song, or a song he wrote for/about you

- if after all that you haven’t fallen asleep, you decide to just talk

- lying on your backs, either holding hands or just being close to each other

- and he’s just rambling about everything and anything, things he’s passionate about, the most random absurd things that he for someone reason knows

- sometimes you talk too, rambling or just light conversation between you too

- other times, when you’re too exhausted to reply, you just listen

- occasionally humming in acknowledgment to let him know you’re still listening

- ‘i hate anteaters’ 'mm i know will, i know’

- 'this one time when i was 7 i …’

- 'how are you darling, i hope you had a good day’ 'i’m tired, but this is really nice, will’

- again i feel like he’s just very soothing and will lull you to sleep

- going to add blurbs to the ends of each person’s headcanons!

wilbur pauses, noticing you hadn’t said anything in a while and looks down at you. your chest slowly rising and falling, you look so peaceful, calm. finally asleep. he smiles down at you, bending down to press a light kiss to your forehead. moving closer to you, he presses one final kiss to your temple. 'goodnight, my love’

quackity ! ⭐️

- while i feel wilbur wouldn’t want to get out of bed, quackity would

- but he wouldn’t go very far-

- just to his desk, dragging your blanket along with him

- you pull up a chair next to him, or just sit on his lap, up to you

- your snuggled up together under the blanket, as he starts up his computer

- if you have the energy, you might stream with him

- 'LATE NIGHT ROBLOX ( with my partner ! <3) ’

- a roblox stream, where you mess around

- your sleep-deprived brains laughing at everything

- attempting an obby and just repeatedly dying

- chat is concerned, kinda? but also finds it hilarious

- i feel like he’s also more clingy/cuddly when he’s tired

- so he’s more touchy and almost like a toddler

- chat is clipping it all to put in compilations

- 'y/n and quackity being adorable for 8 minutes straight’ , 'sleep deprived y/n and quackity’, 'tired quackity being a toddler’

- 'y/nnnnn hold my hand pleaseeee’ 'alexxx nooo I’m trying to play robloxxxx’

- leans his head on your shoulder and almost falls asleep while you are playing

- if you’re not in the mood to stream, or just far too tired to

- he decides to play minecraft, just something for you to watch

- this time you’re laying your head on his shoulder while he plays

- he might monologue what he’s doing

- and his voice goes all soft and whispery

- 'and now mi amor, i’m going to kill some sheep’ 'die sheep >:(’

- 'oooh iron!! look babe i found iron !!’

- you just reply with a soft 'mhm’ and a nod against his shoulder

- his monologuing and the movements on the screen, lull you to sleep

alex looks away from his monitor and down at your sleeping figure. 'awh, sleepy baby’ he mumbles to himself. lifting the blanket off himself and you, he moves to face you, and picks you up bridal style, trying his very best not to wake you; knowing how hard it was for you to fall asleep in the first place. he carries you back to bed, lays you down. grabbing the blanket from the desk and placing it over your sleeping figure. 'mission success’ he whispers quietly, smiling. he lays down and places himself under the blanket, moving to hold you in his arms. 'duerme bien mi amor’ he whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your nose, before giving into sleep.

- that ended up being a lot longer, i swear this happens every time i write quackity T .T

i apologize for my terrible attempts at spanish, if anything doesn’t make sense, blame google translate, and my friend who i went to for help !

niki ! ☀️

- niki !!

- niki seems very comforting and <33

- she would probably feel bad that you couldn’t sleep and would help you in anyway she can

- 'awh no baby i’m sorry’ 'anything i can do to help?’

- i think first you two would just lay in bed together, cuddling

- similar to what i wrote for wilbur

- i think she would hold you in her arms, as close as possible

- under many layers and fluffy blankets

- makes sure you are warm and comfortable

- rubs her hands up and down your arms

- whispers sweet nothing (that’s so fanfiction i know)

- and her presence alone just makes you sleepy

- if you really can’t fall asleep, then niki comes up with the brilliant idea to bake!

- i know, i know, i said the same thing in my helping with gender dysphoria headcanons, but it’s still true here !

- she just seems like suck a bake-y person, if that makes any sense

- so you find some recipe on Pinterest, probably something along the lines of cookies or brownies, something easy to make

- while it’s baking, you two cuddle on the couch, with some soft music in the background

- make sure to set a timer in case you fall asleep !!

- and when the cookies are done, you drag your blanket with you and sit on the kitchen counter, eating whatever you baked

- by then it’s pretty late (depending on when you got out of bed)

- and you are probably tired, so you decide to try sleeping again

- this time, the combination of warm blankets, her soothing touch, and being worn out from your late-night baking session

- is enough to put you to sleep

- niki’s arms are very comfortable, and a great source of warmth

'lovely?’ niki asks, noticing your eyes, close to shutting, exhaustion evident in them. 'mhmm?’ you manage to reply, 'you look so tired my love, want to try sleeping again? you simply nod your head. niki gets of the counter and grabs your hand, walking you to the bedroom. you once again find yourself enveloped in blankets and warmth, back in niki’s arms. this time sleep comes easier. niki softly kisses your forehead, before whispering, 'i hope you sleep well my love’. and that’s the last you hear, before finally drifting off to sleep.

karl !

- karl <33

- another one who feels bad for you

- even though he also has a terrible sleep schedule

- i think he also has trouble sleeping, so he will understand you :)

- he would not want to get out of bed

- just wants to cuddle you to sleep

- but since you’ve probably already tried that, considering you two definitely sleep all cuddled up (but that’s a different set of headcanons-)

- you two will go under the covers, still cuddled up and close to one another

- and you’ll watch either movies, shows, youtube, anything along those lines; on either your or karl’s phone

- i’m leaning towards movies, especially longer ones

- i feel like those would more likely make you sleepy

- or if you’re watching youtube, i think you would be watching like satisfying slime videos ? you know?

- i don’t know i feel you two send each other satisfying tiktoks and it just became a thing you enjoy

- like, does anyone know those videos with sand? the ones where they cut it and put it into tall glasses and flatten it?

- if you don’t know what i mean this probably sounds really odd-

- anyways if you are not watching movies, i feel like you would watch that

- there is probably not much talking, since you are both very tired

- the brightness and volume of the phone are low, and its leaning against a pillow or one of your legs, since you gave up trying to hold it up

- and you just watch stuff till you fall asleep, or till you are tired enough that you can turn it off

- except for that one time you two accidentally stayed up till 5 am, and then passed out and woke up at 1 pm

- sometimes if you don’t feel like using devices, karl just holds you in his arms

- neither of you is asleep, but you’re both tired, and it’s really comfortable silence

- eventually, you fall asleep in his arms, even if it takes a while

finally, your breathing slows, as you drift off to sleep in karl’s embrace. he’s just as tired as you, eyes droopy, almost closed. but he notices that you’ve finally fallen asleep. he smiles down at you, admiring your sleeping face. pressing a few light kisses, on your eyelids and nose and a final on your forehead. he whispers out, just barely audible, voice filled with sleepiness, 'goodnight, sleep well baby’

sapnap !

- sap nap sapnap.

- he’s probably fast asleep, leaving you alone to stare at the ceiling

- after a while of pointless attempts of falling asleep, you decide to get up

- he finds you on the couch staring at the turned-off tv, a glass of water on the table in front of you

- 'baby? what are you doing up?’ 'why didn’t tell me you couldn’t sleep :(’

- sits next to you on the couch and wraps his arms around

- his head is on top of yours and it’s pretty peaceful until he decides that this isn’t going to work

- he gives up on the idea of you two getting any sleep tonight

- 'if you can’t sleep then i’m not going to either’

- tells you to put your shoes and a jacket on, as he searches for the car keys

- grabs your hand and drags you to the car

- 'mm sap where are we going?’ 'to mcdonalds ’ 'at this hour? 'yep :)’

- the drive is quiet, there aren’t many cars, the city quiet and calm

- the radio is on, turned-down, and sap’s hand is either on your thigh or intertwined with yours, the entire drive

- you make it to the drive-through and order your food. you park somewhere in front of the restaurant

- you two sit in silence, the only sounds coming from the radio

- you enjoy food, and sap still hasn’t moved his hand from off your leg

- he’s tired and just wants affection :(

- i can imagine his hand in yours doing that thumb thing

- anyways you drive home, and as soon as you walk into the house you both flop onto the bed

- something about late-night drives in a quiet city makes you very sleepy

- at this point, i think you are probably tired enough to fall asleep

- you two get under the covers and he mumbles 'come here’ , his voice filled with sleepiness

- you move into his open arms and he just cacoons you with his warmth and affection

- you can’t resist and give into sleep, finally

'mm baby come here’ he mumbles quietly, his sleepy voice you find absolutely adorable. you simply nod and move into his embrace. he wraps his arms around you, warmth radiating off him. you gladly accept the affection, nuzzling into his chest. your eyes flutter shut, barely still awake. 'night baby’ he whispers, places the softest kiss to the top of your head. 'goodnight sap’ you barely get out, before giving into sleep, finally asleep.


a/n ↴

that’s all ! hope you enjoyed reading! thank you for all love and support that i have received while on here, even though i’m so inconsistent with writing. ily all <3

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