#alfred f jones

Asqueado pero intrigado.jpgYa saben de que es viernes Traslation bc I see some of you don’t understaAsqueado pero intrigado.jpgYa saben de que es viernes Traslation bc I see some of you don’t understaAsqueado pero intrigado.jpgYa saben de que es viernes Traslation bc I see some of you don’t understaAsqueado pero intrigado.jpgYa saben de que es viernes Traslation bc I see some of you don’t understa

Asqueado pero intrigado.jpg

Ya saben de que es viernes

Traslation bc I see some of you don’t understand spanish xd:

Eduardo: How someone so powerful can be so stupid?

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Redraw of the old hetalia picture.

Alfred x Arthur (w̶e̶e̶b̶ ̶R̶e̶d̶d̶i̶e̶)


I’m of the opinion canon America is NOT a flat character like some people claim.

There is a lot more to him than the surface level traits some fans convinced themselves were his ONLY traits. Yes, repetitive jokes are memorable, but it’s important to look beyond what’s used to set up a character.


For instance, he’s convinced that the majority of other characters hate him.

He views England and Japan as his closest friends.

When Romano is staying at his place and won’t stop insulting him, his feelings are hurt and he tells Romano to just leave if he hates him so much, which makes Romano back down.

They have a more serious chat about Romano’s situation, which causes Alfred to sympathise with him until Romano acts like he doesn’t want Alfred’s pity and insists Alfred wouldn’t be able to understand. This results in Alfred immediately putting his oblivious façade back on in what I view as an attempt to make Romano more comfortable.

He is capable of reading the atmosphere and only chooses whether or not to do so.

He cries after Canada insults him for three hours, and while this isn’t surprising, the point here is that while he tries to laugh everything off most of the time, he still cares a great deal about the opinions of others.

After the Revolution, he can’t handle being at odds with England and tries to see him, but is blocked by Canada. He expresses that he hates feeling this divide where Canada and England are on one side and he’s on the other.

America confides in Lithuania about his sentimentality and Lithuania acknowledges that America has started to grow up.

There was also a scene in World Stars involving America and I think(?) Canada in which the narration itself described that America had started to mature (personality wise). Unfortunately I don’t remember the context of that one, but I do remember there were interactions between those two where America was shown thinking before he spoke, trying to be tactful, and admiring Canada for his ability to get along with everyone.

He envies kids who have fathers to give them Christmas gifts (Finland offered to play this role for him. Please accept it, America!)

 He missed out on a lot of childhood things due to physically maturing at such a rapid pace.

Young Alfred choosing to study over playing.

Baby Alfred saying he’s not lonely.

He gets upset at being excluded when England and France hang out on a holiday (either Christmas or New Year’s).

America tearing up when England shows support by giving him a gift for his Centennial.

America taking care of a unicorn he doesn’t even fully believe in, because England gave it to him.

An important thing to remember is that there are different types of intelligence, too. While he may come off as an airhead lacking common sense at times, it doesn’t mean he’s just stupid.

Those are some of the scenes I feel are important when I think about insight to his character, though there are probably others that slipped my mind.

Just finished my page for the usukcalendar! ;W; fjklsgjlk amg i’m actually pretty pleased with

Just finished my page for the usukcalendar! ;W; fjklsgjlk amg i’m actually pretty pleased with how this turned out. Can’t wait to post the full thing! 

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padalickingood:OPENING UP COMMISSIONS! Hey guys! I’m in need of some money pretty badly since I’m



Hey guys! I’m in need of some money pretty badly since I’m currently still looking for a job, so I thought i’d open up commissions! :)

prices are as follows:

Chibi no bg- 3.00 USD

Chibi-simple bg- 5.00 USD

Waist up/bust (full colour no bg)- 10.00 USD

Waist up/bust (full colour and bg varying from simple to detailed)- 15.00-25.00 USD

Full body (full colour no bg)- 30.00 USD

full body (full colour bg varying from simple to detailed) - 35.00-45.00 USD

the prices of pictures that include a background will vary depending on it’s difficulty, so once you tell me what exactly you want as the back ground (i.e simple designs to a full fledged scenery) I will give you a price based on the level of detail. 

also. as you can probably tell in these sample pictures, my style of shading/outlining varies depending on what type of feel i’m trying to portray in the picture. If you would like a specific style please let me know (I won’t do shading/outlining styles of other artists though)

I USE PAYPAL. in order to not get charged an extra transaction fee please check on the ‘family and friends’ box when sending in your payment.  Please send payment in as soon as possible as I will not post your picture until after it is received. 


You can contact me here or my art blog (though I check that less frequently) if you’d like a commission :) 


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jack-o-lecki: artsy-fartsy-time: It’s that time!~~~ ya know that time where i’m in some desperate



It’s that time!~~~ ya know that time where i’m in some desperate need for money because of school and all that ;o; yup Commission time! 

because i’m taking mainly art classes this time around, i’ve decided to get these up to help me pay for all the supplies (i get to carry my huge canvases around now yay :’D /sarcasm), plus i’m planning a trip to a con in the future and would love to cosplay for that! 

as it says these are chibi commissions for 3 USD (3$ per single chibi). I’m only taking paypal right now and because of the transaction you would need to put .40-.50 cents in with your payment ;w; or you can send it as a gift but I can’t get too much of those or it’ll flag me down. 

message me in this askbox if you’d like a cute lil chibi of your own~

and spread the word please! :D reblog or tell people who you think might want these. thank you!


So please reblog and send me a message either here or on my artblog if you’d like a commission! 

thank you so much and a signal boost is really appreciated ;W;

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*lunch break*Alfred: Matthew recently became interested in baking and baked these cupcakes. You take

*lunch break*

Alfred: Matthew recently became interested in baking and baked these cupcakes. You take it - take it, I do not mind!

Ivan: Thank you! But that’s right not  “cupcakes”, but - “kulichi”. Take care of the roots of the Russian langu…

Ivan: Oh!

In general terms: Alfred is practicing in Russian, Ivan made an inside joke out of habit and suddenly remembered who he is sitting with now. Shame. To hell with the whole evening, but he will pretend that everything is fine :^)


(There is a wave of jokes and ridicule on Twitter in the direction of one account that bothers everyone and corrects their words to Russian synonyms) 

I sometimes draw on such local topics that it becomes uncomfortable for me to upload art anywhere else. I have to explain a lot, and I don’t like it….

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another birthday card for an internet friend that i made <3
