#all of my stonewood gelfling are on high alert


Day 3- Ignored OC from @midostree-art OC-Tober prompts

Some of you may remember of Lalit. Some of you probably don’t know who she is or don’t remember. I can’t blame you lol I never forgot about her I just didn’t have any ideas for her at the time. I have some ideas now though lol

Lalit was Cha’l’s first love and girlfriend. She was sweet and one of the few Stonewood lasses who enjoyed talking with Cha’l (he’s really sweet so I imagine quite a few lasses enjoyed talking to him but held some fear. Lalit wasn’t fearful about omens or the stereotypes the Dousan or half Dousan had) She was always happy to repair or create weapons for the Stonesan family. I believe that is how the two of them met. Cha’l’s pranks caught her attention and the two of them trying to give the other hints of their affections was a sight lol

While Lalit was strong in standing up for anyone being mistreated, she was not strong at all when it came to disobeying her parents. They were very against she and Cha’l’s relationship. They snuck around for quite some time before Cha’l was the one to end their relationship. A romance that could only thrive in the dark was not fair to either of them. It broke her heart as much as it did Cha’l but the two remained good friends prior to the events of AoR.

Lalit is a skilled warrior despite her kindhearted nature and a great huntress. She is married and she might have childling(s). I imagined her seeing Cha’l and Shiyoon for the first time with a prominent baby bump. If not she was definitely talking about she and her husband’s desire to have childlings. Building a family was one of Lalit’s goals in life. The other was to craft a new battle axe for Maudra Fara, or be Maudra Fara’s go-to blacksmith. Lalit is a wholesome friend you’d love to have. She’s kinda like Viara but also quite different.

Lalit is Stonewood. Her fate is up in the air like many of my other Stonewood Ocs. Did I ever say how sad the Stonewood surprise attack/Garthim Wars makes me? So much angst! I’ve got some angsty comics coming our way soon. Mostly dialogue heavy, nothing too crazy.

Idk why but Lalit’s color scheme came so naturally. Which is wow because colors are so difficult for me.

Lalit got a glow-up from her first sketch and I’m glad I did her justice.
