
My participation to @thanatasia ‘s DTIYS (“Draw This in Your Style” for those who don’t know) featurMy participation to @thanatasia ‘s DTIYS (“Draw This in Your Style” for those who don’t know) featur

My participation to @thanatasia ‘s DTIYS (“Draw This in Your Style” for those who don’t know) featuring her amazing OC: Fleur! I didn’t know which style I would pick, something more realistic or stylised? Then I asked myself “How would she look like if she was an Age of Resistance puppet?” and I chose that idea.

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Late Christmas/thank you gift for my bestest friend in the universe @thanatasia!I wanted to make som

Late Christmas/thank you gift for my bestest friend in the universe @thanatasia!

I wanted to make something festive with our Gelfing Oc’s, since this year felt kind of hard to be in the festive spirit. I still wanted it to feel Dark Crystal enough, so I added the Fizzgigs, I have a lot of trouble with gelfing clothes so I just dressed them up in a cute Christmas outfit  and popped them on top of a glass filled with sparkly jelly (I was inspired by a anime statue I saw at the store) Hope you all had a good Holiday !

Fleur was so fun to draw and color! I feel like Fleur would help my Vapra Oc Bora (who Thanatsia helped me with a lot on design and story wise !) come out of her shell and get her to be less shy with her outgoing attitude, if they ever met on Bora’s journey, I was trying to convey both their personalities in this image as well!

Fleur the Stonesan Gelfing belongs to : @thanatasia

Bora the Vapra belongs to me!

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drenchen-moonlight: feusus: I flipped through “Heroes of the Resistance” (a simple and fun guide, un



I flipped through “Heroes of the Resistance” (a simple and fun guide, unpretentious) and I discovered that Rian can play the lute ! I had to draw it ! I think I got that weird (but somehow elegant) face right, and I hid a Stonewood symbol on his lute.
With his missions as one of the heroes of Thra, Rian never got a proper time to mourn his losses. So I imagined a scene where he takes a break and sings to himself a sorrowful tune. I’m a fan of puppetry as an art form, so I would be delighted to see something like this. Performing a character playing a string instrument would be tricky, but the result could be really rewarding. Oh ! And Taron Egerton can use his singing skills again !

“Muppets playing string instruments” has definitely been done, it is SO doable, this is a scene we need now thank you for contribution.

Also, just a quick note, your art is beautiful ❤️

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The last bit of IG asks where people made assumptions about OceanPetals’ childling who will be arriving soon!

The last one is a very canon reaction to how Maeve, Bhihaar and Fiona reacted when they heard that Fleur and Razer were expecting. I imagine that Maeve and Fiona had a mini celebration amongst themselves because this was their mom-tag-team mission lol

So many different variations of what the childling could look like! Soon all will be revealed.

Razer and Fiona belong to my friend @jack-toons/@myfanartblogplusshippingtrash


These 4 were overdue for a redraw!

All of these Ocs belong to the Lovely @thanatasia

I really like how Erdahn, and Ira turned out^^


What a wonderful surprise! Thank you so much @fenth-eiria

Your redraw of the grandparents looks nice and I can definitely see how much your art is improving!

Thank you so much!!!

Thought I’d share a low-rez and filter-fied version of the entire Stonesan family so far! My first of two gifts to my very good friend, @jack-toons

I’m also very proud of it and thought it’d be cool for everyone to see the family thus far since I’ve been M.I.A since Halloween lol

I said we’d see all of the EnchantedSandstorms childlings before OceanPetals’ baby and here they are! Cha’l and Shiyoon have 5 childlings in total. Iry is their oldest son and sitting next to his father. Keziah belongs to @everadream and she is at the bottom left in the front. Zipporah and Anasi are the fraternal twins in the center and youngest son Pratt on the bottom right with the mask. The other childlings named belong to Jack-toons and myself. I’ll make a proper post introducing them when my schedule frees up, they are a fun bunch!

Starting with Fleur and moving to the right we have excited parents-to-be Fleur and Razer. Cha’l and Shiyoon embracing in the center. This next one hurt lol, older Ofir! He is giving rabbit ears to his brother and father. Maeve and Bhihaar are leaning close together and Razer’s mom, Fiona, is at the end giving Bhihaar a second pair of rabbit ears. (A stand-in design for now. Prepare to see some Mom friend silliness because I want to sketch some Maeve and Fiona shenanigans lol)

All that’s missing is Jujubee and the newest member to be born! Such a big happy family, I love them so much

Shiyoon, Razer and Fiona all belong to Jack-toons and you can see Shiyoon and Razer on their art page @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash

More IG questions! (Still need to answer/revise my old tumblr asks lol and get ready!)

The first shows Enyo looking very distraught. I like getting questions about the Garthim Wars and how my Ocs reacted to learning the truth. It’s interesting to think about how different Ocs react to the same event, because there are so many possibilities. When I eventually get to draw/sketch Garthim Wars stuff it will be pretty heavy.

The second and third are wholesome sketches of baby and childling Fleur; featuring a toddler Cha’l! Fleur is Maeve and Bhihaar’s princess but she has also given them plenty of mini heart attacks before her wings sprouted.

Seeing the last two sketches reminds me that I never shared what Kiel’s parents might look like this never sketching a childling Kiel *gasp* and childling Azra! Soon lol

I’m still alive, just busy/exhausted and maybe experiencing burnout(?)

Here’s some IG questions I had done last-ish month that feature Ocs of other artists that have both an IG and Tumblr.

The first is a cute wedding sketch of Zela and Iryn with Fleur as one of the bridesmaids. Both Zela and Iryn belong to @stonewoodsifa

The second is featuring @fiercenaia Oc, Mara who I imagine has a lot of fun talking with Fleur about weapons!

The third is Maeve and @nurloxx Oc Eri. For anyone who doesn’t know, Eri is basically Maeve and Bhihaar’s second daughter lol

The fourth and fifth sketches are of Ocs who belong to @smaaenart , Tasia (Stonegrot childling) and Velan (Podling)

These are always fun to draw for IG and I enjoy sketching out the scenarios so many people create with their questions.

Watch out because I’m about to share some more to make up for not posting in a while lol

The Grandparents return!

I had an IG question about them but I like these drawings too much to only show the screenshot.

The Stonesan siblings are closer to their Stonewood Grandparents but they still have a good relationship with their Dousan Grandparents. The birth of Cha’l really helped bridge the gap both couples had with Maeve and Bhihaar.

The difference in ages between the two pictures is intentional. Erdahn/Vidra got to be with Fleur and Cha’l a lot more when the two were very young. Seeing them so often has gifted them with a strong connection with them and many moments of being silly. They definitely talk about a lot more personal things with them than Ira/Nairami. Romantic problems/blossoms and tales of adventure were always talked about or teased with the Stonesan grandparents.

Fleur and Cha’l got to see Ira/Nairami fewer times but they still love them with their whole hearts. Fleur is most likely closer to them than Cha’l. With them the Stonesan are more polite but sometimes Nairami/Ira surprise them with their own way of being humorous. The arts and anything that required total concentration were practiced with the Dousan grandparents. They also taught the Stonesan how to sign, although they aren’t very good at it.

I’d go more in detail but we’d be here all day lol

I’m gonna share the IG post alongside some other questions referring to the Stonesan family. The main thing is that both sets of elders loved their grandchildlings very much!

Day 3- Ignored OC from @midostree-art OC-Tober prompts

Some of you may remember of Lalit. Some of you probably don’t know who she is or don’t remember. I can’t blame you lol I never forgot about her I just didn’t have any ideas for her at the time. I have some ideas now though lol

Lalit was Cha’l’s first love and girlfriend. She was sweet and one of the few Stonewood lasses who enjoyed talking with Cha’l (he’s really sweet so I imagine quite a few lasses enjoyed talking to him but held some fear. Lalit wasn’t fearful about omens or the stereotypes the Dousan or half Dousan had) She was always happy to repair or create weapons for the Stonesan family. I believe that is how the two of them met. Cha’l’s pranks caught her attention and the two of them trying to give the other hints of their affections was a sight lol

While Lalit was strong in standing up for anyone being mistreated, she was not strong at all when it came to disobeying her parents. They were very against she and Cha’l’s relationship. They snuck around for quite some time before Cha’l was the one to end their relationship. A romance that could only thrive in the dark was not fair to either of them. It broke her heart as much as it did Cha’l but the two remained good friends prior to the events of AoR.

Lalit is a skilled warrior despite her kindhearted nature and a great huntress. She is married and she might have childling(s). I imagined her seeing Cha’l and Shiyoon for the first time with a prominent baby bump. If not she was definitely talking about she and her husband’s desire to have childlings. Building a family was one of Lalit’s goals in life. The other was to craft a new battle axe for Maudra Fara, or be Maudra Fara’s go-to blacksmith. Lalit is a wholesome friend you’d love to have. She’s kinda like Viara but also quite different.

Lalit is Stonewood. Her fate is up in the air like many of my other Stonewood Ocs. Did I ever say how sad the Stonewood surprise attack/Garthim Wars makes me? So much angst! I’ve got some angsty comics coming our way soon. Mostly dialogue heavy, nothing too crazy.

Idk why but Lalit’s color scheme came so naturally. Which is wow because colors are so difficult for me.

Lalit got a glow-up from her first sketch and I’m glad I did her justice.

I didn’t really want to cry today, but here we are Lol :’)

So we all know that Rian’s mom Shoni doesn’t make an appearance in the series and there is a possibility that she won’t make an appearance in the future.

I have seen a lot of head canons as to what might have happened to her and this is just my addition to those head canons. I think that it’s possible that Shoni might have died while giving birth Rian/ or she died shortly after he was born, this could explain her absence as well as the absence of Rian’s younger siblings. I’m probably not the only person who has thought of this but that’s okay.

I wrote the lyrics from “Dear Theodosia Reprise” to add more effect.

@thanatasia’s DTIYS challenge

Happy Birthday! Thank you for your beautiful art and all the participantion you’ve done for the dark crystal fandom!!

I hope you enjoy my drawing of Fleur she has such a pretty design and was really fun to draw. Your OC’s are so interesting and I really enjoy their stories.

@stonegrotweek day 7: the future

The last day of stonegrot week is today and I’m sad. This is a no garthim wars AU, where the gelfling didn’t die and everyone lived happily ever after.

In this timeline Rian and Deet end up having four kids, two girls and two boys their names go from right to left:

Ordon, their third child who is two trine old in this picture.

Jen, the oldest and is around 12 trine old in this picture.

Aya, their second child and is 10 trine old in this picture.

And finally Hope, the youngest and she is around 7 unums old in this picture.

I had a whole lot of fun with stonegrot week and can’t wait for the next stonegrot week! Happy shipping

@stonegrotweek day 6: tomorrow’s promise

For a little context: this is during the garthim wars, and I imagine that there will be a point where the remaining gelfling are hiding in some sort of safe zone, and every unum or so they have to send out a group of gelfling to leave the safe zone to get food, supplies etc. However, the garthim swarms are getting more and more frequent, and it gets more dangerous to leave the safe zone.

This comic takes place during their second or third exposition outside the safe zone, and after an incident Deet starts worrying for Rian’s safety. Rian promises to return to Deet and their future childling every time he leaves.

Sorry if this is a little angsty, I post something really cute tomorrow to make up for it. :)

@stonegrotweek day 1: kiss the girl

Happy Stonegrot week year 3! I can’t wait to see all the new Stonegrot content for this week.

I offer a wedding kiss for the first day.


I have always imagined him being a virtuoso guitarist, playing my favorite tunes, and singing, with that mellow voice …Mmm, heavenly…

Gelfling love

A Stonewood and a Vapran find love in an unusual place and neither of them expected it. It caught them completely off guard and unprepared.
