#all the prompts



Hello, one and all. I need your help!

I’m look for writing prompts for something I’m planning in the future. This can be anything whether it’s a line of dialog, an action or a scenario. Hell, even a random object or word. It can be for any genera, any time period, any country. It can be angst or fluff, romance or fighting, smutty goodness or nightmare enduring. I want anything and everything.

I’m primarily a fanfic writer and that’s mostly my hero academia with my main pair being Bakugou x fem!reader x Todoroki but I also write stuff for the Witcher tv series (Geralt x Jaskier) and most recently shadowhunters (Jace x Simon). So please hit me up with specific prompts for these or even throw me some curveballs.

Send it as an ask or message me or even leave it as a comment thread on the post. I’m looking for a challenge so don’t hesitate to throw me something outside of my comfort zone.

Thank you! in advance.
