#all types



esfp:   satyr. the original party animal. esfps like to wring every drop of enjoyment from their life. they like romance, they like good food and good alcohol. they are thrill seekers, constantly pursuing the next exhilarating experience. they have a knack for inspiring large groups to revelry. capricious, dionysian, tons of fun. 

isfp: unicorn. unique- famously unique. isfps are magical, special, and cool, and the whole world knows it. however, like the unicorn, isfps are also bashful, and difficult to get close to. sure, they’re sparkly and miraculous but deep down they’re actually pretty scared of people. lots of people want to hunt unicorns, and lots of people want to befriend or romantically pursue isfps- and often the pressure of being desired will spook them. 

infp: the loch ness monster. elusive, lonely, and melancholy. floating around in a deep dark, secret place all their own, never revealing themselves entirely, just emerging occasionally through the fog, provoking wonder in those who catch a glimpse.

enfp: phoenix. the enfp experiences their life and emotions as a series of astronomical highs and abysmal lows. when they are in ashes, it can appear, to themselves and others, as if they are beyond resurrection. however, they will always rise, brighter than ever before, in a blaze of vibrant color and creativity. 

intj: sphinx. what are they thinking? what’s the answer to the riddle? like the mythical sphinx, intjs are quiet, unflappable, and infinitely wise. like the sphinx, they are intimidating. they are a tough to crack code, and they will never, ever, EVER put all of their cards on the table at once. 

entj:  griffin. dignified and regal, the entj seems to have it all together, and to have a plan at hand for any situation. majestic, commanding respect by their mere presence alone. courageous and powerful with a moral compass made of gold. 

istp: dragon. often fearsome and awe-inspiring, just as often lazy and indulgent. an istp will fiercely pursue their goals, and they will fiercely protect their loved ones, unafraid to perhaps scorch a few peasant villages along the way. they also highly value their material possessions, and have a tendency to assemble collections of items that interest them. the istp is happiest with a full belly, asleep with their tail curled around their hoard. 

estp:minotaur.often stubborn and temperamental, the estp is one formidable foe in conflict, whether physical or argumentative. they can be a bit…eh, bull-headed, if you will. they guard what they value fiercely, and they are excellent to have on your side in a competitive situation 

istj: hobbits. creature comforts are near and dear to the istj. they value coziness above all else, and have a strong nesting instinct. they are nothing without a homey hobbit hole to call their own and share with their dear ones, a place where they can keep a warm fire burning, a hot meal waiting to be prepared, and a shelf full of old books and trinkets with sentimental value.

estj:  golem. once the estj has decided to do something, they really might as well be made of stone. they have a high respect for authority, and are very in tune with their inner set of values. they will work tirelessly, possibly without sleep or food, like a stone warrior, to do right by whatever cause they have allied themselves with. 

isfj: fairies. isfjs will remain bright and twinkly even when others in the world seem jaded and dark. they are in tune with nature and with healing. isfjs will do whatever they can to help a friend in need- whether it be a healing potion or a handmade get well card. sweet and magical, creative and crafty. 

esfj: mermaid. carefree and social, it’s easy to picture an esfj swirling through the water with a group of undersea friends. esfjs are beautiful in a friendly and playful way that seems fun and inviting. it’s easy to want to be part of their world (lololol) which always seems full of friendship and beauty. 

infj: shapeshifter. the infj wears as many faces as they care to wear, adapting seamlessly to almost any situation or group. they are so malleable that oftentimes the infj does not even know their own true form. they might, for a time, try on the guise of another type, frequently an infp or isfj, but they will shed that skin easily for another to adapt to change. they are slippery- sometimes to the extent that they deceive without intention. and when they do intend to deceive, there is nothing more sinister than a lying shapeshifter.

enfj: siren. like their cousin the infj, the enfj is not quite what they seem. they are magnetic. they will sing you songs about fame and fortune, about moral goods and the future of the world, and before long you’ve changed your mind about who you’re voting for. alluring. you always want to get closer to the enfj, you always want to dock your ship, get out, and be their friend. 

intp: centaur. to outsiders, they often seem solemn, weird, and frankly kind of like an asshole. however, beneath their lofty blunt exterior lies a vast universe of wisdom, in touch with invention and the stars. intps are fascinated by invention and innovation. they are often just so entirely bad at small talk that they will always be characterized as aloof. 

entp:elf. mischievous, approaching everything in life as though it might as well be a joke. the entp could easily be pictured pointy eared, tootling away on a reed flute. they are charmers. sometimes it seems like they are very deep and wise. sometimes it seems like they take nothing seriously enough and are detached from reality.




esfp: burnett’s blue rasberry vodka 

isfp: spiders. cold spiders w/magical properties. 

estp: sweat. they fuck do estps sweat so much? someone should put a stop to it if u ask me

istp: motor oil and toothpicks

esfj: cinnamon

isfj: a soothing cup of tea with a drawing of a flower on the box that u drink in a sweater and make a picture of urself drinking. 

enfj: whatever u want ‘em to taste like, baby

infj: nothing. infjs have no taste. in clothes or romantic partners. and also no taste exudes from their skin glands to be licked either. u see they lack both kinds of taste

istj: peppermint

estj: bricks and repressed sexual desire

intj: blood

entj: blood AND salt 

enfp: night time air and pitchouli and pot smoke. 

infp: cigarettes and tears.

intp: cat hair

entp: rainbow ice cream with all sorts of squiggly octopus tentacles sticking out of it


You better not lick me, or I’ll be very salty about it :P

I can’t believe you didn’t say that you’d be -bloody- salty about it :3






intp: peppermint patties

entp: sour gummies






infp: jelly beans


enfp: gummy bears




estj: dark chocolate






istp: saltwater taffy


estp: Pop Rocks


isfp: cotton candy




happy halloween!!





ENTJ: What did you ask for in ransom? 50,000? That’s not high enough. Double it. *Later kills a kidnappers when he took him to the bathroom, which results in ENTJ being killed*

INTJ: *making sarcastic comments every 30 seconds, eventually breaks the zip ties and escapes.*

ESTJ: *Gets killed right away because they kept pointing out what the kidnappers were doing wrong*

ISTJ: I’ll do whatever you say. *doesn’t die and is allowed to leave after ransom is payed*

ENFJ: OMG please don’t kill meee I’ll do anything please I just want to see my family again *all of ENFJs friends, family members and teachers contributed to the ransom, allowing them to leave in two hours*

INFJ: *takes the vow of silence to protest the kidnappers, which results in them being killed*

ESFJ: Please don’t kill me oh wait you have a tortured past? *develops Stockholm syndrome and refuses to leave once the ransom is payed*

ISFJ: *pretends to have Stockholm syndrome, then leaves when ransom is payed*

ENTP: You guys want to hear a joke ;) *kidnappers bond with ENTP and release them*

INTP: So, why did you kidnap me?
Kidnappers: For ransom.
INTP: Why wouldn’t you just rob a bank?
Kidnappers: It’s difficult to rob a bank.
INTP: Yeah but for all you know I have no friends or family.
Kidnappers: You’re a kid, you’re living with somebody.
INTP: But you don’t know who. For all you know they’re completely broke. Or they don’t like me.
Kidnappers: Police will supplement the ransom.
INTP: You think the police are just going to pay you a bunch of money and then leave you alone? The bills will be marked, there will be a tracking device, they’ll find you somehow.
Kidnappers: ….
INTP: What?
Kidnappers: *shoots INTP*

ESTP: *Escapes and starts beating up kidnappers, ends up in a shoot out with kidnappers and police, gets shot*

ISTP: *bored* Just let me go now and I won’t kill you. *kidnappers laugh* *ISTP breaks out of zip ties and kills kidnappers*

ENFP: *tries to break out but fails, gets shot*

INFP: Does anybody care? About me? Why was I kidnapped? What did I do to deserve this?

ESFP: Heyy *accidentally charms kidnappers and gets to walk free*

ISFP: I am not having fun and I am very scared, hey kidnappers want to hear some of my poetry? *recites poetry* Why are you pointing that gun at me? *gets shot*

That was so copied from Caesar (btw, he demanded that they increased the ransom to 250% of its original, proceeded to raise a fleet, hunted down and crucified the pirates who held him hostage)

Yeah that was intentional. I add references to famous people in my posts sometimes because it’s fun.

I know :3

(Might have accidentally come off a bit angsty there >.<)


ESTP: you buy so much taco bell you now own shares of the company and the manager lets you fuck his wife on the reg

ISTP: you keep breaking shit trying to take stuff apart. Why do you keep doing this?? You’re like a magpie. Stop breaking shit

ESFJ: you keep getting pickpocketed because you be on that phone

ISFJ: you keep trying to save up for Rainy Days© and Something Big© but you’re still buying food. And concert tickets. And probably really warm scarves and hats

INTP: you have never saved a penny in your life. you have transcended brokeness into hyperbrokeness. your net value is like $4.52 and a McChicken

ENTP: you compulsively buy things that serve zero purpose. The weirder the better. A Barbie doll with big veiny biceps? Yes buddy. Framed painting of Richard Nixon as a 1950s pinup? Hang it over the fireplace you weirdass motherf

INTJ: STOP buying books you DON’T NEED THEM and STOP buying VIDEOGAMES too, buy something you actually need for once. Like muscles

ENTJ: stop hiring all those hitmen and just do the job yourself you coward

ESTJ: You spent all your money on the divorce lawyer that helped you take my house and my car and now you won’t answer my calls, susan, fuck you

ISTJ: you’re not broke. You’re the only one that isn’t, because you’ve got sense. You don’t see the point in spending your hard-earned money on dumb things, like gifts, or charity, or Christmas. Also you will be visited by 3 ghosts at midnight

ESFP: you put up all your money for bail to get your ass out of jail for releasing a live alligator into a walmart

ISFP: how many cats and glitter gel pens and burrito bowls will it take to fill the hole in your heart????

INFJ: All you buy is stationary. You have so many office supplies, all crisp and brand new. You have 100 blank beautiful notebooks that you wanna fill but never have. One time I tried to take one though and you beat me with it

ENFJ: Who cares! You’re the most beautiful and smartest and cutest type. I love all ENFJs, what fine people you are. Just the best, really. Also you buy the most expensive gifts but that’s completely unrelated and has nothing to do with my love for you

INFP: You own more pillows and sweaters than anyone, and you buy the highest quality tea and collect fancy pens. You also like to buy some really neat vintage vinyls and designer perfume. You also have this cursed amulet that whispers to you at night, I guess that’s a little weird

ENFP: you love spending $$ on roadtrips, starbucks, tupperware, balloons, socks, posters, pens, concerts, movies, fast food, Apple products, stickers, popcorn, sno cones, etc. Also you probably accidentally killed someone once and your family paid their family off in court but that’s neither here nor there



You were popular. High school was a place where you naturally thrived, as you enjoyed navigating the politics that came along with placing one thousand angsty teenagers together and forcing them to mingle relentlessly. You dated often, played whatever sport it was cool to play and were probably kind of mean for the first couple of years. You still miss high school a bit, to be honest.


You were either the class clown or the drama geek, possibly both. You had a strange, disjointed friend group that ranged from total nerds to reigning socialites and mostly you just floated around. You couldn’t wait to finish high school and go do your gap year in Zimbabwe, which you talked about pretty unceasingly.


You were a jock. You were the first of your friends to get laid and you enjoyed the sense of superiority it brought you. You popped your collar, played a lot of sports and possibly dealt a few drugs on the side. Teachers liked you so you skimmed by in school. High school was a good time for you.


You were a stereotypical nerd. You took advanced placement everything and consistently achieved straight As. You didn’t have much time for the politics or drama of high school because you were busy preparing your application for Harvard, which you got into by the end of your junior year. High school was a largely uninteresting time for you and you regarded it only as a means to the end of higher education.


You were a less stereotypical nerd. You were smart but didn’t much care for the way most subjects were taught and chose to skip school quite a bit. The social scene didn’t much interest you, save for a few friends who you sat with at lunch and talked Star Wars with. You pretty much just rode high school out, earning decent grades with minimal effort and frustrating teachers with your consistent refusal to ‘apply yourself.’


You held all of the parties worth going to in high school. You were effortlessly popular and widely desired by the opposite sex. You had a natural knack for athleticism, fashion and charming others, which allowed you to be dominant without engaging in the deadly sin of trying too hard. Everyone wanted to be you or be on you and high school was a time that you enjoyed.


You were the hot nerd. You could usually be found arguing with teachers and authority figures over the latest lesson that they were wrong about, just because you felt like raising hell. You were a badass with brains and it was sexy. High school was okay but you couldn’t wait to get out and have complete autonomy over your life.


You were the skater boy Avril Lavigne was singing about. You were punk back when punk was a thing and your attitude of genuine aloofness was attractive to the opposite sex (Unfortunately you were too aloof to notice). You thought high school was, in a word, meh. But that was your opinion on everything.


You were the valedictorian. You were well-liked, high-achieving, head of several social committees and you probably planned prom. You were the person everyone else’s moms asked them why they couldn’t be more like.


You were the quiet, artistic kid with awesome taste in music. Social status wasn’t your greatest concern but you were just alternative enough to be considered cool and got invited to all the right parties. You were known for always bringing a blunt and for being surprisingly insightful.


You were probably the hall monitor. Sticking to the rules was your jam and you consistently achieved straight A’s through hard work, dedication and diligence. Once you memorized basic social protocol you got on okay with your peers but never cared to get too involved in the social scene. You were over high school by your sophomore year and couldn’t wait to be around levelheaded adults in the real world.


You were the high school bully. You quickly picked up on social protocols and rose to the top of the food chain because others feared your wrath. You were a somewhat obnoxious teenager who could usually be found taking lunch money off the emo kids or picking a fight to flex your muscles.


You were a band geek. Your best friends were fellow band geeks, one of whom you lost your virginity to and then dated on and off until high school ended. You got straight A’s, but that was a given. When you were not in band practice you could be found reading alone in the library, wearing an “I <3 Nerds” t-shirt and eyeing up the hot ENTP.


You were the teacher’s pet. You got straight A’s, scraped by socially and ended up marrying your high school sweetheart. You were too sweet to be picked on but too shy to be popular so you stuck close to a few good friends and just rode your teen years out.


You were the student body president. You kept a tight reign on your social standing, extra curricular presence and grade point average. You were neurotic but in a way that worked for you. You were voted “Most likely to become the next President” in your high school yearbook, which you oversaw the production for.


You were a bookworm. You could be found on the fringes of the social scene, hanging out with emo or hipster kids and daydreaming through most of your classes. You weren’t a huge fan of high school because it didn’t provide you with ample opportunity to express yourself. You knew that once you got into the real world it’d be your chance to shine.

Heidi Priebe 


ISFJ: peaceful quiet baking

ESTP: blunt circus hoe

ISTP: dweeby weird mechanical 

ESTJ: loud business controlling

INTP: geek nerd virgin

ENFJ: fun manipulating sunflower

ISTJ: overworked dad jokes

ESFP: alcohol party sex

ENFP: rainbow marshmallow glitter

INFJ: mystical tea jesus

ENTP: argument brainstorm no

ISFP: artistic crying weak

INTJ: nonexistent asshole hatred

ESFJ: sunny mom superficial

INFP: painter weed emo

ENTJ: misunderstood robot dictator











mbti types as enzymes

mbti types as bees

mbti types as sharks

mbti types as midlife crisises

mbti types as retired bath and bodyworks scents

mbti types as manifestations of ennui

mbti types as star wars plotholes

mbti types as mispellings of the word excersize. exersise? 

mbti types as weird places on your body you get a single freckle 

mbti types as mbti types pretending to be other mbti types

mbti types as mbti types pretending to be other mbti types
istp = infj pretending to be estp
estp = entp pretending to be enfp
isfp = esfj pretending to be isfj
esfp = infp pretending to be entp
istj = istp pretending to be estj
estj = esfj pretending to be entj
isfj = infj pretending to be isfp
esfj = istj pretending to be enfj
infp = isfp pretending to be infj
enfp = intj pretending to be esfp
infj = entj pretending to be infp
enfj = estj pretending to be esfj
intp = isfj pretending to be istp
entp = esfp pretending to be intj
intj = enfp pretending to be istj
entj = enfj pretending to be istp

it’s official mbti tumblr is a beautiful seamless loop of meta content

mbti types as weird places on your body you get a single freckle


ESTP: Butt ;)

ISFP: Near the belly button



ESTJ: Under the chin


ESFJ: Near the eyebrow

INFP:On the big toe

ENFP: Right in the middle of a cheek

INFJ: In the heart *wind blows*

ENFJ: Near another freckle (so it doesn’t feel alone)

INTP: In the brain

ENTP:INthe belly button

INTJ:Is too cool for freckles

ENTJ: Wherever they want it to be

mbti as sharks (which are cooler than bees by the way):

entj: ceo shark. *jaws theme plays*

intj: is better than u shark. Qualifies for jaws theme but only because of scary reputation and not cos your actually evil.

entp: argumentative but in a kinda sexy way shark. No jaws theme for you, we all know your all bark and no bite.

intp: shark that can’t get a date. Definitely too pathetic for jaws theme, no one’s ever gonna be scared of you tbh.

estp: a shark that lives for the moment. most deserving shark of jaws theme music.

istp: badass shark *rides into the sunset on motorbike while jaws theme plays*

estj: also badass shark but plays by da rules. Qualifies for jaws theme.

istj: shark that lives a respectable life, but sadly too respectable for jaws theme.

enfj: shark that is friends with many other sharks. Secret manipulative side means you get jaws theme music.

infj: a shark that can see into your very soul. Doesn’t play jaws theme because they wouldn’t want to upset anyone with it.

enfp: a shark that wishes it was the rainbow fish. The rainbow fish doesn’t need jaws theme music.

infp: sensitive shark. Refuses to accept jaws theme music as it’s too common and cliche to properly represent them.

esfj: dear mother shark. Too kind for jaws theme music.

isfj: shark that reads book while eating home made cookies. Tries to convince people they can be scary, but no one’s falling for it so doesn’t qualify for jaws theme music.

esfp: entertaining shark. Deserving of jaws theme music.

isfp: shark that likes to express itself through broadway musical songs instead of jaws theme music.

Mbti types as mispellings of the word exercise

Excercise: ISFJ, ISTJ
Exsirsyze: ISTP, ISFP
Ecserstasy: ESFP, ESTP
Eggzurzizze: ENFP, ENTP
Aca-xercise: ENFJ, ESFJ
Exercry: INFP, INFJ
Exorcize: INTJ
It’s ‘exercise’ you idiots: ESTJ, ENTJ
Who is ‘exercise’?: INTP

The MBTI types as bees (which are way cooler than sharks)

ESFJ: Queen bee
ESTJ: Annoying bee that will come up to you and sting you for no good reason
ENTJ: Angry CEO bee
ENFJ: Bee who was super popular in bee school
ESFP: Bee who got high on nectar and went crazy
ESTP: Bee who plays a lot of extreme bee sports
ENTP: The bee from the bee movie
ENFP: The bee who didn’t want to conform and is rainbow coloured instead of yellow and black
ISTJ: The only normal bee. Does what it should be doing
ISFJ: Really nice bee who would never sting you
INFJ: The omnipotent bee god who can read your mind
INTJ: evil bee who thinks they’re really cool but is actually the lamest bee in the universe
ISTP: Badass bee with a bee-sized motorcycle
ISFP: Hipster bee who wears a little flower crown and has a bee-sized ukulele
INFP: Really sensitive bee who was writing poetry and didn’t notice the bee-eating bird until it was too late
INTP: really nerdy bee who has created some dank memes


MBTI types as Star Wars plot holes:


Kylo Ren doesn’t know his hero Darth Vader rejoined the good guys at the last minute: ESFJ, ISFJ

Sidious doesn’t make an effort to stop the Rebels until he tries to kill Luke: ENTP, INTP

The Jedi rarely use the all-powerful force in battle even though it’s useful: INFJ, ENFJ

Kenobi doesn’t recognise the two droids that he so faithfully worked with for many years: ESFP, ENFP

Luke takes three days of training to be able to match Vader: ESTP, ISTP

The Empire builds a second Death Star with the same flaws as the first: ISFP, INFP

Leia doesn’t react to any of the traumatizing events that befall her such as her home planet being destroyed: INTJ, ISTJ

If the Skywalker children were supposed to be a secret, Luke shouldn’t have kept his last name and Leia shouldn’t have been a princess: ESTJ, ENTJ


ESTP:Types as stares
ESTJ: Types as sharks
ESFP:Types as idioms
ESFJ:Types as types pretending to be other types
ENTP:Types as misspellings of the word “exercise”
ENTJ:Types as popular companies
ENFP:Types as valentines
ENFJ:Types as bees
ISTP:Types as cool guys who don’t look at explosions
ISTJ: Types as letters of the alphabet 
ISFP:Types as coping mechanisms 
ISFJ: Types as weird places on your body you get a single freckle
INTP:Types as Star Wars plotholes
INTJ:Types as things that suck about New Years
INFP:Types as potatoes
INFJ:Types as possessed objects 



We always hear people dreaming about being naked in class. Or being unable to run away from danger or scream for help. Everyone has your typical bad dream, but what about your absolute worst nightmares? If these things came to life they would be our own personal hell. Here is what we think would make each personality type completely miserable.


Realizing that the cause they have been supporting is run by treacherous and immoral people. Any good they’ve ever done in the world is instantly erased and turned into something harmful. Everyone they care for believes they are cruel and heartless.


Everything they do continuously comes out wrong, and the more they try to fix it the worse it becomes. Every person they try to help somehow ends up worse off than before, and they are seen as the reason why everything is going wrong.


Being trapped in a crowded room with morally bankrupt people, and having to coexist with them. Not being allowed to express their emotions, or process anything alone. Being forced to watch injustices and not being able to stop them or express how wrong they are.


They no longer can speak to other people, and are forced to be silent at all times. Their ability to express themselves and be creative has been taken from them. Because of this the world sees them are uncaring and unfriendly. They aren’t allowed to explore new possibilities and must maintain a strict schedule.


Being forced to listen to people spread incorrect information, and those people are revered as geniuses. They are unable to speak out against anyone who is wrong, and are actually made to agree with them. Every emotion they have ever felt is transmitted in public and everyone sees them as emotional and incapable of intelligent thought.


Being forced to comply with someone else’s poorly developed plan. They have no ability to stand out or add insight to the plan, and when all is said and done everyone believes they are the reason things are going wrong. They constantly have to listen to others emotional problems, and have to sympathize with them.


They are forced to follow the lead of an ignoramus, whose only goal is to feed lies to the masses. They aren’t allowed to explore new possibilities, and everyone around them is incapable of accuracy. Because of this, they have to watch the people they care about fall victim to these falsities. They are mocked for their thoughts and emotions.


Is forced into solitary confinement, where they are never allowed to debate anything ever again. They have to constantly listen to people discussing vapid topics with no intelligent discussion involved. Creative thought is banned.


They have to wake up each morning not knowing what will happen that day. They aren’t allowed to plan and have to live in a constantly messy and cluttered environment. Each day is filled with unknowns, and they aren’t given instructions until moments before they have to do something.


They are forced to follow the orders of a messy and unorganized fool. No one around them is allowed to listen to their commands, and they are forced to keep them to themselves. They are seen by everyone as incapable and weak.


Everywhere they go it seems like everyone is unhappy and fighting. Every time they try to stop the arguing, they are verbally attacked and everything wrong they have ever done is brought to light. Everything around them is a mess and every-time they try to organize they are yelled at and forced to stop.


They aren’t allowed to express caring towards others, and are seen as cold and inconsiderate. They know that their loved ones are in danger, but they are completely powerless to stop it. Every-time they do try to fix the problem or make things better, it just keeps getting worse. Because of this they are left forever alone and are abandoned by their loved ones.


They are forced to sit in a room and listen to intellectually moribund people try to solve a problem. As they watch these people attempt to put something together, they are unable to help or say a word.


They are incapable of feeling excitement, and must sit alone in a room all day long. There are no reading materials or things to keep them busy, just their own thoughts.


They are forced to live with people who are rude, and make them live each day based on a strict schedule. They are constantly criticized and there is no one around that cares enough to step in and stop it.


The world breaks out with a terrible sickness, and the only way to survive is by staying inside and avoid all social engagements until the end of time.

Building off of the INFP one I think that scenario could also be made worse by having it take place in a society where everyone is completely forced to conform with absolutely no sense of individuality at all and everyone’s name is replaced with a number or code or something like that.


INTJ - dark gray

INTP - light blue

INFJ - purple

INFP - lavender

ISTJ - maroon 

ISTP - bright orange

ISFJ - yellow

ISFP - forest green

ENTJ - onyx

ENTP -  chesnut brown

ENFJ - hot pink

ENFP - turquoise

ESTJ - white

ESTP - bright red

ESFJ - navy

ESFP - green



ESTJ –  Transformation into living organic metal form, granting superhuman strength and near-invulnerability. Can survive without oxygen or sustenance for long periods while in this form. Memory manipulation.

ISTJ –  Superhuman strength and endurance, constant protective force field that grants invulnerability. Time-travelling capabilities. Projects realistic illusions into the minds of others.

ESFJ – Absorbs powers, memories, and personalities through skin-to-skin contact. Prolonged contact with others can cause a permanent absorption of their traits and potentially kill them. Memory manipulation. 

ISFJ –  Possesses a healing factor, enhanced strength and agility, and two hearts. Able to generate weapons and armor from their skeletal structure.  Projects realistic illusions into the minds of others.  

ENTJ–  Mind control. Illusion casting. Immunity to most physical or mental alteration. Telepathy. Astral projection.  

INTJ –  Precognition. Illusion casting. Neomorphic physiology grants invisibility in shadows, night vision, and wall-crawling. Telepathy. Astral projection.

ENFJ – Hallucinatory dust. Copies other mutants’ powers and abilities, sometimes permanently. Underwent extensive mental training, allowing access to and control of each persona and power at will. Advanced healing capabilities. Psychic persuasion.  

INFJ–  Precognition. Ability to link doorways through a sub-dimensional access. Slow ageing process. Mental possession of others. Psychic persuasion.

ESTP – Trained in acrobatics and swordsmanship.  Ability to transform body into “organic steel” granting superhuman strength, stamina and durability. Unstoppable momentum. Resistance to injury.

ISTP –  Ability to generate an impenetrable psionic exoskeleton body armor that grants superhuman strength, invulnerability, reflexes, agility, endurance, stamina, dexterity, and durability. Resistance to injury. 

ESFP –  Eagle-like vision. Blood with regenerative properties. Can transform into a blue-skinned form with metallic, techno-organic wings, sharp metallic claws, and enhanced physical abilities. Can shoot light beams from their hands. Superhuman speed. 

ISFP–  Weather manipulation. Flight by “riding” wind currents.   Superhuman durability. Light generation/manipulation. Light projection. Superhuman speed.

ENTP Instinctive adaptive powers.  Incredible “luck” through subconscious manipulation of probability fields. Superhuman invention skill allows for intuitive knowledge of how to construct and understand anything of a mechanical nature.  Computer-like brain. 

INTP –  Generates and controls magnetic fields for manipulating metal, flight, force fields, electrical bolts, and electromagnetic radiation. Capable of manipulating different types of energy on a vast scale, including mutant energies. Can survive in the vacuum of space and can fly. Computer-like brain. 

ENFP – Instinctive adaptive powers. Charges inanimate objects with explosive kinetic energy; enhanced agility and hypnotic charm. Body expels thermochemical energy to create a personal force field, which can be focused as explosive thrust for flight and kinetic blasts. 

INFP –  Can communicate with animals.  Ability to create “daggers” of light, purge addictions from people, and heal. Body expels thermochemical energy to create a personal force field, which can be focused as explosive thrust for flight and kinetic blasts.







Acts like a bottom but is actually a top: ISTP, ISFP, ESFJ

Acts like a top but is actually a bottom: INTJ, ENTJ, ENFJ,

Flexible/ Will try anything once, FOR SCIENCE!: INTP, ENTP, ENFP, INFJ

#couldnresist #sorryNotSorry


Watching the xNTJs respond to this post is quite amusing


ISTP: Social Collapse
ESTP: Zombies
ISFP: Natural Disasters
ESFP: Death of the Sun
INFP: Radiation Disaster
ENFP: Monsters
INFJ: Supernatural Occurrence 
ENFJ: Overpopulation
ISTJ: Disease/Global Pandemic
ESTJ: Impact Event
ISFJ: Human Decline
ESFJ: Global Warming
ENTP: Alien Invasion
INTP: Technology Collapse
ENTJ: Nuclear War
INTJ: Robot Uprising


I wanted to avoid using any memes from the cognitive function version of this.

-ISTP:  For $99999999999999999999999999999999999999 a month, I will stop.

-ESTP:  Well that escalated quickly.

-ISFP:  Do you love the colors of the sunset?

-ESFP:  Bath Bombs

-ISTJ:  Rare Pepe

-ESTJ:  Demotivational Poster

-ISFJ:  Zelda/Mario CDi

-ESFJ:  Awesome Face

-INFJ:  The Dress

-ENFJ:  Rick Roll

-INFP:  This is the lucky post!  Reblog it and something will happen!

-ENFP: Left Shark

-INTJ:  All your base are belong to us.

-ENTJ:  The game.

-INTP: Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

-ENTP:  Sneme (snail meme)



































This is just for fun

The Army defends the land mass of the U.S., its territories, commonwealths, and possessions. It does so through providing forces and capabilities for sustained combat and stability operations on land. The Army also provides logistics and support to other branches. The Army is the largest and oldest branch of the military.

The Navy maintains, trains, and equips combat-ready maritime forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression, and maintaining freedom of the seas. The Navy is America’s forward deployed force and is a major deterrent to aggression around the world.

Air Force
The Air Force provides a rapid, flexible, and when necessary, lethal air and space capability that can deliver forces anywhere in the world in less than forty-eight hours. It routinely participates in peacekeeping, humanitarian, and aeromedical evacuation missions. Air Force crews annually fly missions into all but five nations of the world.

Marine Corps
The Marine Corps maintains ready expeditionary forces, sea-based and integrated air-ground units for contingency and combat operations, and the means to stabilize or contain international disturbance. The Marine Corps is an immediate response force that can be used to overwhelm the enemy.

Coast Guard
The Coast Guard provides law and maritime safety enforcement, marine and environmental protection, and military naval support. Activities can include patrolling our shores, performing emergency rescue operations, containing and cleaning up oil spills, and keeping illegal drugs from entering American communities.

INFJ: Air Force

INTJ: Army

ESTP: Army

ESFP: Marine Corps

INFP: Coast Guard

INTP: Navy

ESFJ: Coast Guard

ESTJ: Marine Corps

ENFJ: Coast Guard

ENTJ: Air Force

ISFP: Air Force

ISTP: Army

ISFJ: Navy

ISTJ: Army

ENFP: Navy

ENTP: Marine Corps


(Based on actual observations)

ESFP: bright eyes, large smile showing all their teeth. It gives off rays of pure joy, like the kind where you’re singing loudly in the car with your friends

ISFP: another one full of pure joy. Crinkly eyes and a wide smile, but this kind of joy is the kind that comes with a lifetime of hardships and finally fulfillment

ESTP: an overconfident smirk with eyes that are searching you. Except you don’t notice the eyes that are figuring out every flaw and weak point, just the attitude

ISTP: a chiller smirk. This one doesn’t make you as uneasy as ESTP, despite it probably coming from the ISTP leaning against the wall at a basketball game with one leg cocked, watching the audience instead of the game

ESFJ: a bright, happy, caring smile. They’re probably nodding as well. Completely engaged with whatever they’re smiling at. Nothing matters except that thing, and you can tell.

ISFJ: the kind of tired smile a hard-working mother would give. They’ve probably kept themselves busy and you just told them a much needed joke. There’s probably a certain fondness behind their eyes

ESTJ: very formal. You kind of feel like you’re in a business meeting at first. Or maybe there’s a sort of threat behind the smile. After you get them to crack, however, it’s a giant smile while laughing really hard

ISTJ: a small and polite smile. Probably closed lipped. A bit nervous, almost, but mostly like the want to get out of there. Much like the ESTJ, once you get them to open up they’ll laugh really really hard and probably move their bodies back and forth while keeping eye contact through almost closed eyes. They forget to pay attention to what their face is doing and it scrunches up. Really cute

ENFP: (there’s literally so many different smiles that I can’t pick just one that I see most often or truly encompasses it so I’ll just focus on the things that are similar in each.) It’s almost always accompanied by laughter, be it happy or nervous. It’s welcoming and very expressive to however they’re feeling. I think expressive is probably the best word to describe it. Very fun and very happy. It rarely leaves their face

INFP: similar to the ENFP, it is probably accompanied by laughter, however, they are probably be telling you their deepest insecurities, masked with happiness

ENFJ: a caring, motherly, i-told-you-so smile that you probably roll your eyes at despite knowing that they had, in fact, told you so

INFJ: a small, caring, hopeful smile. Eyebrows are raised. They look steady and confident, and are projecting vibes that say nothing but “I believe in you” “it’ll be alright” and “you can do it!”

ENTP: stars are in their eyes. Someone literally placed sunbeams in their eyes. They are looking slightly up, not at anyone but their ideas. It’s kind of private, if anything. They just invented something or learned something new and are so so so happy that the future is great

INTP: a satisfied smirk while looking down. They figured something out. Or maybe they won an argument with someone about a fan theory. Who knows what’s going on in their heads. Either way you’re a little afraid of them.

ENTJ: “you are so wrong and irrelevant that it’s not even worth me telling you that” smile. Looks you directly in the eyes while doing it. It’s scary.

“stop talking to me; you’re irrelevant and wasting my time and I have better things to do” smile. Probably aren’t even looking you in the eyes. Are angled just so you can see their expression but they’re still not looking at you. You probably did leave them alone after that, though.







I’ll start

I’m ESTP and I’d probs be mistyped as ExTJ

ENTJ and I have no clue, maybe xSTP?


INFJ -> INTP maybe? Or ESFJ?



ISTP –> and oddly enough XNTJ, someone recently told be that I seemed like I had my shit together, AHAHAHHAHAH no, I really don’t.




I’m super tired and should probably just go to bed.  Expect this post to be dumb.  

Lord what am I doing.
















