#alt text in image

screenshot of my tumblr dash. a text post by @weirdcoregirl ("happy june 3 aka stede stealing a plant and becoming a real pirate day to all who celebrate!!!") above a screencap by @the-magpieprince of Lucius reading from the Revenge's log: "June the third, an excellent day!"ALT



a comic page, featuring Kim Kitsuragi and Harry Du Bois from Disco Elysium, set inside the Seafort. in the first panel, Kim is shown next to the generator and placing a gloved hand against it, feeling for warmth. He says "It's cold now, but someone's been maintaining it. The wiring has been repaired." In the second panel, Harry, pictured in profile, looks on wide eyed. Inland Empire is behind him, haloing his head, and saying "W-w-w-wait..." The third panel is a wide shot of the inside of the Seafort, presumably from Harry's point of view. Kim is now leaning against the generator, looking tired and bruised. But around him now are several silhouettes lined in white, standing out like ghosts, which he doesn't seem to notice. To one side is Soona, who's standing behind a desk filled with radio equipment. Someone offscreen asks "Could this be more entroponetic crosstalk?" to which she responds "Yes, a particularly eerie specimen, but still just a harmless piece of the past returning to surface." Directly next to Kim and almost overlapping with him is another version of himself, unbruised and wearing headphones, who's looking up and saying "Right, I just wish I could remember what I was talking about..." Beneath it all, there is a textbox belonging to Inland Empire, who finishes its sentence by saying "Haven't you heard this before?" ALT

it’s been a long winter… long and cold.

a series of replies from fluentisonus which read: "i haven't seen any of it but I thoroughly enjoyed looking at Google images" "or wait maybe it's just one movie called thermae romae II idk" "the poster is really something though"

A poster for the film Thermae Romae II which includes a man holding a bowl, I think, from which water is shooting in three directions, above his head. the man is japanese but wearing a toga. Kneeling at his feet is a Japanese woman in roman dress. There is text in Japanese, presumably the title of the film & credits, however I cannot (unfortunately) read Japanese.

Google results for the film Thermae Romae II. 6.1/10 on IMDb and 5/5 on Amazon UK. 91% Google users liked this film. Synopsis reads: "Lucius and Mami become involved in a conflict between pacifist emperor Hadrianus and the militaristic Roman senate, and have to use modern Japanese bath culture to keep the empire intact."



A Netflix original series description which reads: "Thermae Romae Novae A proud bath architect in ancient Rome starts randomly surfacing in present-day Japan, where he's inspired by the many bathing innovations he finds." To the right is a Roman man in a blue toga, drawn in anime style.

are you guys seeing this shit

update: it is not good

A Netflix original series description which reads: "Thermae Romae Novae A proud bath architect in ancient Rome starts randomly surfacing in present-day Japan, where he's inspired by the many bathing innovations he finds." To the right is a Roman man in a blue toga, drawn in anime style.

are you guys seeing this shit
