#alternature universe


kanej on a walk somewhere rural… maybe Lij…?

i made @gratzi-the-artist model for me so i could get the lighting and pose right it turns out drawing hoodies is HARD


•there was a solid week once where matthias only texted in gifs cause he thought it was “hip”

•kaz sleeps with socks, jesper is appalled jes can put up with a lot of crap from this guy but that is TOO FAR

•inej has the highest spice tolerance in the group and matthias and kaz can barely handle any spice without a few glasses of milk

•nina spends a lot of the car rides adding clothing items she’s nerving going to buy to her cart (asking matthias his opinion on most of them as she goes)

•matthias’s guilty pleasure is trashy westerns

•wylan has the most aesthetic instagram out of the group and nina is proud but also feels betrayed???

•wylan listens to owl city

what should i draw next for this au? share your thoughts and ideas (or personal headcanons) in the comments!
