#alvez x garcia


YEAH - Taunt (9)

Original title: Yeah.

Prompt: post 15x10, choose your finale for the garvez date.

Warning: crossroad, smut.

Genre: angst, funny, romantic.

Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, Roxy, Lou, Sergio.

Pairing: Garvez.

Note: oneshot 79 in Garvez collection.

Legend: .

Song mentioned: Assurdo pensare, Tiziano Ferro.

Yeah - masterlist


*J*: Taunt

-What others…- she tries to ask him, but she feels something brushing her foot, almost in a kind of caress, delicate, sensual, touching her ankle. She raises her eyes until they meet Luke’s lighter ones. The way he looks at her is unmistakable, it moves something inside her, which feels her bowels twitch and a pain a little further under her, to which she was no longer used. Her mouth opens slightly. For now they have only joked, played, she never would have thought that Luke could expose himself so much, but after all it is a date, gallant, he wanted to clarify it for her.

She imagines his long legs wrapped in his jeans, she feels like she can touch every twitching muscle, but she better focus on something different. -How did the first days in the new location go?- he asks her, though he didn’t understand that she was in trouble. In this case, he probably wouldn’t have been so cute, no. He would have taken advantage of it. Not another evening, maybe, but this one… -Did you miss us?- he realizes that she didn’t listen to his question. She seems disoriented, displaced. He loves the fact that she is so because of him, especially because the exact opposite usually happened.

Penelope, however, quickly recovers her self-control. -Yes, it was strange but inspiring.- maybe he hoped she would reply that she had missed him too, but she could never allow herself such a weakness, no matter how many clues he gave her. It doesn’t matter that she just wants to take him by the hand, get out of here and become one thing, even if all her unwritten rules advise against it. -All my colleagues seem very nice.- she adds, in a tone that is not felt enough, lived, even if not for this aseptic. Luke grabs her hand, suddenly, with the snap of a bird of prey and in fact she feels like a prey. Hisprey; and that also makes her go high. She ran a lot to keep him at a distance, but here she is with him. She is ready to be captured.

The man seems to sense that the walls are finally about to collapse. Just a slight push, just a vibration, as a coup de grace. He raises his eyebrows, practically making them dance. He sees her follow the movement. -Just nice?- it’s a stupid question, really trivial, but the blonde seems to read into it who knows what.

But Luke is still holding her hand, so he can pick up every little telltale signal. His hand is so big that it almost entirely covers the female one. She doesn’t allow herself to think about what he might do to her with those long fingers. -You won’t be jealous, Alvez.- she says instead, keeping the facade.

He plays in a completely different way, with his cards exposed, yet he seems to be the one who has the leverage, the orchestrator, the director. It is said that the truth sets you free and perhaps it is true in more ways than one. -Obviously, a little bit yes.- he replies, and he doesn’t seem joking at all, he lightly squeezes her hand, stroking a few fingers. -So?- she almost gasps, trying not to moan for the pleasure it causes her with that tiny gesture. She would like to go under the table to see if he too is having as much fun as she is and maybe return his favor or take revenge on him, depending on point of view.

A sudden rush of adrenaline. For the first time she realizes the power she has over him, how much of his opening up to her is a sign of the desire he feels for her, that they are in the same boat and are sailing, together. Giving up would be too easy and she never liked easy things. No, the battle, the challenge is still open. The outcome will almost certainly be the same; but the path they will take to reach their goal … that is still an unknown. -You are trying to figure out if I met someone interesting, who made me dizzy.- she deduces. Luke has noticed that she has regained her confidence and bravado, but, unlike what she might think, he is not at all bothered by it. Any attitude of her, nuance of her, turns him on. -It seems a bit early.- she slips her hand under his, adjusting the necklace, whose pendulum falls right into the hollow of her breasts, even though he can’t see it. It is certainly not a casual gesture, nor is it necessary. He loves the idea of ​​being seduced by her, that Penelope is making a commitment to do so. He has been waiting for such a moment too long. But at the same time, he wants to do the same thing. They don’t care which one falls first, as long as they are together in the end. He needs something to recover. -What are you laughing now?- she scrutinizes him with narrowed eyes, perhaps convinced that she looks threatening.

-I just realized that now you are the newbie.- he forces himself to stop laughing, but it is practically impossible, because she continues to look at him that way and instead of scaring him, she gets the exact opposite effect. -The new girl.- he corrects himself, with a considerable delay that certainly doesn’t go unnoticed. -The latest arrival.- he is clearly taking revenge for all the times she has called him that, although there is no denying that to some extent (a good eighty percent) it turns him on.

Penelope hardly hides her amazement. -I got the concept, but, you know…- she winks, blinking and touching her lower lip with her tongue -…I’m an ace in everything I do, I’ll never be a Newbie, is that clear to you?- without knowing with what self-control, Luke just nods and doesn’t materialize his thoughts. He doesn’t matter how much he has to humble himself, he’ll have to taste that mouth by tonight. It takes away his sanity.

He takes a moment before answering her. -Uh, I’d like to be able to check it out for myself.- but they’ll never know what she’d say, because the waiter comes.

-Here are your pizzas.- totally unaware of having interrupted an important moment. They both thank him, looking away from the other to focus on the steaming plate in front of them. But not for long.

Pretending to be busy cutting pizza, he ventures his own comment. -The waiter is nice, isn’t he?- before answering, she looks at him carefully, holding the cutlery in a way that cannot be described. Which can only give rise to ideas that are not suited to the place where they are located.

And Penelope knows it, she knows it perfectly. -Are you trying to push me to say how attractive you are or are you open to all possibilities?- implicitly she already told him, but he can’t imagine how hard his heart will beat when (he should say if) she explicitly dedicates a positive comment to him about his appearance. -Anyway…- she rolls her eyes -in this period I prefer dark hair.- finally she too is really putting herself on the line. She cuts a square and brings it to her mouth. -You know, tall, muscular…- she says, before eating it. Luke purses his lips, without stopping to look at her.

He pretends to be surprised, but the malice never leaves his eyes. -But looks, and I prefer the blondes.- he is eating her with his eyes, not really interested in food. -Curvy.- he adds and every pause is like a caress that prolongs agony or pleasure. She assumes that he will do the same thing later, too, in other areas as well. He can’t help but provoke her. -And categorically with glasses.- she almost shouts at the last detail.

Luke, however, reads everything inside her. She hates to be like an open book to him. She watches him handle knife and fork with a completely innocent expression. This is why it is said that appearances can be deceptive. -What if I decide to switch to contact lenses?- they are not really talking about this and they are both aware of it. There is much more, the stakes are much higher.

-I would make you wear glasses from time to time, without lenses.- he specifies, continuing in any case in their personal challenge. -I find them so sexy…- and this is probably true -… they are a part of you.- but the change of tone, from provocative to sweet, certainly doesn’t go unnoticed. The intensity of her gaze. -Why are you making that face? You told me that I have to sweat a lot to earn the points I need.- this time she is the one who stretches her leg as much as possible, trying to touch his foot.

-So are you saying that you find me sexy?- she wanted to sound witty and ironic, but her voice actually trembles. If his answer were no…

Luke, however, doesn’t allow her to formulate this hypothesis. -Every single strand of your hair, Penelope.- and she sees it, his fingers playing with her hair, they curl it like so many rings. She wants it so bad that it hurts. She wonders if it is worth continuing with this playing, if it would not be better to simply tell him the truth. -Would you like to taste my pizza?- he asks her, bringing her back to earth.

She seems to sense that his request doesn’t have much to do with feeding. -The… the cheese has a strange effect on me.- she replies, meekly. -But if you want I can still give you a slice.- she shrugs. Maybe she expects Luke to make fun of her, take advantage of her weakness and openness.

The man, on the other hand, intercepts the hand before she can materialize the proposal. He strokes her fingers again. -I won’t lie to you, sweetheart, I’d like more than a taste, from you.- he feels her jolt at the nickname. -Too much?- he then asks, without leaving her. Penelope shakes her head, miming a “no” with her lips. The rest of the evening continues on the same register, they eat exchanging glances and jokes. After paying the bill, Luke immediately surrounds her waist with his arm, bringing her close to his body, moving his fingers slowly on her hip, in a possessive, natural way, as if she were already his and in fact this is how Penelope feels.

They go outside, he does not allow her to touch the door, he helps her get on board, once again behaving like a true gentleman, although she could understand much more from such a situation. And the woman is perfectly aware of this. Yes, he has really hit the entire jackpot, hoping he wants to demand it. -I had a lot of fun, thank you.- she tells him, in a voice so small that it moves him.

-It almost seems like you’re surprised.- he tries to make her laugh, but it doesn’t work. he slows down, stopping in a clearing. He turns to her. -Hey, Penelope, is the evening already over?- for the first time he sounds sad, as if he had lost hope.

But she doesn’t seem to care, she shrugs. -Well, I guess you’ll have to get up early tomorrow and…- she freezes herself, being pulled in his direction. Very close, as far as their seat belts allow. He follows her gaze downward. He undoes his seat belt and then hers, without moving half a millimeter away.

He moves her hands to his shoulders, then moves one of his to her cheek, his thumb touching her chin. -I have never needed many hours of sleep.- Penelope limits herself to parting her lips, uttering a silent “oh”. Capturing every implication of his sentence. Not just malice. -How many points have I scored?- he asks, leaning slightly towards her. Instead of answering him she prefers to capture his lips, smiling at him when she feels him kissing her back, stick his fingers into her hair. She does the same thing, then moves onto his chest.

She detaches, to whisper a single word. -Enough.- they remain smiling at each other, like two idiots, their foreheads attached, catching their breath.

Luke strokes her arm. -Would you like to take a walk or do you want me to take you directly home?- but he doesn’t specify if he means her apartment or his own. She nods, taking his hand and intertwining their fingers.

-No, I like it a lot.- they leave again, and then stop not far from a park in the neighborhood where he lives. As soon as they get out she rests her head on his shoulder. For six months she didn’t even deign him the honor of hearing her say his name, but a single kiss was enough to change everything, completely unblock the situation; she finally feels she has permission to show him affection, love, admiration. -It’s as if I were a teenager in a Katy Perry song.- Luke chuckles, trying to calm down so as not to disturb the peace. They locate a bench and sit down, kissing for a good quarter of an hour. Sensing his hands as he move a little too much towards a specific part of her body, Penelope stops him, trying to follow the voice of reason, even if another one yells at her exactly the opposite. -Luke, Luke… come on, we’re in a public place!- she whispers, while his fingers slip out like eels, tickling her, although, if she really wanted it, she could take a lot more.

He bends down to whisper in her ear, aware of the warm air of his breath that caresses her neck, naked. -But it is almost night, there is no one around, apart from us and the only street lamp is dead.- he points out her. Penelope grabs his head, firmly, with unexpected strength for both of them. She looks at him as if he is the sexiest man in the universe, as he has seen her look at Morgan. He almost feels like crying.

-Oh.- she traces the outline of his mouth, puffs up for their kisses. -It’s so exciting.- she shivers in a theatrical way. He nods, immediately showing agreement. He places one of his hands on her knee, touching her bare skin. She seems to challenge him to dare, to risk more.

-I bet you love horror movies.- he slowly moves it upwards.

It’s hard to stay focused, but she can. -It wasn’t that hard to guess!- he has almost reached the hem of her skirt. She is almost tempted to let him do it to see if he would really be able to push himself to the limit, he who was so loyal to protocol, when she met him. -Do you like them too?- he freezes, perfectly at ease, fingering the flesh. He leans towards her again.

-I love them.- He practically whispers on her lips. She ends the distance, slipping her hands over his jacket and shirt, onto his back. His tongue is her ticket to hell.

-You’re saying it just to get me to bed.- only because she still possesses a dignity, otherwise she would have offered herself to him in that park or in the car they are about to get back on.

-Nah, I have another plan for that.- he replies, giving her a wink.

She might even try to pretend that it won’t be that simple, if he didn’t have his hand gripping her like longtime sweethearts. -Oh yes? Are you sure you can drive?- he pushes her, making her sit down and even fastening her seat belt.

Here he is sitting next to her. -Don’t let go of my hand and you will see.- and Penelope, obedient, does exactly that, even if the journey is very short. As soon as they arrive, he pushes her against the wall of the entrance to his apartment, thus allowing her to feel the concreteness of his desire. -God, I’ve wanted to do this for so long…- he kisses her neck, feeling her vibrate for pleasure.

With a foggy head, she still manages to reply in kind. -I want to see what you have under that shirt, so hurry up, before I change my mind.- Luke takes the threat extremely seriously.

-Never!- he exclaims, in a ridiculous and necessarily low tone, so as not to alert the whole neighborhood that he is no longer single. And soon they will have to get used to seeing a new female presence around, certainly louder than Dr. Douglas. Virtually without taking their hands off they manage to enter, even if neither of them would be able to reconstruct the exact sequence of events. Roxy feels partially offended at being ignored, it had never happened before, Penelope always gave her her full attention. Lou stands by her, comforting her; the two dogs go away. As if mad, the two former colleagues reach the bed, causing a sudden rain of clothes. There is no more time for slowness and provocation. As Luke slips inside her, Penelope yells out his name.

Go to the ending: O



Tell me if you want to be removed or re-added to the tags ^^

Original title: Yeah.

Prompt: post 15x10, choose your finale for the garvez date.

Warning: crossroad, smut.

Genre: angst, funny, romantic.

Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, Roxy, Lou, Sergio.

Pairing: Garvez.

Note: oneshot 79 in Garvez collection.

Legend: .

Song mentioned: Assurdo pensare, Tiziano Ferro.

Yeah - masterlist



*I*: Plans change

The atmosphere becomes heavy, too full of expectations, in the same istant that Luke is silent. He just stares at her, letting his words hang in the air, unwilling to take back what he said, even if perhaps partly regretted for exaggerating, rather than saying the same things in stages, so as not to scare her. Penelope, however, plays it completely differently. -Anyway, only my surname is Latin or Spanish.- she goes back to their previous discussion, the focus of the whole evening. -My name is of Greek origin.- as if he didn’t already know. Not like he didn’t spent a few nights consulting online pages to discover the meaning of the weaver, the patient and faithful wife of Odysseus. Not like he didn’t struggled to stop herself from asking Spencer some more information. But her gaze is mischievous and provocative.

He accepts the challenge immediately, not that we can speak of a real choice. -Oh, look- he winks, the exact same look. All other living beings have long since ceased to have any importance. -Mine too.- she does not hide her amazement or her distrust at all. At school she studied religion, and Luke was one of the evangelists. She scrutinizes him with half-closed eyes, ready to catch any lie, in case he decides to play not fair in order to win. Because it is clear that a private and exclusive tender is underway. -From the Greek lyke, light- he explains to her, with an academic tone, proud of himself, deliberately laying it on, to make her laugh -my name practically means “born at the first light of the morning”.- he declaims. The blonde looks really surprised, positively. Her mouth slightly ajar, a glint of genuine interest in her eyes. He decides that this reaction is also positive. -You didn’t expect this, did you?- he exaggerates, driven by enthusiasm, fully enjoying her complete, total attention. Expecting a proper reply.

Instead, she for once satisfies him. -In fact, you surprised me, bel homme.- she admits, but Luke’s brain disconnects at the exact moment he hears that accent again. She is pure eros and she knows it. She knows perfectly well the effect it causes, even if her glasses (theoretically) are not X-rayed, so she cannot see what is hidden under the table. But she imagines it, she senses it. And this presumption does not irritate him at all, on the contrary, it simplifies his life. Better that both of them know which cards have already come out, which ones are on the table, which ones can still be played.

That’s why his voice comes out in the form of an animalistic, primitive growl. -Penelope, I repeat, you are playing with fire.- and he watches her shiver at her name, understanding for the first time his own powers, his potential, what he can do to her, what he could make her do, what that she wants to do with him. He sees her with his mind’s eye arching her back to welcome him better inside her, run to him and hug him after a mission, no matter is late night. He visualizes a future he desires with such intensity that it hurts physically.

And she seems to see it with him. She fixes a cheeky lock of hair, then she starts playing with it, seductively, provoking him. She uses techniques now considered to belong to the past, but after all, the two of them are not entirely souls of this era. -I’m not afraid of getting burned tonight.- she exclaims in a whisper, the most innocent expression he has ever seen on a woman’s face. But her eyes aren’t playing at all, they’re not provoking, they’re just piercing him and reminding him, with their intensity, that she really means it, everything she’s told him tonight. They have passed the flirting phase. Whatever happens, they will come out different.

He doesn’t have time to answer her, in any case (as long as she had the intention) since is time to dinner. Luke sees her particularly interested in his dish, so he proposes to (he gently forces her to) taste it, practically feeding her. It goes without saying that the federal agent would never have thought of finding himself making such a cloying gesture, and above all, without feeling an iota of embarrassment. At that point she pushes him to try her dish. They chat quietly, like a couple who have been married for years, with a few hints of provocation and a few fleeting touches on the part of both. They do not even notice that another hour has passed, until the waiter takes their plates away, both empty.

-Would you like to order dessert?- he asks them, not knowing that he will cause a crisis. Penelope clearly appears uncertain, as much as she inside knows she wants it, so much. She loves a lot of French cuisine, especially desserts. But she is also aware of her own appearance, especially if it is placed next to Luke, with the athletic physique of him even though he is no longer a boy, his muscles, his sculpted chest, his flat stomach. At least for one night, she could make this sacrifice. She doesn’t need sugar or chocolate, Luke will take care of sweetening her and calming her libido.

She feels the man’s eyes on her, analysing her, reading her and coming to the correct conclusion. -Yes, merci beaucoup.- at first the amazement dominates, then a kind of anger mixed with impatience. How can she do the right thing if he doesn’t help her? Luke continues, determined. -For me a dark chocolate and chilli mousse- oh my God, why did she always think of him as someone who liked dark chocolate? Only for the bitterness, because she had always seen him drinking black coffee, without any additions? -for the damoiselle, on the other hand, crème caramel.- she realizes with a little delay that he too has used French, and with excellent results. She believed that the problem only arose when he spoke Spanish, but he would probably be able to turn her on with Russian as well.

The waiter notes the orders, then vanishes. Penelope struggles to recover. -Luke…- she can only say his name. This cursed man has a fantastic dog named Roxy, a unique heart and soul, a sensitivity equal to hers, the appearance of a Greek deity, whatever he says turns her on, whether it’s good or bad, it doesn’t matter. And above all, he reads her mind. It’s not just profiling, it’s connection, for real. What she has always craved with Shane, Kevin, Sam, in whatever relationship she had had. With the team there is something similar, with Derek most of all, but… nothing comparable to this. -How… how..?- she can’t sensibly articulate the shock she feels. The tumult that is upsetting her from within. Not butterflies, but flocks of seagulls.

And Luke just shrugs, not understanding the extent of what he has done. His naivety and unawareness of him are other points in his favor. -I don’t know.- the look of a good man, who as a boy helped the elderly ladies to cross the street not because he had to get a boy scout badge, or because his parents had told him it had to be done, but because he felt inside that was right. -Instinct- he adds and everything around Penelope begins to vibrate. It is the exact moment in which she realizes that he is the right one, that tonight she will sleep with him, because she will not be able to hold back, if he continues along this path. But in order not to look completely crazy, she just grabs his hand and squeezes it tightly. Luke reciprocates, staring at her. His moment of awareness has already happened, much earlier. Finally she has reached him, he can stop running, they can walk together. They have never had with anyone else what there is between them, that mental understanding. After a few moments the dessert arrives, they thank in unison, without separating for a while, both reluctant, but forced to give in. His first spoonful ends up in her mouth. The way she opens it to let him in with the spoon… that’s how they discover that you can be tender and sexy at the same time.

He watches her bare neck as she swallows. -Mmm, bitter.- she comments. Being soulmates doesn’t mean you never have a moment of uncertainty. Luke seems to grasp negative nuances, aimed at his person, rather than the mousse. And he is right, but only halfway. He prepares a spoonful for himself, but remains motionless to scrutinize her.

-Don’t you like it?- he asks her, hoping she’ll say what she really thinks anyway, even if it won’t do him any good. He knows he is bitter, dark, complicated, while she is fresh, clear, nourishing milk. He waits.

Penelope denies it, but there are no traces of lies in her tone. -No, that’s not it, it’s just… I’m not used to it.- that’s a more than enough answer for him. There are many things he will have to get used to, being with her. And not one of them scares him. Not the thought to have the bathroom invaded by hairpins, flowers, colored sheets or decorated with kittens, not even to wear more colorful clothes, or skip a few runs, or shopping, or fighting against his own jealousy, not the perennial fear of lose her and his world with her, not the discussions to come. Not the pain that would overwhelm him in the event of a breakup. He then nods and they taste their sweets in comforting silence.

Of course he insists on paying the bill, just by telling her that she can do it, if she wants, next time. As soon as he closes his wallet he sees her next to him, very close to him, more than before, more than a friend, her hand reaching out to his and she certainly doesn’t need to be asked twice before he’s grabbing it. They stroll along the avenue leading to the parking lot, walking slowly, enjoying every step. At one point, Penelope rests her head on his shoulder, fitting perfectly into his hollow. It’s tailored, suggests an unknown voice to her, or maybe she just thinks it and she lets herself be influenced by her nauseating and romantic atmosphere. One of your ribs is hers, suggests another voice to Luke instead.

They stop near a tree with a mighty trunk, and she is convinced that it is the same plant where she thought he was going to kiss her a few hours earlier. She brushes the bark again with her fingers, almost caresses it, then he pulls her into a hug. That’s too much, more than her security system can handle. She goes completely haywire. -I think…- she starts, but the life saver is activated and French takes over -je suis amoureuse de toi.- Luke can speak French, he understands it. But the fear of having misunderstood this time wins. He plays with her hair for a few seconds before gently pulling her away from him.

He looks at her bright eyes, filled with love and hope. -It’s not fair, chica.- he gently scolds her, trying to get out of the charm of her lips. -Do you want me to speak to you in Spanish?- he certainly doesn’t expect her answer, such a decision. He is wrong.

-Yes.- she caresses his neck, anatomical parts, areas that he now thought were asleep, atrophied, despite he had a girlfriend for two years. Finally her fingers make contact with his hair. Needless to say, it was one of his forbidden dreams. He had never dared to imagine more. -It’s very sexy.- Luke tries to focus each neuron on his next move and not on the feelings of extreme well-being she causes him.

He finds no other solution than to block her hand, grabbing her wrist, slowly, but enough to pull her against him. -Uh, really?-Penelope nods, even though she’s not sure she’ll be able to hear what he’s about to say, because her heartbeat resounds in her ears. -Entonces… Yo tambien estoy enamorado de ti.- but she understands, if not his words, the meaning of his gaze. He feels her shiver, he knows it’s not because of the cold, but because of her emotion. He places both hands on her cheeks, she lifts up on her toes, resting her hands on his mighty shoulders. They squint their eyes together, meeting in the middle. Their hearts are bursting with happiness. They had feared that this time would never come, now they can confidently admit it. They had feared that theirs would remain an epic love, which everyone envies, but no one wants to experience it on their own skin. Instead, here they are, one body, two hearts beating in synchrony, hands clutching the flesh to convince themselves that it is not a dream. Or a hallucination due to red wine.

She is the first to break away, but she doesn’t wait until she catches her breath before asking him her question. -You know the things not to do on a first date?- Luke understands that this is important, but at the same time it leaves room for a joke and that’s how he takes it. He places his hands on her hips in a territorial way.

So he starts listing. -Talking about ex, ordering garlic or onion-based dishes…- she gives him a chuckle, but after a moment she’s serious again.

-… declaring your feelings on paper.- she whispers.

They just look at each other. -I love you.- they say together, before starting to kiss again for a few minutes, and then deciding that it is advisable to move closer to the car. They never really separate; if their mouths are far away, it’s not the same for their hands. Even the latter are becoming more enterprising, while their tongues ​​are fighting a battle with a not so obvious outcome. The hear of the former task force agent fortunately remains active and prevents them from being caught by other patrons, unaware of what is happening not too far from them.

Her wheezing as she tries to free herself from his grasp is so erotic that he is sure it will come back to him at inopportune moments for the next ten years, at the very least. -So, was it worth the amount you spent?- her forehead is sweaty, she has long since stopped shivering, one hand in his hair, the other on his butt, to hold him close to her.

Luke bends more, so much so that he can place his nose in the hollow of her shoulder. He is cold compared to her white skin. -Every single penny.- he whispers, managing to see the goose skin marks that he caused her and enjoying every single dot.

Here she is vibrating again, in his arms. -Oh, Luke.- it’s a moan, nothing more, nothing less. He can’t believe he was able to snatch it from her so simply, using only his nose and breath. By now, however, the hinges have given way, the last barrier has collapsed and she doesn’t seem willing to restore it. He leaves a trail of kisses down her neck, going up in the direction of her mouth, paying attention only to that part for a while, before going down and starting again, going further down, to the hollow of her breast, going up and so forth.

He is driving her crazy, he is aware of it and he likes it. -Penny…- he feels her stiffen, but only for a moment and he imagines (rightly) that it’s due to her nickname, that someone else before him must have used it, not Morgan, though; maybe one of her ex-boyfriends, but it doesn’t matter, especially not right now. He sucks the skin of her neck, delicate and determined, almost mercilessly. Penelope immediately understands what his goal is.

She swallows as her head spins like a top. -Do you want… do you want everyone at work to know that… -but she doesn’t even have the strength to finish the sentence. She can barely cover her mouth before she moans. When he comes off she notices that a red circular mark is already visible.

-That you are mine?- another shock. She never believed she wanted to belong to a person, nor could she be possessive, but with Luke… why is everything always so different, out of the box? -Yes- he looks at her looking for clues that he should stop, but he doesn’t see any, so he picks up his work from the same point, imagining his mark on her pale skin, because it’s about this. Seeing her wearing turtlenecks to hide it, but smiling from time to time at the memory. Her hands massage his skin throughout the procedure.

When he finishes she doesn’t let him go. -I think it is fair that my former colleagues are also informed of the news.- she grabs the skin of his neck with more force than he, without fear of hurting him, engaging in an almost funny way, but he cannot hide the own physical reaction; she feels it precisely against her thigh and there is no need to lie, stating that she doesn’t like the sensation. At the end, they resume kissing as if nothing had happened, but his phone begins to vibrate. She feels it because she has her hand right there. Luke ignores it, but she pushes him away, unable to get out of her head that it could also be serious; the time when she will not have all these kinds of thoughts, that will be the moment when something really bad happens.

He moans, nibbling her ear as she no longer has her mouth available and making the task of picking up his mobile phone certainly not easy. -Let it vibrate indefinitely…- it’s a kind of plea, but Penelope doesn’t let herself be conquered by him.

-You should have turned it off, as you did on your first date with Lisa.- it’s a reproach, but her tone is sweet and a little sad, so he doesn’t take it bad. The device stops vibrating in her hands. She passes it to him and he, who would like to reply, does not even have time to call his boss. There is a text from the same sender; Penelope looks at him reading and understands, even if she was already sure of it.

He stares at the screen until it turns black. He pulls it back into his pocket, sighing. His daydream has just turned into the nightmare that is his life. He can’t believe this is really happening, that he can be so unlucky. He almost forgets all the kisses, the declarations, and the conspicuous pacifier on his neck. -Penelope…- he says, not knowing how to tell her. When the same thing happened while he was having dinner with Lisa, he had been annoyed, yes, but not so much that his work had interfered with his private life (once in a while he decided to have one… but in fact even when he had visited to Phil, it had happened), much more for the fact that it was Garcia who had brought him this news.

She nods, stroking his arm across the fabric, to its full length. -I know.- she speaks softly, in a low voice, more than it would be necessary. -We… you have a case.- she smiles, tries to look cheerful, even if in fact she doesn’t even know what she feels. It would have been different if it had happened while they were at dessert, that is… before she finds out what it feels like to kiss those lips, to be touched by those hands, to feel his desire concretely on her, his voice telling her that he loved her. But now that she’s got all this information… hell if she wants to give it up.

Luke is too immersed in his sadness to really grasp her words. -I’m… I’m sorry, I…- he flutters, forcing her to grab his chin, so that he looks straight into her eyes. What did he expect her to do? Screams, get angry, and then, pick on him? She would be hypocritical.

-Why?- she asks him in fact. -Was it you who committed those crimes?- no answer is needed and he understands it, thankfully. -It was also my job.- yes, it is so easy to forget this too, how many moments lived in this area, almost all linked to the BAU, especially the oldest ones. -I know how it works.- she caresses his face, gently. His recently trimmed beard scratches her skin. -This doesn’t change anything, Luke.- here he is lighting up, regaining life and color. Was this really the problem? -In my heart the evening will remain beautiful, probably…- she hesitates, but she curses herself; he needs to hear it -certainly the best first date of my life.- BOOM, dead, he is again the happiest man in the entire universe. He smiles like an idiot, contemplating her, trying to convince himself that she is a real creature and not an angel, for real.

-For me too, Penny…- he starts kissing her again and she certainly can’t pull back, after a few minutes, however, she forces him to stop. She hates having to play the responsible one; it doesn’t suit her, but this time it’s up to her.

-Luke, we have to go.- she scolds him, trying to appear stern, but his mischievous smile is sufficient proof of how she probably looked funny at best. -The world needs you.- they hold hands even if there are a few steps to reach the car. Penelope realizes that he is still too thoughtful. -We still have one hour of travel to be together.- she then points out to him. She smiles and certainly doesn’t have to force herself. She puts her hand on the gear.

Luke looks at her, before starting the engine. -Penelope, you are so understanding, you are… perfect.- he listens to her sigh, he imagines the air coming out of her lungs. And her breasts firm and round. But it is better to focus on something else, like the road.

-We have waited four years, we can hold out a few more days, right?- they both know what it means. He nods, even though he’s not sure he’s 100 percent convinced. Of course he is able to wait, he would do it even if she needed more time. He doesn’t feel right to do it due to outside interference, but he certainly doesn’t want to ruin their first time with a quickie. On the contrary, he wants to enjoy every single moment, remove one layer at a time of her clothes, kiss every inch of her skin. With all these thoughts on his mind, he hardly notices that they has arrived in front of the IT’s house. He turns off the engine. He lingers on her lips. -Luke, will you be careful?- is the first thing she asks him. He feels the apprehension in her tone and knows that she really means it.

He grabs her face in his hands. As he told Matt shortly after his blind date with Lisa, for years he has been doing just fine on his own, with no one at home to care for him, other than his family. And no one who at the same time distracted him from duty. And with Lisa, after the first few days, not much had changed. It was not for nothing that he had almost risked being blown up. But Penelope… -Hey, do you think I could ever miss such an opportunity?- he sees her bright eyes and knows it’s because she is thinking how she would manage if she were to lose him. He feels a pang in his heart. -I’ll come back to you.- she nods, wiping a tear.

Her lips, still wet with Luke’s saliva, vibrate. -Do you text me when you land?- she is afraid that she claimed too much, but in reality they have belonged to each other in their hearts for much longer and she knows she has that right.

-Of course.- he replies in fact. -Indeed, I will have to restrain myself so as not to overwhelm you with texts.- he too manages to make her laugh and lighten the mood. Penelope punches him playfully on his chest.

-All you want, profiler, but stay focused on work, I don’t want to be a distraction.- here she read his thoughts about her again. Almost the same words.

He moves a few strands of hair behind her ear. -You’ve always been my distraction, Penelope Garcia.- can you cause an orgasm by naming a person? She nearly experienced it on herself. -Don’t pretend you don’t know.- the woman opens her mouth to reply, but nothing comes out. -But you are also the reason to try harder, so don’t worry, I promise I’ll be good.- very nice, but she is satisfied.

She sighs, seeing him lean towards her. -Well, now- she is speechless against his lips -seriously- she tries again, but with the same result -you have to go- she looks at him so that he understands that if it depended on her, she would never chase him away. She would make him come up with her, since they are already here, so he could meet Sergio. And then they could all move in to his apartment…

-I’m going.- his voice shatters thoughts that he doesn’t recognize as his own. One last kiss, this time for real. -Good night, meo amor.-

It’s only been a day, a day and a half, if you really want to be picky. She is about to leave, after a long day of very productive work, when her phone vibrates. Her heart recognizes the caller before her eyes. She replies, not realizing she has a stupid smile on her face. -Hello?- only at the last one she realizes that it could also bring bad news. Reading his name, seeing their photo together, has destabilized her.

-Hey, Penny.- it’s him, from the tone he seems to be fine and from the background, he is probably in the car. -We landed a few minutes ago, instead of sending you a text I thought I’d call… I hope I haven’t bothered you. I think you told me you get off work at seven.- almost no wonder he remembered it.

-Yes, I just finished. How did the case go? How… how are you?- she sees him driving through the grey streets of Quantico, careful as ever. Does he want to ask her out? She starts to go into fibrillation at the very thought of seeing him again. She is a hopeless case.

-I’m fine, but… there is another thing I would like to ask you. I would love to see you tonight- he begins and the smile dies on her lips, realizing what follows -but I’m really tired, the case was pretty tough… so I thought… would you like to have a picnic with me tomorrow?- luckily she got into the car without starting, otherwise she would have risked a collision. -Penelope?- she slaps herself to get out of the trance.

-Yes, yes, I like it. So… can you text me when you get to your house? I know I’m too apprehensive, but…- he interrupts her.

-No, don’t apologize, of course I’ll text you. Will you do the same?- she swallows before answering.

-Obvious. Oh, Luke… I love you.- she has never been the kind of person who repeats statements on the phone, although, he also talked to Rossi years ago, she tried to make every call special, but… it’s just exhausting.

-I love you too.-

Lulled by the sound of his voice she has fallen asleep and it is always Luke who wakes her up. -I’m leaving now, honey.- she loves the naturalness with which he called her that way, but she doesn’t know if she’ll tell him, because after all… she has already given him too many gratifications lately. She laughs at her own stupidity, she gets ready, greets Sergio after checking that everything is in order and reassuring him that, cases permitting, they will spend the evening together, they and his canine brothers. It never happened that a bell ring made her heart jump like that. She comes out trying to measure her steps and she almost bumps into him. The car is parked there in front of her, but he waits for her with open arms. She jumps on him and all her intentions go to hell.

-It’s not normal that I missed you so much…- she whispers, enjoying his scent, natural, reassuring her. The warmth of his body. His arms as her armor.

Luke lifts her chin. -It wouldn’t be if I hadn’t felt the same thing.- they kiss for a few minutes, but this time he is surprisingly the first to break away. -Come on, there’s someone else who missed you…- he leads her to the car, but he makes her get in the backseat, surprising her.

Penelope can’t hold back her screams when she understands. My loves! -She throws herself between the two dogs, who attack her with equal speed and sweetness, submerging her with kisses and fur. She turns for a moment to the man, who observes the scene from his seat, with a crooked smile on his lips. -Luke, I love you, damn!- she seems almost to be sorry for that fact and it makes him laugh out loud.

She gets out, to get into the seat next to him. -Was it so easy to get into your soft armor?- he whispers her then in a hoarse voice. She rolls her eyes, locking the doors.

-Come on, stop it.- she watches him, not understanding why he doesn’t start the engine. -Shall we go?- she asks him. Her eyes continue to flicker towards the rear-view mirror, which gives her the reflection of two wonderful creatures. She has to admit she hadn’t thought of them when Luke offered her the picnic, but it’s his fault, well, her brain was simply too full of the thought of seeing him again.

The man shakes his head seriously. -No, one thing is missing…- her confused expression melts when their lips touch. -I love you, too…- he whispers, before deepening the kiss. They finally leave. Along the way Luke explains where they are headed, also providing some scientific data, gaining jokes about the fact that he looks more and more like Reid (and this is good, it makes him even sexier, in her opinion).

The journey passes pleasantly, between jokes and songs. When they reach the goal, Penelope can’t believe. She expected green, but definitely not even that expanse of sparkling water. -Wow, Luke, it's… it’s wonderful.- she looks at him with tears in her eyes, tightening her grip on Roxy’s leash, needing something to keep her anchored to reality.

Luke, proud, tries to sound like a normal person and not one who is about to scream with joy. Seeing concretely the woman he loves happy for something he has chosen, so at ease with him even though it is not at all her classic environment… is priceless. -And it’s only thirty minutes from Quantico.- he points out, with a stupid smile on his face. She pays no attention to it, because she only captures his absolute beauty, inside and outside of him. -Isn’t it surprising how sometimes we travel the world and don’t notice what we have in front of us?- and she immediately grasps the reference, not at all arcane.

-Yes.- she looks down at her boots. -I… I…- he places a finger on her lips, softly silencing her and preventing her from apologizing for something she’s not really at fault for.

-No, sadness or any melancholy is forbidden today.- he puts his lips on hers and she lets herself be completely guided. Then they walk for a while along the various wooden bridges, which make the landscape even more magical and enchanted. They do not even notice the passing of time, being dragged by the dogs to the perfect place. Like a couple that has been together for years, they feed Roxy and Lou, perfectly synchronized, before taking care of their lunch, sandwiches made by her, vegetarian of course. She asked him by text what he wanted and he replied that she already knew. However, she can’t go into this matter as well, otherwise she risks raising the level of the Potomac. After having all filled their stomachs and also digested, Luke convinces her to leave their puppies off the leash, so that they can let off some energy; Roxy will take care of the reckless Lou. He lays a mat on the lawn and starts kissing her again, until she is completely lying down, then he joins her. After a while, the two dogs also abandon themselves nearby, to recover from their efforts. Penelope hugs him, thinking that she has never been so happy in her life and Luke echoes her.

Go to the ending: O

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What if instead… 15x5

Luke [still sore, interrogative]: Me?

Penelope: Yes, you, stupid creature! [laughs on the background, by Tara and Matt] This is the second time you scared me to death, in just a month! I don’t think you properly understand. You-scared-me. ME!

Luke: I’m…

Penelope: I do not care if you are about to say you are sorry! Ok? [breaking]I…

Luke[hugs her]: Please, forgive me.

Penelope [about to cry]: I thought…

Luke: I know.

Penelope: I do not like to feel in this way.

Luke: Do you think there is anything I can…

Penelope: Maybe. [they are about to kiss, but…]

Rossi: Get a room!

Other incorrect quotes


Original title: Like Easter.

Prompt: Easter holydays, Italy, Holy Week.

Warnings: reflections on my catholic faith.

Genre: comedy, family, romantic, friendship.

Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, (JJ, Spencer), O.C.

Pairing: Garvez.

Note: oneshot.

Legend: ❗.

Song mentioned: none.

Easter holidays and Luke have a problem to solve: his grandmother waits for him in Rome for the Holy Week and wants that he’s accompanied by a girlfriend; Penelope, on the other hand, feels cast aside as the “painted eggs” festivity. 


PART 1  

PART 2   

PART 3   

PART 4  


PART 6  






This time I don’t just want to say Happy Easter to everyone. But also that I’m about to live something I dreamed about for long time. Tomorrow my husband and I are going to visit Rome… For the Holy Week. I visited this city just once, when I was 7, for a price (about ♻) that I got with my elementary class (we met the Republic president, Ciampi and Rita Levi Montalcini). I don’t remember so much… I know it’s weird for an Italian, but I’m living close to Milan, in the north of my country. So, have a good week and again, happy Easter! ️


Original title: April fool’ day.

Prompt: april fool, comic, friendship.

Warning: none.

Genre: comedy, humor, romantic, family.

Characters: BAU team, Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez.

Pairing: Garvez.

Note: oneshot.

Legend: .

Song mentioned: none.



Continua a leggere


What she says, what he thinks

Garcia: I’m the genie in the genealogy. Just rub my lamp. That came out wrong. Goodbye.


What he really thinks:You are my jinn, I’m your Aladdin. Jasmine should be jealous.

Other incorrect quotes


Episode 1:The meeting.

Luke: Rox, I met a girl. She is… Humane language can’t define her. She is just… Like a sunny day. Cool water. Whatever you think it’s amazing, it will never be enough.

Roxy:*rolls her eyes*

Luke: She can’t stand my face *shows his ‘in love’ expression* I think I’m fucked.

Roxy: I agree. Can you feed me, now please? And, no raspberries, thanks.

Other incorrect quotes




Times when Garcia calls Luke “Newbie”

1- S12. E3. “Taboo”

 Send us his home and work addresses.

Oh, Newbie, already sent.


2- S12. E7. “Mirror Image”

 “Damn. I had you down for 6.” 

Ok, you know what? You guys, I thought you were my friends. But you suck. You all suck. Especially you, new guy. But then you always suck. Newbie.”


 3- S12. E8. “Scarecrow”

 “You couldn’t find anything out with all your super powers?” 

Oh, ha ha, Newbie. It’s not like I haven’t tried. I checked with all the mes in other units to see if any of their agents are transferring over. Nobody knows diddley-squat.


 4- S12.E8. “Scarecrow”

I’m declaring a dictatorship. You guys don’t get a vote. Especially you, Newbie.”


 5- S12. E8. “Scarecrow”

 “Hey, you’re forgetting something” 

I’m forgetting nothing, Newbie


 6- S12. E10. “Seek and Destroy”

 “All right, try, uh, Louisiana and Arkansas” 

Look at you, Newbie McNewberson, with another good call


 7- S12. E14. “Collision course”

So he can hack into any of them and watch in real time

Yes, he can, Newbie


8- S12. E15. “Alpha Male”

 “What are we gonna do?” 

Oh, Newbie,oh, Newbie, I’m gonna tell you what we’re gonna do.


 9- S12. E16. “Assistance is Futile”

What you want, Newbie?

Still with that? Come on. You need some new material


10- S12. E16. “Assistance is Futile”

 "Thanks, Garcia. You truly… You are the best





Endnote: do you notice that after Luke has suggested Garcia to use another nickname (because it got boring), she has stopped calling him that way? The episode right after the last time she did it, it’s 12x17, when she calls him Luke for the first time. Just a coincidence? Not for me.

But I still miss sometimes those moments.

They heard me, because in the final season we got twice Newbie moments!

11- S15. E7. “Rusty”

Garcia, have you found any overlap socially?

Do I have to start calling you newbieagain?

Ok. So you would have led with that.

We think our unsub is the son of a couple who used to live in Beaumont.

12- S15. E8. “Family tree”

Oh, my gosh. Do you think that, newbie? Oh, my gosh. You just narrowed the candidates to like 1. 2 million people.

Yeah - However, at the end (14)

Original title: Yeah.

Prompt: post 15x10, choose your finale for the garvez date.

Warning: crossroad, smut.

Genre: angst, funny, romantic.

Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, Roxy, Lou, Sergio.

Pairing: Garvez.

Note: oneshot 79 in Garvez collection.

Legend: .

Song mentioned: Assurdo pensare, Tiziano Ferro.

Yeah - masterlist


*O* However, at the end

Penelope wakes up, instantly recognizing the bed she is in and who is resting next to her. She observes him for a while. He only wears underwear, but not even it hides all his muscles. Fragments of what they experienced come back to her, so she finds herself smiling. That’s the first thing Luke sees when his lids go up. -Good morning.- she tells him, without any embarrassment, even though she’s wearing only panties and a shirt too big to be hers. That smells of woods, to be exact.

-Good morning.- he echoes her, intertwining their legs to draw her to him and kiss her. She rubs herself against the bulge she has grown accustomed to by now, getting groans and only belatedly realizing that half of them is her fault.

She bites her lip as he strokes her breast, her head on the pillow and her messy hair. -Mmm. Luke.- she calls him, forcing him to stop.

-What?- he’s not very focused on what she wants to tell him, so she gives him a little nudge.

She looks at him, serious. -Am I your girl, now?-

That crooked grimace, however, he just can’t avoid it. -Of course you’re my girl.- he exclaims and a weight instantly disappears from the blonde’s chest, masterfully massaged in the meantime. -We’ve been going out together for a week.- he reminds her, because yes, she might as well have forgotten it. Or she can believe that it was all some kind of dream, that they just had sex one night… after all, it is early morning and these are the most dangerous hours, when bad thoughts come to visit her. It happens to him too, albeit more and more rarely. -You slept more at my house than yours. What do you say?- she pretends to be indignated, trying to hit him again, but getting caught instead. He immobilizes her under him.

Penelope doesn’t lose her aplomb. -I just wanted to be sure.- she tries to shrug, but her position doesn’t allow it.

Luke takes the opportunity to snatch a kiss from her. She kicks, just so as not to give in. -To change your status on Facebook?- she looks at him angrily, before wrapping her legs around his torso, thanking the heavens for making her say yes to his date proposal, even though no one would have guessed. It doesn’t matter which path they had to travel, it just matters that they are here and together.


So, even this story is finished; I’m sorry to say that (I think) this will be my last one about garvez. I’m still shipping them, but things are changed… long story. See my personal post here to understand (maybe).

Thank you for reading and reviews!


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Yeah - Jealousy (13)

Original title: Yeah.

Prompt: post 15x10, choose your finale for the garvez date.

Warning: crossroad, smut.

Genre: angst, funny, romantic.

Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, Roxy, Lou, Sergio.

Pairing: Garvez.

Note: oneshot 79 in Garvez collection.

Legend: .

Song mentioned: Assurdo pensare, Tiziano Ferro.

Yeah - masterlist


*N* Jealousy

Luke doesn’t pay any attention to it, maybe he just feels a little annoyance, because there is only one hand that has the right to touch his own in that way … and it’s just a few centimeters away. It’s delicate at the right point, the temperature fits perfectly with that of his… or maybe it’s all bullshit, but that’s exactly what he feels. Besides Penelope’s eyes on him. That is a great feeling. -What would you have?- the woman is younger than them, with dark and wavy hair, Latin features, no, perhaps more Mediterranean. She probably has at least part of Italian blood, like Rossi, is what the blonde meditates to try to chase certain annoying thoughts from her mind.

In any case, she cannot deny an objective fact: she is very attractive. Luke can’t fail to notice, he can’t understand that she is hitting on him, even if, for now, in a fairly discreet way. Standing next to Derek, albeit not as his girlfriend, she has seen worse. The man, really unaware, lightly scratches his chin, brooding. -I was thinking of throwing myself on pasta, but I don’t know…- he raises his light brown eyes from the menu, until they fall into those of the waitress. Greens. -Which one would you recommend?- Penelope clenches her hands in fists until her knuckles turn white. Why on earth didn’t she feel the same thing, when she met Lisa, when she caught him with someone else, during a clearly romantic date? Because she managed, despite everything, to be happy for them, while now… no, she doesn’t feel at all willing to leave this little girl free field. Maybe… maybe because it’s her, his date tonight. It is the waitress who must be jealous of her and not vice versa, but it is clear that she is not, she doesn’t consider it at all.

She tilts her head slightly, making her curls dance and clearly winking. Penelope realizes that she has only held her breath when her lungs start to ache; she may as well reason as rationally as she wants, but it… it won’t change what she feels. -Oh, for a charming man like you, a simple pasta with tomato sauce, spaghetti, would be too banal.- Luke smiles just at the compliment, in a polite way. It is certainly not the first time that a woman defines him like this… yet, there is something empty, in that adjective, said in that tone… it doesn’t touch his heart in the least. Only when it is her partner who gives him a similar appreciation… then yes, that his heart organ does somersaults. -Unless you focus on clams or a beautiful amatriciana…- continues the woman, never taking her eyes off him.

And he amazes everyone, especially her (Penelope), coming out with a decidedly unexpected request. -Maybe something that does not contain…- he mentions, blushing slightly, but no one notices -you know, neither meat, nor fish…- although his eyes are not directed towards her, he manages to capture her shock and her confusion, imagine her perfect red little mouth wide open, as well as her eyelids. But it was nothing built, it came out spontaneously. He wants her to be happy, one hundred percent happy, that there would'nt be a single spot, no matter how small, to spoil the picture. And he doesn’t even mind that much not to eat meat. Not for her.

The concern spreads through wrinkles on the young woman’s forehead, who believes she has committed a big gaffe, rattling off all the spaghetti alternatives available, but obviously leaving out those without death. Recovered from her upset, Penelope feels a bit of sadistic complacency. -Oh, sorry, are you a vegetarian?- he doesn’t nod or deny, in fact not lying, rather omitting this detail. -Then definitely trofie al pesto.- she revives quickly, however, finding a solution that, she must admit, seems inviting even to the blonde, but… -A specialty of Genoa, the hometown of my grandparents.- she adds, smiling and for a time she is not trying to make him fall into her web, but she is really proud of her origins and full of affection for her relatives and that distant land, which perhaps she has never really seen.

Luke returns her smile, but, at the same time, reaches out his hand until it touches that of his partner, thus drawing the waitress’s attention to her. -Okay, you convinced me.- the young woman turns in her direction, an expression that is polite as well as disinterested appears on her face. Her eyes from time to time touch that bond that surely will seem absurd. What does someone like this man find in such a kind of woman? Too bad it’s the same question that Penelope asked herself, at least thirty times during the evening. While aware of her own potential, while not denying that feeling of belonging and higher connection… there are still too many cracks in her soft armor. Not even the most immense of loves can suffocate certain fears and insecurities.

-For me a pear and zola risotto, thank you.- there is not a lot of choice, as usual, for those who don’t eat meat or fish, but they seem to have found an excellent compromise. Also, Luke is still brushing her hand, sometimes in real caresses, so it’s hard to stay focused. She watches the girl write her order on an old-fashioned notebook and instantly turn quickly towards her real object of interest. Is it possible that the waitress is not used to seeing handsome men? Maybe, but not like him, not like Luke.

Who takes the floor again, without letting go. -And as for the wine taste, we would like your suggestion.- despite this, it is clear that the girl doesn’t consider her a threat at all, a rival. She will think that she is a relative, a cousin… well, no, they are too different from a physical point of view, such as facial features, skin color… Then a friend. Yes, a nerdy friend that broken up with her boyfriend, perhaps a few days before the wedding, and she needs someone to console her, to prevent her from killing herself; and Luke looks (is) just the kind of man who does these things, the typical good guy.

The young woman smiles at him seductively. -Perfect, I’ll be right back to you.- she lingers a moment too long, thus allowing Penelope time to reconsider. She understands that this situation will not remain isolated, on the contrary; if she really became his girlfriend, she would have to get used to it. Women will try constantly to get Luke, women who will take it for granted that there is nothing between them. She would like to have a strong enough character to be able to handle it without harm, but she is not like that. It is not jealousy of the usually masculine, possessive type, no, it is a melancholy, a sense of inferiority towards others that she has never felt before in such an intense way and that it will never abandon her.

-Wait!- she screams, her tone a little too shrill, slipping her hand away from under Luke’s. -I have changed my mind.- she is not allowed to really escape, physically, even if she really wants to do it. But s he can at least amortize the damage. -I think it’s better… if I take a salad.- now it is she who ignores the clear eyes of the man who seem to try to pierce her, cross her and understand what is wrong. -No eggs, only vegetables.- she is keen to emphasize.

Even the waitress seems bewildered, not coming to the solution of the mystery in her turn, which is actually as simple as connect the dots. -No problem…- she marks it in her notebook and disappears, leaving them alone.

She knows what’s going to happen and she goes to great lengths to avoid making eye contact with him. But she feels it about herself, as if it were tangible, as if he were actually touching her. She knows this because it is as if her entire body were inside a vortex, and a series of shocks runs all over her back. -Hey, Penelope, what have you got?- he finally asks that question that has been spinning in his head for long minutes, while he watched her as you watch a flower wither. Why did she become sad? He certainly did something wrong, despite his trying hard. He also struggled to find a more creative and less stereotypical way to inquire about his status with her, but nothing to do. However, he will not allow her to slip away from his life without a fight, without knowing why she is so sad.

She doesn’t answer him for a while. Neither of them seems to notice the cheerful shouting around them. They are like wrapped in a hood that isolates them from the rest of the world, making them feel alone, because they are close, but far away, she is keeping him away, as before, in the old days, but also in a different way. -Nothing.- she finally says, after a century. A typical feminine answer that doesn’t suit her at all. Not she, who always has something interesting to say. Everything that comes out of her mouth gets him electrified and it always has. Ever since he met her.

Luke sighs loudly, fighting with all his might not to let himself be enveloped by sadness and melancholy. Any sense of inferiority is like waste paper, if he thinks about what he felt when they hugged each other and when he held her hand, even this evening. There is something superior between them, he knows she knows, so why doesn’t she give up? He looks up at her and manages to force her to do the same. -On what basis do you want to build our relationship?- he asks her, but it wasn’t the right choice, or maybe he got the terms wrong, because she starts shaking, so strong that the table almost vibrates. He realizes that she is scared (not to mention terrified) of something, but if she doesn’t help him, how could he?

He watches her bare neck as she swallows. She is sensual too when she doesn’t want to, perhaps especially when she doesn’t want it. And she doesn’t notice it in the slightest. -Our relationship?- she repeats, looking at him from top to bottom, in an almost submissive attitude, definitely new to him. He is her servant, she is his queen, they established it a few months ago. Lancelot and Guinevere. Yet, now, she seems unable to even conceive of the idea of ​​them as something. As well as the time she had made it clear to him that they would never be a duo. Besides, she had accepted his invitation.

-Our relationship.- he then adds, but she always seems uncertain, with that bewildered and at the same time frightened expression on her face. -What do you prefer me to call it?- she shrugs, wishing their dishes to arrive, so that this evening can be declared over and… while he pays the bill (she knows he will, as much as she can fight and ask him to take care only of the his part) she will call a taxi, something that frees him from the chore of taking her to her house. And from embarrassment. -Penelope…- he begins.

Sometimes, however, wishes are granted and they reveal to us how wrong we are. -Here it is.- the waitress appears, naturally the same as before. It seems to Penelope that she has had her makeup done, at least her lipstick, but it’s probably just her head. -The best trofie al pesto you can find in Virginia.- she announces, placing them in front of him in a slightly scenographic gesture.

The super-polite Luke forgets to thank her, focusing on another detail, not exactly small. -Excuse me, what about her salad?- the tone is at least just serious, without letting on the annoyance he feels inside, partially due to being interrupted. It was an important and difficult speech, although it might not seem so. Penelope, unlike the girl, catches his latent anger, having already seen him like this.

The waitress blushes, bringing her only free hand to her mouth. -Oh, sorry.- she takes a step back, perhaps unconsciously feeling the man’s coldness and his total lack of interest. Neither will ever know, but she didn’t do it on purpose, she gave the kitchen both orders, but someone exchanged the cards and when they asked her what the clients of table 12 had asked… she only remembered Luke. -It will arrive immediately.- she vanishes instantly, without touching him in the slightest.

Penelope watches her until she disappears through the wooden doors. -Maybe it’s a sign of destiny.- she says, more to herself than to her companion. -Maybe I shouldn’t have dinner at all.- she feels the obligation to turn around, even if she doesn’t want to do it for the world. She doesn’t want to see pity on that gorgeous face of his. Or compassion. Knowing then that it is her fault, that she screwed everything due to her insecurities.

However, when her dark eyes fall into the lighter ones of the man, she doesn’t read any of this in his gaze. -Stop it, I don’t want to hear you say these things.- no, he’s just angry, furious. -Would you like to explain to me what’s wrong?- he asks her, grabbing her hand with arrogance, without hurting her and without losing that dark (and even a little sexy) aspect. He asks her because as an act of trust she has to be able to say it out loud, not because he needs it. He is naive, but not stupid. He understood perfectly what the problem is. And he immensely hates the fact that she can believe such a thing.

However, she is still able to surprise him. -I’d rather not, I’ve already been disastrous enough for just one night.- she declares, before bursting into a bitter and embarrassed chuckle. Luke shakes his head hard, also increasing his hold on her and pulling her as close as possible.

-No, I told you, you’re beautiful- oh yeah, he figured out exactly what the problem was, in fact he didn’t tell her she’s not making a mess, but he went straight to the point, to the heart of the matter -and it’s normal be a little agitated.- he laughs again, corresponding to that word. -I am too- he admits then, without any embarrassment. Fuck all his insecurities; she has always been the strongest among them, but it seems to be his turn. -It is because I care.- he emphasizes, in a deeper tone.

-Yes, a little agitated.- she echoes him. -But I’m freaking out, Luke.- now she has tears in her eyes and she hates herself immensely for it. She hates herself even more for hating herself, because she loves herself, the way she works, and it wasn’t an easy or quick process to get to that level. Luke, however, unwilling to do so (she doesn’t intend to blame him) has upset everything, made a clean sweep of her therapies. -I thought I could do it, but I was wrong.- he doesn’t like the use of that tense at all.

-We were doing fine until shortly before ordering.- he analyzes the matter as he would a case. He feels her stiffen. And he realizes that he has only touched the tip of the iceberg. -Is this?- Penelope doesn’t deny, she doesn’t nod, she practically ceases to breathe. -I get it.- she frees herself from his grip and Luke knows she wants to get up and let him there, alone. -Stop.- he admonishes her, with such an authoritative tone that she can’t help but obey him.

This is not why she intends to give up. -Luke, we can…- she mentions, but he doesn’t even let her talk. He believed the problem was simply that she didn’t feel good enough for him, that it was all there, the matter. But the whole thing is much more tangled.

-No.- he silences her, a little too abruptly. But he will have time to apologize and be nice later. -It’s about the waitress, right?- target hit right. And maybe he must have hit something else as well, because she is completely unlocked.

-Well, she has shamelessly flirted with you.- she barely looks at him, not allowing her eyes to remain fixed in one place, but wandering around the room, while she continues with his delirium. -She didn’t consider me at all.- in fact, she certainly can’t blame her. -She even forgot my order. And it’s…- but he’s not going to let her say that. He would not be able to hold back his anger and they would throw them out. No, that wouldn’t be nice at all.

However, she stumbles, giving him time to say it for her. -Cuter than you? Is that what you mean?- or thinner, more like him, less weird, less different, more like Lisa too… just because of the way she vibrates, after shrugging. -Hey, honey, look at me.-he reaches out both hands, capturing her face. -I don’t care about that waitress.- he clarifies her, in the softest tone she’s ever heard. -I don’t care about any woman besides you.- oh my God, he really said so. -Okay?- he waits for her to nod. -What do you say if we share my pasta and your salad?- he proposes, smiling.

She just can’t help but look. -Luke?- she calls him, noticing how his eyes light up, hearing his name come out of her lips. And how fucking love is in it. -You deliberately chose a dish without…- he nods, stabbing some trofie with his fork and pushing them towards her.

-Taste it, before it gets cold.- she opens her mouth, pleasing him and blushing, hoping that at least this time he hasn’t read her thoughts. She seems to have been lucky, because he is too focused on the response. -So?- he asks her.

She swallows, not just food. -Good.- she declares sincerely. -Very good.- but she’s not talking about the dish at all and maybe they both know it. Penelope is in fact reflecting on how she is going to be a good girl and not throw herself at him as soon as they are out there. Because Luke is too much and he deserves so much, everything she can give him. All he will want from her, because she is convinced that there are indeed many things he would want from her.

The waitress interrupts another moment, but it’s not her fault. -Here is the salad.- she places it carefully in front of the blonde.

-Thank you.- she says, without taking her eyes off the lighter ones and not by choice.

They finish the pasta first and then the salad, moving from serious talk to lighter ones, laughing, exchanging constant glances and holding hands whenever possible. The moment of the bill also arrives, and things go as expected. -Forget it, I’ll pay.- he reads it in her face. -My grandmother would beat me if I didn’t.- he adds then, making her laugh and at least winning this battle.

-Oh, okay.- she gives in, but as soon as they come out she hugs him. -Thanks Luke, for being who you are.- she couldn’t think of anything more creative to say, even though she wanted to make her words more… personal, and meaningful. But when she’s under his influence… goodbye genius brain. Who knows if the same thing happens to Spencer when he’s with Max? She sincerely hopes so. -I had a very good time with you.- she strokes his back, and he does the same, surprised but in a positive way by her initiative.

He lifts her face up to touch her ear with his lips and his warm breath. -Me too, but the evening is not over.- he winks. She comes out of his embrace, but without really leaving the warmth of his arms, just because she wants to look him in the face, to understand what he is thinking.

-What else would you like to do?- maybe she is naive, she really is, even if Luke has not yet understood to what extent. He takes her hand, intertwining their fingers and they walk in the direction of his car. A few steps and they have reached it. Only then he answers her.

-I want to make sure the situation tonight doesn’t repeat itself.- but it sounds more like an animal growl and she wouldn’t know if she understood, but, in the end, it has little relevance. She finds herself with her back pressed against the car door and wonders why the alarm hasn’t gone off, but it ceases to be an interesting matter as soon as his lips brush against hers. Their tongues engage in an unprecedented struggle, while uncontrolled moans come out of their mouths. He kisses her passionately for a good five minutes, only letting go when they both run out of oxygen. -Do you believe it now?- she feels his desire for her against her thigh and only the embarrassment of being caught prevents her from spreading her legs and welcoming him there, in the overly lit parking lot of that Italian restaurant.

But she never misses the opportunity to provoke him. -Mmm, no, I still have some doubts.- she licks her lips feeling the taste of him, their taste.

Luke grasps all the implications. -Oh, I think it’s my duty to erase any uncertainty.- he leans over to her again, who stands up on her toes.

-I agree.- other kisses, therefore, they don’t know how, they manage to get into the car and avoid an accident. Someone else, however, was less fortunate and after having spent minutes in a row trying to touch each other without being noticed by the other drivers, and with the prospect of staying there for a long time, Luke decides to take a shortcut that passes through a wood. He parks, turning nervously to her, fearing he may have done something wrong with her. She doesn’t give him time to soak too much in such doubts, throwing herself on him to resume kissing him and opening his shirt. He frees her of her dress, then they move to her back seats, much more comfortable and spacious. They can’t get around foreplay, perhaps because their every flirt and joke was like one long foreplay. She spreads her legs apart, self-confident and he continues to kiss her as, for the first time, they become one.

Go to the ending: O



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Yeah - Funny (12)

Original title: Yeah.

Prompt: post 15x10, choose your finale for the garvez date.

Warning: crossroad, smut.

Genre: angst, funny, romantic.

Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, Roxy, Lou, Sergio.

Pairing: Garvez.

Note: oneshot 79 in Garvez collection.

Legend: .

Song mentioned: Assurdo pensare, Tiziano Ferro.

Yeah - masterlist


*M* Funny

-Of course, to defend myself from you.- she immediately replies in kind, but instead of remove that smile from his face, it increases its intensity. And she can’t help but think he’s beautiful; her head starts spinning when she realizes that she is indeed having dinner with Luke Alvez. She tries in every way to calm down, mentally telling herself that everything is fine, but she doesn’t even believe in herself. Fortunately, the waiter arrives and places two cans in front of them.

-Hey, you hurt me.- the Latin protests with a certain delay, pretending to be pained. Penelope reaches out, but she isn’t quick enough; the man has already opened both of their cans and, only with hers, he begins to play with it, bending it until he comes off. The impression of being inside a Disney sitcom increases in the blonde’s mind.

She grabs the can, pulling it closer and inadvertently brushing his hand. -But really?- she brings both of her hands to her face, in an exaggeratedly mortified expression. -Oh, I’m so sorry!- but she blinks masterfully. Luke is fascinated by everything she does, and his admiration is so obvious that almost even she notices.

He crosses his arms, putting a strain on the fabric of the jacket and also on the woman’s self-control. -You are evil.- his tone of voice is childish and plaintive. But there is also something else, which she doesn’t intend to investigate. -I didn’t expect to have dinner with the Frozen princess, I didn’t bring my winter boots.- he adds, displacing her. Just as unexpectedly Penelope bursts out laughing, one of her crystalline laughter, with all her heart and not fake, constructed. He rarely had the honor of hearing one of her laughs because of him. He remembers Phil had told him that his jokes were often terrible and if he ever found a woman who found them funny, she would be the right one. Like if he needed further proof.

Perhaps Penelope notices that melancholy shadow pass in front of his face, because, as soon as she manages to stop laughing, she reaches out and touches the man’s, only the tips of his fingers, but he still seems to touch the Paradise. -This one was nice, Luke.- she smiles at him too and the federal agent gets lost in her gaze for what seems to him infinite. After a while he realizes that now she is the one who seems to be in the clouds.

He moves his hand, still under the female one, making her jump. -What are you thinking about?- he refrains from adding penny for your thoughts, convinced that not even she, with all her generosity, could find it funny. She shrugs. For a moment she looks shy, but the next she has regained all her confidence.

-How much have you changed since the first time I saw you.- she replies and it is so clear that it is the truth, that he almost chokes on the one drop he swallowed, because her sincerity it has always displaced him. It is one of the thousand things that make her the sexiest woman in the universe in his eyes. -A lone wolf always dressed in black and so… serious.- now she is teasing him a little. And of course he loves her when she does that.

Even though he knows she’s right, because before her in fact he would never have thought of responding in kind to a colleague, of saying any nonsense in order to attract and keep her attention on him, or of feeling at home, found a family. -Hey, I wasn’t that bad!- he defends himself in the past anyway, as if it were a friend he was fond of and to whom he had to say goodbye.

Penelope chuckles, again. Behind the irony and malice, however, he sees something new appear. -Would you ever have expected to dance Heroes like that?- she is asking him, playing with the straw in her glass, sometimes running one end between her lips and knowing that she will unleash a hormonal storm in her partner. -I mean, you twerked behind me, Alvez.- yeah, that was an epic moment, the very moment she decided he really would ask her out, before it was too much… late. She still theoretically had a week with the team, but … but there wouldn’t be another evening like that. As soon as she arrived, wonderfully unique with that lightning bolt on her cheek and that dress which (he had rightly deduced) must have been one of her favorites, since he had seen it on her even when they had dealt with the case of the stalker, of Elizabeth together… to settle right next to him, provoking him as always, but certainly not expecting that this time she would have other consequences. He had touched her shoulder, while with his left hand he gently handed her the glass that he had poured for himself, adding that it would not be the last one and in fact, he hadn’t lied. But between one sip and the next, he had never lost sight of her, he had been stuck to her every second and she had not seemed bothered. This is how he had found the courage to make that step.

He realizes that he has been absent for a long time. -What do you know about how many embarrassing dances I could have done while I was in the Rangers?- he insists, even if he is not particularly credible and she points it out to him, without any mercy.

She shakes her head, this time it’s her eyes laughing, behind those lenses. -No way.- inflexible, authoritarian. -I imagine you as the one who in the disco stands motionless against the wall, rigid as a pole.- but she doesn’t add that that same fantasy continues with a mysterious blonde, with exuberant shapes who walks in his direction, touches his arm, she says something on the cross and convinces him to move out from there in record time.

Luke forces himself to be resentful. -What if I were like Fred Astair instead?- Penelope doesn’t answer anything, so he sees her hand traveling in the direction of the can and intercepts it, taking her gently by the wrist. -Leave it, I’ll do it.- but she jumps slightly, throwing him off balance and the impact causes part of the drink to spill, fortunately only on the tablecloth. -Maldito!- he exclaims, in Spanish, but he could not say if the cause of her roar of laughter is more due to his expression or to his mumbling. However, she senses that he is certainly not paying compliments to that poor can. -Ah yeah, do you find it very funny?- he sulks and slight blush on his cheeks make him extremely sexy, but not enough to stop.

-Yes, in fact…- she replies, sincere as usual, but making an effort to remain serious. Lost game. -Sorry, I can’t do it.- in the meantime the pizzas finally arrive. All that laughing has stirred their bellies and hunger has begun to be felt.

However, Penelope tries to behave like a lady and not like the madwoman that she actually is. She uses fork and knife and her man is amazed at the way she holds the cutlery, but that poetic image of her breaks when a splash of tomato hits her. On her chin, it’s already starting to trickle down her neck. -But damn…- she mumbles, fumbling with the napkin. Luke laughs out loud, also to mask the other thought he had. What will her skin taste like? He usually keeps separate food and… other, but he would be willing to shuffle the cards with her. -Ah, do you want to play in this way?- she finishes cleaning, without stopping to flash him with her eyes. -You don’t want to turn against me, Alvez.- he has stopped eating, because she is a spectacle that you can’t lose a single fragment. -Morgan taught me how to win this kind of challenge.- a grimace at the male name.

She finally allows him to express his opinion, very kindly. -So you can freely make fun of me, but I can’t do the same?- she nods emphatically, almost applauds him. She goes back to taking care of the treacherous slice of pizza, preferring to avoid looking him in the eye.

-Obviously, if you want to be gallant and hope…- she open her eyes and immediately finds the lighter ones, as if Luke had never stopped staring at her; and perhaps that is exactly the case. He’s biting his bottom lip, inviting her to add something, but she just doesn’t think about it. About halfway through the dinner, between one joke and the next, the blonde realizes that it’s time to go to the bathroom. She knows perfectly well that he will be able to take advantage of it to take a good look at her backside, so she is very attentive, walking slowly, with a rhythmic step and crossing her legs like a model. Indeed Luke is still trying to recover when she returns. Too bad that in the meantime someone has lost a napkin and that she is looking too high to notice it. And here she loses her balance for a few seconds, swaying like she was drunk, even though she manages to recover it in record time. The man naturally noticed it (as did half of the room), but she threatens him with her eyes and, knowing that he knows sign language and can lip-read, she mimics her own ultimatum. Try to move a single muscle in your face and I have you shipped to Russia. Do you think the fact that I am no longer the BAU technician makes me more harmless?

The man doesn’t seem very frightened and just can’t help himself. -Uh, I’m shaking!- he raises his arms and moves his hands too. Penelope sits down, rolls her eyes, cutting other small pieces and carefully bringing them to her mouth, when in reality she would prefer to grab the whole slice of hers with her hands. There is almost no satisfaction in this way. But she will find out, as it really is, if they decide to deepen this relationship. She is terrified by herself, for having had such a thought, but he pulls her out of trouble. Did he want to order a margherita with double cheese? Here is the result.

She watches him wrestle with the filaments, without laughing. -Need a hand, Luke?- he doesn’t answer her. About ten minutes later they finished and went to the counter to pay, but even here the discussions are not over.

He insists on his position. -Didn’t you want me to be a gentleman?- he points out to her, advancing his banknote. -So let me pay.- and at the same time rejecting that of the blonde to the sender.

But she is certainly no less stubborn. -No, think about your share, I can pay me mine.- pride or feminism at work? He can’t tell, but a voice behind them distracts him from such conjectures.

-You have to decide!- it’s a man of a certain age, roughly the same age as Rossi, very elegant and distinguished. -Beautiful young lady, get some advice: let your companion pay and settle the bills later.- until he winks at her, winking and hinting how he thinks she should repay Luke for gallantry. Penelope opens her mouth wide, almost scandalized, but she manages to prevent her former colleague from replying with something that would only increase their general embarrassment. However, she follows the guy’s advice, withdrawing the money in her wallet and squeezing Luke’s free hand tightly, letting him know it’s not worth it.

Once outside, however, there is a moment of silence. They stare at each other and then burst out laughing, perfectly synchronized. -It was…- he tries to stammer first, but he is unable to remain serious for more than two seconds in a row.

She ends the sentence in his place, perhaps not using exactly the adjectives he would have opted for. - …Embarrassing, awful.- for a moment Luke thinks that she is referring to their entire date and she wouldn’t be that much wrong. He hasn’t had a lot of romantic dates, but none have gone that way. Let alone if the only time he really cared there was a miserable hope that it would turn out differently. -We are two walking disasters!- she adds, perhaps not paying attention to the man’s change of attitude and pushing him amicably, appeasing all his fears.

He is full of positive spirit again. It’s frightening how Garcia changes his mood, without even wanting to; if he sees her sad he can’t help but feel the same thing, if instead she is happy… -In my opinion they have marked my surname on the black list .- he continues then, following the path traced by the blonde.

She who gives him rope, perhaps pleased by the understanding, the intimacy that has been established between them; not that this is the first time, but it was usually a passing phenomenon. -Very likely.- she places her hand on his arm. Luke even stops breathing. -What would you have done if I had let you answer that guy?- she asks, without lifting a single finger. He forces his lungs to work normally.

-I don’t know, but I couldn’t let him talk to you like that.- his eyes are telling her I’ll always defend you from any threat, or rude. Nobody should dare to approach you in a way that is not at least kind and polite. Penelope understands this, but she doesn’t give it too much weight. It was easy to frame him, from that point of view: he is the classic knight in shining armor, the eternal defender.

She shrugs, breaking contact. -Well, but basically he was right. We were causing a line.- he nibbles his lip again, capturing her full attention in that one area of ​​his face. He grabs her both arms. Enterprising, Penelope thinks, hoping he won’t stop. She watches him lean slightly towards her.

-Mmm, I thought you were referring to the bill…- he looks pleased her eyes and with a moment of delay also her mouth, still covered in lipstick. So close that his nostrils can catch every drop of her perfume. He could easily wake up every morning with this aroma and he would be the happiest man in the world.

-Luke!- she protests, but she’s smiling. And when they start looking at each other again, the intensity is so evident that they could risk getting shocked. They slowly approach, the super romantic atmosphere that characterizes every romance comedy. Luke moves his hand to stroke her cheek, instead he drops the glasses from her nose.

-Mierda!- he exclaims, also in Spanish, even if this time Penelope doesn’t really want to laugh, having practically been reduced to a mole. He doesn’t either, but he’s blaming himself, as she believes. He bends down to look for them and there is a very loud crack, the typical sound of shattering plastic and glass. He stands up, ready to take the worst insults, even a slap. -Penelope, I… I’m sorry, fuck, I’m such a clumsy…- even if half blind, she still captures the nuances of his tone, so sad and se understands that his eyes are shiny.

She grabs him by the collar of his jacket, pulling him close enough to see him clearly with no barriers between them. -At my house I will have another three hundred pairs, at least.- she whispers, stroking his neck with her warm breath. Luke’s hand finally reaches her cheek, just as it should be, the other arm around her back. They are so intertwined during the kiss and the subsequent ones that it is almost impossible to understand where one begins and where the other ends. When they detach, just because they are out of oxygen, he notices a reflex. He puts her glasses on her nose, perfectly intact, giving back her sight.

She hugs him, letting him rest his head on her chest. -It wasn’t that bad, the date.- he agrees and they giggle again in an accomplice way.

She tickles him, despite the layers of fabric between them. -But next time what about if we do it at your house or at my house?-for a moment, the only thing he can hear, repeated over and over again is next time; implies that he will have another date with her. He should have guessed it by now, considering the way they kissed, but you never know.

He fixes a few strands of her hair, remembering the first time he could actually touch them, during their hug the day she left the BAU. -I would say that would be the case. My name will have passed through all the pizzerias and mysteriously every place I will call to book will say “sorry, sir, we’re full”. - Penelope thinks that in case they can always opt for other types of places. Still hugged and without stopping laughing, they reach the car.

Once aboard, she launches herself; without thinking about it. -Hey, Luke, would you find it indelicant if I asked you to… take me to Roxy? I’d like to see her. I haven’t seen her for a long time.- the Latin understands it is the truth.

He hadn’t dared to hope for such grace. -Uh, no, sure. There is no problem.- he stutters like an idiot. She gives him a smile and a caress on the hand, then he squeezes her left hand, placing it on the gear change with his and they leave.

When they arrive, after Roxy and Lou’s non-negotiable snuggle round, they find themselves alone, but without a single ounce of embarrassment. They start kissing again, touching new areas, but also finding time for sweeter gestures. They move into the bedroom. The blonde’s upper body is covered only by a light bra; he notices her goosebumps and his concern takes precedence over ardor. He gets up, he reaches the only wardrobe and takes out one of his sweaters, wide even for him, sporty, intimate, in a word. It’s so long that it’s like a dressing gown for her. They lie back on his bed, both on her side, looking at each other and then kissing. While he looks for something in the bedside table she falls asleep. Instead of feeling bad or angry, Luke watches her with heart-shaped eyes, then turns to his other girl. -Rox, do you see?- the dog seems to answer him. -She is an angel, a dream.- he has shining eyes and a trembling voice. -I am the luckiest man on the planet.- he changes quickly, slips under the blankets, his arms automatically starting to surround her and pull her closer than him. He falls asleep instantly.

Go to the ending: O


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YEAH - Angst (11)

Original title: Yeah.

Prompt: post 15x10, choose your finale for the garvez date.

Warning: crossroad, smut.

Genre: angst, funny, romantic.

Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, Roxy, Lou, Sergio.

Pairing: Garvez.

Note: oneshot 79 in Garvez collection.

Legend: .

Song mentioned: Assurdo pensare, Tiziano Ferro.

Yeah - masterlist


*L* Angst

He feels her tremble, even the table and the glasses on top of it vibrate. -Maybe it’s better if…- she slips her hands out of his grasp, bringing both to her chest, protectively. Luke tries to take it in the right way, so as not to worsen the situation, but he struggles to hide the sadness in realizing that she still doesn’t trust him enough, not in the sense of put her life in his hands. And that’s what he really wants, isn’t it? It is useless to dance around it, at least not with himself. Even if it has never been easy to read her, because the feeling he has always felt towards her definitely confused his ideas, certain things he understood immediately. And he doesn’t intend to take back what he said: he is not the only one who has put barriers between himself and others. Except that she did it in a much more complex way and perhaps without even realizing it. After all, she is the same woman who would help any living creature, but she doesn’t seek anyone’s support if the problems are hers.

He takes a few long breaths before opening his mouth. -Do you want to run away?- and all the same, despite all his efforts, his tone comes out full of bitterness and not at all joking and funny, as he would have hoped. He doesn’t have the courage to look into her face, terrified at the idea of seeing reflected feelings that he would not be able to overcome. -You have a nice little trip ahead of you.- not even the teasing comes out very well and his eyes sparkle. No, he will not cry, but it is of no use, after all. Unlike Morgan, he has never worn a mask to hide his traumas, he has left them in pretty sight, in every gesture or word, without giving weight to them and pushing others to not investigate, to not explore more deeply. But that was Penelope’s job until recently. Professional deformation. She knows when he is sad, really sad.

She fights against her own tremor, lightly digging her nails in the knuckles of the fingers of the other hand and vice versa, thus managing to block them. -Sorry.- she hates herself for doing exactly what she hoped to avoid. If their love is so great (and she feels it is so, for both of them, she can no longer deny it) why a trifle is enough to take a hundred steps back? It’s not right. Even though her lungs hurt, no matter how hard she held her breath without realizing it, she forces herself to speak. - It’s just that… it’s been years since the last first romantic date I had.- and she prefers not to specify how many, because, in hindsight… the last one was with Kevin. She didn’t feel like counting the one with Sam, since they’d already been in a relationship long ago. And even the one with Kevin hadn’t been a real first date. So… -If this can be considered…- she adds, unsure. She doesn’t bite her tongue, even though she would like to. Maybe it would be better if she kept her mouth shut, since she can only do damage. She doesn’t want him to be insecure, but she is the first.

He doesn’t seem willing to succumb to his fears either, not this time. Hell no, said really vulgarly, because sometimes there is a need, no filters and polite words, straight to the point. -Yes!-he exclaims, in a tone of voice a little too high, attracting the attention of the patrons of the next table, but not paying attention. -It is.- he thinks this point was cleared up, but apparently nothing can be taken for granted. And maybe this is one of the many mistakes he made with Lisa, but in fact he… he didn’t want to commit, to make an effort and he didn’t realize that by doing so, the story was dying. But he is sure that the same thing will not happen again, with Penelope. -You are referring to…- he hesitates, before mentioning that name, aware of the atmosphere that will be created afterwards. But he doesn’t want that there are topics they can’t face. He wants (maybe he should say he would like, but love makes you bold) to be her best friend, her lover and her confidant too. The person to go to… always. -Battle?- Penelope nods, not surprising that he knows that story, on the contrary, she seems almost… relieved. Because he understood that she was thinking about that very evening twelve years ago. -Penelope.- her name on his mouth is a melody that manages to keep her anchored to the real world, away from the ambulance sirens, the voices of the paramedics. And a song that has become even more important to her. -I’m so sorry for what he did to you.- oh, this is not a matter of circumstance and they both know it well. Luke’s clear eyes seem to darken, become deep as abysses, dark. And a red flame, of pure anger, flashes within them. -I wanted to kill him.- he confesses, before being able to stop. After lying to her about Phil, an irreversible process has started, for which he seems to have turned into the protagonist of Liar Liar, that film with Jim Carrey: he cannot help but tell her the truth, no matter how embarrassing or… problematic. He looks away before he can read contempt or worse, on her delicate face and a grimace will appear on her. -I don’t think this makes me more attractive in your eyes.- again that bitterness, that look of disgust towards himself that she just can’t stand. Because he is convinced that he is worth less, if he shows himself covered with his defects, but it is not so. On the contrary, his vulnerability definitely makes him… very attractive, dangerous.

The hand snaps to capture the male one, regardless of being able to leave signs, proofs of her gesture. However, he doesn’t complain. -No, Luke.- she is careful to call him by name, to remind him that she knows who he is, that every time she uses that instead of a nickname, joking or sexy, it is not a coincidence, but an achievement. It means reminding both of them that she accepts him for who he really is. Maybe Shakespeare was wrong: a name is not just a name. At least, not between them. -I think I understand what you mean.- yes, she initially thought of him as a macho (but it was his attractiveness, the fact that he was so beautiful, that made that thought automatic, that is, that he was aware of it and knew how to use such a weapon in his favor), the same could not be said of his being the classic knight in shining armor. She knew she would be angry, but just as angry as Achilles’ wrath, when he found out about Battle. She had understood this for the way he protected everyone, but especially her, for how he had abandoned poor JJ, half blind, in order to make her understand that he was there of her, as he had promised her.

But he doesn’t seem too convinced. -Really?- he asks her, but not giving her time to answer. -Because it’s the same thing I would like to do with Andrei Stanovich.- ah, of course. Hadn’t he proposed himself as her savior, even in this case? Hadn’t he asked her (politely ordered, we might say) to put him on speed dial in case that bastard showed up? And had any of the two believed it, that he had thrown away his plans, whatever they were, his Saturday off, to help Elizabeth? -I can’t think about what you’ve been through, even if it didn’t surprise me to find that you had kept it inside for so long…- he could have quietly continued like that, not confessing anything, just shrugging, but no, he couldn’t. Because she basically wanted him to know and wanted to see him worried about her, she wanted him to take her hand and hug her, comfort her. She wanted to get something positive out of that shit, but then she hadn’t been able to really take advantage of it. -Do you think it is normal to feel so much apprehension for a colleague?- once again he doesn’t even give her time to think. -I tell you. No!- this time at least he doesn’t scream too loud. And he seems to have more to add. -I realized I have this… problem, even if I don’t like this definition very much, when we had that case of that man who, because of the problems with his husband, was tearing people apart, do you remember?- certainly not the argument suitable for a romantic dinner, but she doesn’t point it out to him. -I was talking to Walker, about jazz and Prince and you arrived. I felt it before actually seeing you, hearing the clicking of your heels on the floor… I felt it inside me. And when I realized it was you, a smile came on my face, but then I noticed your mood and… my mood instantly adjusted to yours- he is a river in flood, he must free himself completely. -I have never seen you only as a colleague.- she understands that he has come to the end of the speech anyway. -And now you’re finally just Penelope .- yes, there have been a thousand misunderstandings between them, a thousand attempts to separate them, but you can’t fight against fate.

He feels her soft fingers caressing his hand, not at all frightened when they encounter corns, hards, scars. And for a moment he sees her, lying next to him in a bed that is not his, but not even Penelope’s, brand new and all for them (like the future), kissing each finger and then the palm, before wishing him good night. -Luke, are you okay?- she’s asking him. And she really cares to know. -There is no need that you…- he fights against himself to stay in that warmth that he is convinced he doesn’t deserve at all. Too human and too imperfect for a goddess of her caliber. But if he really saw her only as a deity, there would be no such kind of fear, just awe. Instead, he is aware of her humanity of hers and of the possibility of having it and it is this that terrifies him the most. Fail when he could win.

He smiles, but at first he doesn’t look at her. -Yeah, I’m scaring you, I guess.- but she’s not shivering and when he finally gives in, letting his dark eyes fall into hers, yet so warm and understanding, he realizes he was deadly wrong. He gains some confidence, while the demon inside him becomes a little smaller. -I had not planned it, I had imagined something completely different, but…- he sighs. -I am a reserved person, before I met you I was even worse off, but… not with you.- ah, here we go again. She must have understood by now that she is his exception, as he was to her, right? -With you I feel like opening all the doors.- her legs, under the table, quiver at his statement. Because she wants nothing more than to do the same, in every sense. And there is no need for her to grant him permission, because he has already entered, he has already changed her, upset, even though he thinks he is the only one who has come out different from this relationship. Which hasn’t really begun yet.

And she tells him, at least a part, the least sinful. -M… me too, even if…- she knows that the dishes they have ordered are about to arrive, she hears it and therefore hurries, before this moment breaks. -It’s not that I want to, on the contrary.- he confesses, without embarrassment. -I fought not to, but…- a crease on her lips, a sad smile. -Because I knew that the moment I allowed you to enter…- she took too long, it’s late. Here is the waiter, unaware of his role, hands them the steaming and inviting dishes. Luke looks at her for a few minutes, before starting to eat, but she doesn’t continue and so they taste the food, in complete silence, without chattering, but also without embarrassment. Many of the things that needed to be said have been expressed.

She’s the one who breaks that bubble. -How is it?- she asks, referring to her ratatouille, but Luke is obviously thinking about something else, because he understands it in a completely different way.

-One of the worst dates, for you, I suppose.- oh, and that specification, for you, knocked her out! Because he is keen to emphasize that for him it is not a disaster, it cannot be, whatever happens, because he has her by his side, because he has been able to spend time with her, of course. And he’s not going to apply the same paradigm to her. May it never be!

She understands how she still has to work a lot. But she isn’t bothered. You cannot give the blame you see reflected in your soul to others without feeling hypocritical. -I was referring to the ratatouille- she clarifies, with a neutral tone -however… no, it is not.- and then she becomes hard, relentless. She will not grant him reruns. -You’re very sweet.- she adds after a moment, with her voice tender again, the same one that will tell him that she loves him. -And it’s something I’ve always found sexy in a man.- but not now; she now she prefers to force him to wake up. She cuts a piece of her own quiche, with surgical precision and brings it to her mouth, her eyes that never stop staring at him, jaunty and unscrupulous.

-Yup? In this case…- he leans towards her. He’s almost done, but he slowed down to keep her from feeling uncomfortable. -I wish the evening would never end.- she barely closes her mouth. They both know that it is a very trivial phrase, spoken by millions of different voices and lips, not always sincere. But it has its appeal. -I have an infinite amount of jokes like that.- she laughs, spontaneously, and is forced to drink a glass of wine to calm down. -I love your laugh.- she tells her then and she really thinks so, there is no doubt about it. -You are so beautiful when you laugh…- let’s just say a little more than usual.

Penelope holds his gaze. -You too, but even when you are serious.- already, the disease is shared, honey. -How are you, Luke? But I mean for real.- he doesn’t want to answer her question, because he prefers to talk about her, to put her at the center, as it should be. But he has to begin to understand that that’s not how it works in a healthy relationship. There is neither him nor her, but only them. -How are you?- she asks again, insistently. -Are you sure it’s not too early to be ready for a new story?- he hasn’t told her how long he’s been with Lisa, so she assumes it’s just a few months. But they have been together for 2 years, even if it seems incredible and absurd.

And indeed, he understands her point. -With another one? I would say no.- always that distinction. There is her and then there is the rest of the world. -But with you… yes, I’m absolutely ready.- he doesn’t add that he thinks they’ve waited too long. She nods and they resume eating, ending up wrapped in comforting silence again. -How do you feel about dessert? Or are you already full of sugar?- A clear reference to his jokes and the fact that he still has a lot of them.

She shrugs. They both know that at the end of the dinner, there will be an after dinner. -Only if you take it too.- she orders, for both of us and he likes to let himself be guided, to abandon himself to her advice. They look into her eyes almost all the time, he only tells her one thing, how good she was with Elizabeth, but she doesn’t give him the rope, not until they find themselves outside the restaurant, in the parking lot. She stops him suddenly. -Luke.- she grabs both of his hands, as seen in some movies now considered retro. -Thank you for opening up to me like that.- exactly, this is the best bouquet of flowers he could give her. -I appreciate it very much.- he blushes and there is no amber shade or dark night to hold, she notices it.

-Well… you’re welcome.- his reaction convinces her even more that the time has come. Penelope stands on her toes, and he watches her, not moving, incredulous that it’s really happening. He has often dreamed of it over the years, but he has never been able to experience this scene, not even dreamlike. Or at least to remember it when he wakes up.

But she has moved her hands to his shoulders and is staring him in the eye. Waiting, because as much as she wears heels, she needs him to play his part too. -This is to show you how much…- she whispers, stretching her lips towards his, already with her eyes closed, confident, and her hope is not in vain, because he meets her mouth, while his hands caress her cheeks. She unfolds like a flower in his arms, like a promise she intends to keep. The air around them changes, it gets charged with energy; a storm is approaching. She shivers and he promptly takes off his jacket, covering her, warming her in a thousand different ways. A cliché gesture that no one does anymore, but Luke does. Moments later they are forced to interrupt the ongoing struggle between their tongues, because icy drops have begun to hit them violently.

The man comes off with difficulty and looks up to the dark sky. -I think it’s better if we take a run.- he announces, joking and provocative. They are together now; she doesn’t need an official request, even if he’s willing to make it. And they will never doubt their love again; of all the rest, yes, the world could collapse, they will have only one certainty.

Penelope is still playing the game. -Well, I put on these shoes on purpose!- now that she has finally had the opportunity to burn, the flame has not gone out at all, quite the contrary.

Luke moves his jacket over her head, oblivious to the rain that continues to hit him. -Do you want me to pick you up?- is a tempting threat, just enough to ignite her and give her the strength to release.

-Nooo, don’t you dare!- she exclaims, giving him a push and then starting to run, on those very unsuitable heels and with his jacket waving like a pirate flag, behind her. Shaking his head he hurries to reach her, admiring only a little her innate grace. The doors slam together. -Safe.- she says. They look at each other and burst out laughing. They acted like two children. A roar rises above their laughter, causing the car to vibrate as the Lord takes a picture of them via the flash of lightning. -Fantastic.- she claps her hands excitedly. -I love thunderstorms.- Luke looks at her suspiciously. She doesn’t look the type at all, from the outside, but he still hasn’t known the dark side of her. -Really, they create a certain atmosphere… - she winks at him to make him understand that yes, she means just what he’s thinking.

He observes her hair, however damp (his jacket was of little use), darker and slightly curled, her face washed from makeup almost completely and that green dress, not low-cut, that she has chosen especially for him. -Mmm, yes, but… maybe it would be better if we were somewhere else…- she watches him as he looks at her and liked what she saw. Pure desire.

-Why? -she asks him, as her hand reaches his thigh, climbing and then always descending a moment before heaven, not willing to give it to him so easily. That gesture alone causes him (and not just him) a thousand problems. She is convinced that he can feel in the air how much she yearns him. -Don’t want to risk being arrested for public indecency?- she keeps playing with fire, she won’t be happy until she gets burned. He is in love, but still a man.

-With you?- he asks her, but doesn’t add anything else in the minutes, as an explanation. He throws himself on her for another kiss, his hands dropping the straps of her dress as she lets her fingers reach the longed-for goal. The cockpit is filled with gasps and groans and no storm can compete. -Are you sure you want to stay here?- hhe asks anyway, panting, trying to catch his breath and behave like a person with a brain. The parking lot is surrounded by trees and everyone knows that lightning is attracted to them.

But she doesn’t think in the least to facilitate him. -If you’re afraid, Alvez, just say it.- it doesn’t matter that his hands are on both of her breasts, naked, she’s the one in charge, in here. -I will not make fun of you.- she mentions, magnanimous. Luke gives her her favorite grimace, that crooked half smile.

He snatches a groan from her before releasing her. -I wouldn’t have any problems, but, rather, I wouldn’t want to get stuck here.- she pretends indignant.

-With me?- he threats her without opening his mouth and Penelope is forced to get serious again. -Okay, let’s go home.- without specifying which building she mean, even if in one of the two there is the winning point, Roxy. They are about halfway there when that light seems to come back on in her. -I want to tell you something personal, to settle the score.- he is curious to hear what she has in store for him. He glances at her, returning to focus on the road. -I always wanted to make love under the storm.- Luke pretends to signal, but she sticks her nails in his arm. -But in a safe area, in a house.- she clarifies. He certainly doesn’t forget her words, but on the way the blonde falls asleep, thus showing that she finally trusts him, to the point of leaving her life in his hands. Luke thinks that sleeping with her in his arms, the night punctuated by thunder and lightning, is simply wonderful.

Go to the ending: O



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YEAH - Sweet & soft (10)

Original title: Yeah.

Prompt: post 15x10, choose your finale for the garvez date.

Warning: crossroad, smut.

Genre: angst, funny, romantic.

Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, Roxy, Lou, Sergio.

Pairing: Garvez.

Note: oneshot 79 in Garvez collection.

Legend: .

Song mentioned: Assurdo pensare, Tiziano Ferro.

Yeah - masterlist


*K*: Sweet & soft

-Thank you very much, but we have a connoisseur here.- the girl immediately focuses her attention on Penelope, who blushes visibly and her makeup, not too heavy, fails to cover her reaction in any way. The man looks at her with heart eyes and anyone would be able to understand what he is feeling. He loves all kinds of reactions from her, even though she probably thinks otherwise, she feels childish. She throws him a reproachful look.

-Come on, Luke, don’t overdo it.- she moves one of her graceful hands as if to chase away an invisible fly. Then she shrugs. -I can speak a little Italian.- she admits then, reluctantly, painting an embarrassed half smile on her lips.

The young waitress approaches her, amazed, positively impressed. -Really?- all the sad and self-destructive thoughts that she had elaborated, convinced that the other woman was hitting on Luke, vanish. It was her mind, as usual, that never misses an opportunity to make her life even more complicated… and to keep her from being happy. As if she was convinced she didn’t deserve it. She has never talked about this tendency of hers even with the various psychologists… let alone with one of the men with whom she had a relationship, no matter how long and serious. But with Luke… it could go differently. She feels within herself that he has this right, this privilege. -Tell me then.- Penelope looks for the eyes of her companion, his approval.

-Well, I thought…- and he immediately understands her, smiling at her and even taking her hand. It is in that instant that she realizes that doesn’t care how many women will flirt with Luke… she is the only one who occupies his thoughts. He looks only at her in that way. And it is a clear thing, evident to anyone.

He even begins to caress her fingers, taking away from her concentration and cognitive abilities. -Order for both of us, I totally trust your taste.- Damn, she thinks, cursing him, while the love towards him grows to the point that it seems impossible that she has not yet exploded. She feels filled with her feeling for Luke, so much so that she is in a frenzy that is difficult to manage. She nearly stands up, dragging him out with her. They don’t need to go out to dinner like mere mortals, they are meant to be something, to be together. But she doesn’t want to disappoint the waitress.

She looks down at the menu. -… Tagliatelle with mushrooms?-her eyes are instantly captured by Luke’s, who nods, encouraging. She sighs, realizing only after it has been a manifestation of relief and not annoyance.

The girl becomes even more radiant when her face opens into a sincere smile, yet Luke stubbornly continues to stare at her, she notices it out of the corner of her eye, but it no longer appears to her as absurd, but logical, right. Wouldn’t Will do the same to JJ? And Mendoza? -Wow, I absolutely approve.- she gently grabs the menus, then drops down, speaking in a confidential tone. -I shouldn’t say it, but I was quite tired of serving the usual spaghetti allo scoglioorbucatini all'amatriciana.- Penelope struggles to not laugh, thinking that time she and Kevin tried to learn Italian for their trip in the so-called Bel Paese. -May I recommend a red?- the man takes a few seconds longer to understand that she is referring to wine. -We import it directly from Italy.- it is impossible to say no in the face of so much enthusiasm. Plus… red has always been her favorite. Who knows what Luke’s is? Maybe he’s neutral. You don’t have to take sides…

She still sees him nod, so she realizes she hasn’t given her a clear answer yet. -Of course. Thanks.- with a last smile, the girl vanishes heading for the kitchen. And despite all the good thoughts of her running through her head, she finds herself putting him to the test. -Hey, the waitress is really nice.- she ventures, throwing the bait and feeling deeply petty for it.

In any case, he doesn’t take the bait at all and not because he has noticed the trap and has therefore avoided it. No, he just replies a -Yes- very distracted, clearly not interested in discussing the matter. She may not know, but he is in fact thinking about how pretty she is, in fact more than just pretty. Maybe not many men in this club would think like him, but he honestly… doesn’t care. For him she is beautiful, sexy, she lights up both his mind and his body, she was the first to force him to behave like an idiot, to put work in second place… -At least you’ll have a little piece of Italy.- his hand starting to caress her fingers again, scared to death by the idea that it may be too much, that he is going beyond, but instantly reassured by a splendid smile, extremely… sweet. Penelope moves her fingers but not to slip away from his grip, but to make them intertwine with the male ones. They look into each other’s eyes intensely and for a moment the background noise disappears completely; then the blonde lets her gaze fall on their union and he can only follow her. They stare at the magnificent contrast between their skin tones.

Then she opens her mouth, replying to his sentence as if only a second has passed. -Only thanks to you.- her voice is a whisper, she almost as if she were afraid of being heard, rather than wanting it. It was almost as if she were reflecting on something other than a simple Italian dinner. For the first time, a somewhat heavy silence falls, too full of expectations, despite the fact that they both feel that no matter what they say or do, one cannot fight against fate. We need to take a cue from Revenge, learn from her mistakes: every time the psychic teenager combined a lot of trouble trying to prevent her visions from coming true… and in fact, she got the opposite. They can change the route, but not the destination. That’s why she comes up with that question, which she really cares about… but not right now. -How are you all doing without me?- she feels him getting stiff, his hand isn’t exactly warm. -Have you found someone yet?- Luke snorts and rolls his eyes. And he is extremely sexy.

-You just don’t want to give up, huh? - a bit of malice in the midst of that sea of ​​sweetness. -You’ve been through it already, you know how it works.- he doesn’t let go of her, at all, gradually relaxing his fingers again between her lighter ones, but he doesn’t even look into her eyes… even though he feels her gaze upon himself. -It’s tough, but we’ll make it.- he knows that her dark eyes right now are a radar on to detect a possible lie. In fact, once her system didn’t work… but better not think about something so sad and ugly, not now. He shrugs. -JJ is the one who manifests it most openly but… We are all happy for you, if you are happy in your new place.- because it is clear that everyone misses her, even him, not only as a friend, but as a computer analyst… but just think of her belittling her stalker, crying for Reid, in front of Walker’s corpse… to understand why it was better this way. Besides, he… he could never ask her out if she stayed. Something tells him that she would not have said yes, regardless of the rules, that she would never have lived in a secret relationship (how can she avoid telling the team, at least?). And she wouldn’t even let him drop the BAU, change the area again, so there could be no conflicts. So, better this way.

Penelope seems to read through him, every single sentence that passes through the anteroom of his brain. -Yes, Luke, I am.- and the same goes for him. it makes him sad seeing her depressed because she feels guilty, guilty of being happy somewhere else. But not enough to go back, thankfully. And then, Luke realizes that there is behind a lot more. -I always felt like I didn’t do enough for animals and now I can finally make my contribution.- ah, here, let alone. Something suggests to him that she will never be satisfied with herself, with what she has done, because she can always do more. And she’s right, though… it will be his job to also convince her that if she hasn’t done everything, she has done enough anyway. Very very much. -What?- she asks him. He barely holds the lump in his throat. He wants to cry, laugh, well… behave like a madman, a fool as he feels. Because she is too much. Unreal. And she doesn’t even notice, and that makes her even more fantastic.

With a willpower that he believed was now lost, he manages to hold back and simply shake hìs head. -Nothing, I’m just looking for a discreet way to pinch myself, because this can’t be real.- she doesn’t understand, of course not, in this case. -I’m here, having dinner with the woman of my dreams, the best person I’ve ever met.- she likes that definition, so much. Not that it might bother anyone, but the way she lights up, even if only for a moment… it convinces him that, outside of the team, Morgan’s… well, no man she’s been in a relationship with has ever said something like this to her. Bad, but he will fix it.

In fact, she begins to vibrate. -Luke…- her tone is threatening, but like a four-month-old kitten could be ruffling his fur to look bigger. So, mostly ridiculous, but in a tender way. And he is too excited to want to laugh, luckily for him. He would have risked tasting her nails… and although this will happen sooner or later, it will be in a very different context.

He forces himself to watch her as she goes on. -I exaggerated, I know.- she doesn’t reply anything, not agreeing with him. -But that’s what I really think of you.- he doesn’t even know what reaction he expects. Perhaps an embarrassed chuckle, which confirms his words; perhaps that instead she looks at him in a state of shock, or that she stands up, even overturning the chair, perhaps, to make everything more scenographically attractive. Instead, Penelope reaches out and intertwines their fingers again. This time he decides to make one thing more, lifting her hand up and bringing it to his lips, before returning to the table. However, the atmosphere is broken by the arrival of the dishes. Neither of them glares at the waitress.

Nobody shoots the messenger and… after all she is just doing her job. That aura can easily be recreated, because it depends on them, not on other external factors. -Here is the bottle.- says the young woman. Penelope doesn’t have time to decline the offer.

Luke is quicker and she falls silent as soon as her ears hear his quiet, gentle voice. -Yes, thank you.- the other woman approves, almost winking at her, before leaving them alone again.

Penelope begins to wrap the pasta around the fork, cursing herself and her choice. She could also have opted for something less… open to embarrassing situations. -Luke, but do you know how much it costs?- she takes it then with him, venting her anxiety on her favorite victim.

He doesn’t take it. He shakes his head. -No, I can imagine it but… Only the best for my lady.- he sees her half-open her mouth as if to comment, but then nothing comes out of her. She just stares at him in the usual way, like “who are you, are you really agent Alvez?”. -La reina de mi corazon.- he exclaims, speaking in Spanish. This is definitely one of the most erotic things he can do. She feels a strong heat in her chest. -The queen of…- she blocks his translation, proud of herself and smiling.

-I understood it.- she says, with a confident tone. -You know, after you teased me too, I decided to learn at least a few sentences.- she mentions, provoking him and aware of the consequences she will face. He doesn’t disappoint her. He concentrates on the pasta, rolling up a portion of tagliatelle, but without bringing it to his mouth.

He looks at her as if she were naked, with such greed that it frightens her. If she were another woman. But it so happens that she is Penelope Garcia, the (former) sex bomb of the Bureau, the undisputed genius of the BAU (along with Reid). -It was not just a provocation, chica.- well, he said so. How much she missed it! Even he understands it, because he watches her bite her lip right with the nickname. -It never was.- he adds, more seriously.

Penelope nods. -Now maybe I could believe it.- so they finally dedicate themselves to the dishes, eating without stopping to exchange sweet glances, with just a few tips of chilli. He is much quicker than she is, but he is good to shilly-shally, not wanting to leave her alone to finish or feel pressured to speed up the pace. -How is it possible that you have been single for so long?- she asks him at one point, when he pours her a drink for the umpteenth time. Every neuron in the Latin agent’s brain is concentrated on the act, especially because if he raises his eyes he risks seeing her delicate fingers wrapped around the stem. -You are practically the knight that every woman would want at their side.- she said it, she said it and she does not intend to deny it later. Her determined look on him is valid as confirmation in this sense. -Or should I thank…- she can’t say that name right now. -You know, don’t you?- so she leaves it suspended in the air, invisible like the ghost that Lisa seemed for a while.

But the atmosphere freezes a bit. -Uh, no, not really .- he hears her sigh, as he takes breath and courage, as if it were the rumble of thunder. -I know it will make me lose points but… I wasn’t exactly the boyfriend of your dreams.- and he no longer intends to lie to her, no more. She must want him for better and for worse, with all his suitcase of flaws. -I suck, but I think it’s right that you know.- he admits, in fact, fearing that he had ruined everything, but the alternative would have been to always live in the balance, with the fear that she might find out who he was really with and therefore anyway… break up with him… breaking his heart completely. She still looks uncertain. -Only with you, only with you, I spontaneously do these things.- he then adds, blushing. -Help you get off the sidewalk, just to take you by the hand…- and long before she broke up with him. -If you think I have ever done it with her…- he understands that she doesn’t want him to say that name. -… With another, then you have a better opinion of me than I thought.- he concludes his delusional speech with a nice crazy smile.

Penelope swallows, then she pokes her head up and down at least a couple of times. Both of their plates are empty. -Ok, we can ask for the bill, because there is no need for dessert.- better than he had dared to hope. He nods at her, delighted to see how she waits for him so she can help her up. She takes him by the arm, then they go to the counter to pay.

Outside, however, he struggles to keep up with her, however fast she walks. Although it reassures him that she has not freed herself from the bond that binds her to him. -Hey. Are you in a hurry to go home?- he asks her, when they have almost reached the car and his spleen begins to throb. She shakes her head, but there is something strange in her gaze. No, he won’t let her fears get the better of her. -So why does it look like you’re taking part in the New York marathon?- she doesn’t answer, so he takes her face gently in his hands. -Penelope, did I say something wrong?- and here he hit the right keystroke.

-No!- she snaps, like a cobra. -You were perfect.- she reassures him, calming herself at the same time. She places her hands on his neck, then strokes his cheek, slowly, discovering new sensations, the smooth surface of her skin against Luke’s beard. -Everything was perfect.- she whispers, catching his eyes again, as he lowered his lids to enjoy that first (of a long series) show of affection.

But he is confused by her attitude. -So…- she doesn’t allow him to wallow in doubt for much longer.

She clicks her tongue between her teeth, annoyed by not being able to find the words she would like, to explain herself, something not so trivial. But then she gives up. -It’s just that I wish it would never end.- ah, what a stupid thing she seems to have said.

He lifts her chin. -Look at me.- she executes it without protesting. -Me neither.- everything seems suitable, as a backdrop for their first kiss, yet it doesn’t happen. They take the few steps that separate them from his car, of course he helps her up and she strokes his arm as a thank you. As soon as they are on board they sing love songs like two fools, not worrying about appearing out of tune, but low enough not to wake the inhabitants of every building they pass.

They stop only when Penelope recognizes her way (and he too), turning down the radio. Her sigh echoes in the cockpit. -Well we have arrived.- she announces, as if it were necessary. -So…- Luke undoes her belt first and then his, freeing her from him.

-Let me take you to the front door.- he whispers and she stares at him as if hypnotized. -I could never sleep peacefully, otherwise.- it’s too much. The armor that she had built unwittingly between herself and whoever tried to romantically enter her heart, it shatters.

-Oh, Luke, I…- she is finally ready to say it and take it seriously, not as a friend or part of the family. She hesitates for just a second.

And so they end up saying it together. -I love you.- she reaches out to him, who leans in her direction and their lips meet. There is too much sweetness to pass the word even to their tongues, and both are no longer in a hurry, because they now know they belong together. He turns off the engine and lets her out, accompanying her into the apartment complex, to her door. You are never too cautious. He no longer wants to have regrets, or at least he would like to reduce the number.

-Goodnight.- she whispers, with her back leaning against her door. But he lifts her face so that their mouths melt again.

Luke then echoes her, staying a few millimeters from her lips. -Goodnight.- and giving in to the temptation to snatch yet another kiss. It takes a lot of “good nights” before he can break away, turn around and go home. But not without giving her one last (yet another) look.

Go to the ending: O



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