#alya cesaire



Fanny packs satisfy the human desire to have a kangaroo pouch

No I will not elaborate

With the new “Miraculous World” movie dropping last week, I was really missing an old frWith the new “Miraculous World” movie dropping last week, I was really missing an old fr

With the new “Miraculous World” movie dropping last week, I was really missing an old friend I haven’t been able to visit since college graduation. We watched it a lot together and I always said about her being “The Marinette to my Alya” because our relationship and personalities were so similar. So I drew that for her as a gift. 

One day we’ll be able to hang out in person again…

Post link


Alya: Okay Girl. Be honest. How much coffee did you drink?

Marinette: I don’t know, but everything seems to be in slow motion. And I think I can hear my blood.

Adrien: She’s had 7 and ½ cups. Have her drink water and she will be fine.

Alya: How do you know that?

Adrien: by 12 cups she will be able to see the color I call sheeble


Adrien: It’s kind of like a mix of getting hugged by your mother and winning a marathon.

Alya: Are you okay?


Marinette: Adrien?

Adrien: Yeah?

Marinette: Um

Marinette: YouMakeMyHeartHavePrematureVentricularContractions!

Adrien: What?

Alya: [In the background] She said you make her heart skip a beat.

Adrien: Aww!

Alya: When you feel really happy and content, that’s your brain releasing a bunch of endorphins

Nino: Unrealistic

Marinette: Can’t relate

Adrien: How would my brain release a bunch of dolphins?

Adrien: Guys I think my father is Hawkmoth, he didn’t pass the vibe check.

Alya: Nino, I’m begging you to stop teaching him old memes.

Nino: Looks like you don’t pass the vibe check either, Alya. Not with that attitude anyway.



Marinette: So.

Marinette: I’m in love.

Marinette: With Chat.

Marinette: I’m in love with Chat.


Alya: Chat Noir?

Marinette: yes?

Marinette: …thoughts?

Alya: And prayers.

So cute! I love your art!

Alya: Nino, can you buy this for me?
Nino: Of course, darling.
Marinette: He— you can’t just pay for her!
Nino: Of course I can! I’m her boyfriend! I can get her whatever in the world she wants!
Marinette: Not when we’re playing monopoly!


I just want a fic where Alya and Luka recreate the scene from Friends where Rachel and Joey realize They Both Know

I think holographic paint goes well with Rena Furtive’s new look.

ETA: I got a comment that said Alya appears white. I did use a darker color for the skin tone, but apologies that she still appears white I’ll do better next time!
