#am enneagram


Bex is spontaneous, funny, rebellious and kind. Bex has always seemed to want to do new things and explore the world.

At her best, Bex becomes more serious and tries her best to be a good mother to Andi.

At her worst, Bex can avoid her problems and often jokes about serious things, which annoys both Celia and Andi.  

It’s implied throughout the series that Bex was a pretty rebellious teenager due to her strict upbringing with Celia. This led to Bex often sneaking out and trying new experiences. It also strained her relationship with Celia and it never really recovered until Bex came back and started to settle down in Shadyside. 

Bex has also always wanted to fix her relationship with her mother and even says on one occasion that she lives for the day her mother says she’s proud of her. After a while, Celia and Bex do fix their relationship with Celia becoming less strict and serious and Bex become more settled down, showing their positive impact on each other.

Bex never really wants to hurt anyone’s feelings as she doesn’t like to feel bad, nor does she want anyone else to feel bad. We see this on many different occasions. Firstly, she finds it difficult to discipline Andi as she wants to be her friend. Additionally, when Cyrus gives her his script, she hates it but pretends to like it because she doesn’t want to be mean. 


Bex is also very sentimental and has a lot of regrets, however, she also tries to live in the moment. She has a ‘memory box’ which she likes to have for herself, but eventually lets Andi see it and it becomes their memory box. Bex also prefers to be spontaneous which we can see when she is reluctant about planning the wedding, but still decides to surprise Bowie when she sets up a wedding.

Bex shows her wing 8 as she is more practical and assertive than a 7w6.

Tri-type:7w8 - 9w1 - 4w3

Some quotes to describe Bex’s motivations

“You probably hate me. You probably should hate me. But I’ll always love you, and I always have. And you have that whether you want it or not.”

“I’m just not sure how many life-altering blows she can handle. “Hi, I’m your mom”, followed by “Your dad doesn’t even know you exist.”

“It’s what dads do. It’s their job to embarrass their daughters.”

Celia:“Oh Bex, I wish you’d just grow up already.”
Bex:“I have! This is it! I am here. And I’m raising my daughter. I have a job, that I like, that I’m actually good at. Believe me, I live for the day you tell me you’re proud of me. But it’s not gonna be today, is it?”
