#an absolutely remarkable thing


Fiction Friday ~ An Absolutely Remarkable Thing

Happy Fiction Friday everyone!! Today I want to talk about a book that I have a lot of feelings on… And that is Hank Green’s debut sci-fi novel An Absolutely Remarkable Thing.

an absolutely remarkable thing

Basically my feelings on this book are all personal; with that being said if you love science fiction you will love this book, if you love fiction you will love this book, if you love reading that captures your imagination…

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Fiction Friday ~ Books I Got For Christmas!!

Happy Friday everyone!! Today I wanted to share with you the amazing books I got gifted this year for Christmas and all the books that are now on my list to read, I’m extremely excited to get reading!

xmas books 2018

~The Next Person You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom

~Little Moments of Love by Catana Comics

~Uncommon Type Some Stories by Tom Hanks

~An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green

~Yes Pleaseby Amy…

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hanklerfishcomic:Andy’s great idea from An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green


Andy’s great idea from An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green

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Just finished An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by @edwardspoonhands !! I loved it an unfathomable amount. So here is a drawing of Andy, one of my favorite characters.

quadricycle:A little bit of AART art featuring my favorite moment from the book.


A little bit of AART art featuring my favorite moment from the book.

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the-book-ferret:“Bring people together and promote a simple change and a better world.” ― Hank Green


“Bring people together and promote a simple change and a better world.”
― Hank Green, An Absolutely Remarkable Thing

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smileyjenn: so cool that ‘An Absolutely Remarkable Thing’ has a bisexual main character & it’s csmileyjenn: so cool that ‘An Absolutely Remarkable Thing’ has a bisexual main character & it’s c


so cool that ‘An Absolutely Remarkable Thing’ has a bisexual main character & it’s coming out during Bi Week!!


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carrot-boi:Had the awesome opportunity to do promotional work for Hank Green’s new book An Absolutel


Had the awesome opportunity to do promotional work for Hank Green’s new book An Absolutely Remarkable Thing!

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that-random-fanatic:I picked up my sketch book for the first time in months this evening, and before


I picked up my sketch book for the first time in months this evening, and before I knew it I had drawn a fan art cover for Hank Green’s new book. It needs a little work, but I’m really excited for this book, and I needed a creative outlet for that excitement.

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An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green


Fan art of ‘An Absolutely Remarkable Thing’ by Hank Green

Woo I can draw… Not well, but still

Edit: 50 notes??? Thank you!!!!


The far greater thing is what we are together // From “An Absolutely Remarkable Thing” by Hank Green @edwardspoonhands.

Books made out of books! These are made by @bookishcee and they’re so cool!Visit projectforawesome.c

Books made out of books! These are made by @bookishcee and they’re so cool!

Visit projectforawesome.com/donate and click on the Nerdfighter Art Perk, and you’ll get this or one of the other awesome Nerdfighter-made things!

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Oh hai, guess who has a new poster available at @dftbarecords​? THAT WOULD BE ME.I had so much fun m

Oh hai, guess who has a new poster available at @dftbarecords​? THAT WOULD BE ME.

I had so much fun making this, and enjoyed An Absolutely Remarkable Thing way more than I had expected to (I hate Sci Fi…)

Available to pre order now!

Also, obvs a few mini spoilers for anyone who hasn’t read the book.

I’ll post the full image in a few days.


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