#fiction friday

Just a couple of quick notes this week.First, I’ll be away next week, entertaining friends, so the b

Just a couple of quick notes this week.

First, I’ll be away next week, entertaining friends, so the blog will be silent.

Second, it has recently become apparent that I’m spending a lot of time and effort producing content that isn’t the most beneficial. With everything going on in my life this year, it’s hard to keep on top of two blog posts every week, and I think one usually ends up getting lost in the cracks. So after speaking with my Facebook Group and friends on Twitter, I’m going to be pulling back to one post a week. Starting when I return, the blog will update only on Mondays. The next post will be a regular blog musing, and the post after that will be more free fiction.

Don’t worry, nothing is actually going away. I’m just going to try a little harder not to work myself to death. In light of Monday’s post, that should make sense ;)

When I asked my Facebook group which character they’d like to hear more about, they almost unanimously chose Rose.

After my Seven Deadly Domerins series, I played around with the idea of another series of Heavenly Virtues prompts. I only ever did one in the past, and they’re an interesting group of traits to consider. But I write a lot about Domerin (as you may have noticed) so I wanted to dedicate the project to someone else. At first, I wasn’t sure if I had enough available Roses to make it work. No one has quite as many incarnations as Domerin. But after considerable thought, I managed to find just enough.

The first Heavenly Rose featured the virtue of chastity. The next one tackled humility. Next came patience. This week we’re looking at temperance, which is defined as: moderation or self-restraint in action, statement, etc.; self-control.

I will admit to a tiny bit of cheating here. This Rose comes from the same world as the one featured in the humility tale. But she’s not exactly the same, and much further along the timeline. Someday, that will all make sense. But for now, I hope you’ll enjoy this glimpse at the future.

On the outer edge of a distant galaxy sits an isolated star, orbited by a single, lonely planet. Oh, there are other celestial bodies in the near vicinity. Asteroids, moons and dead rocks aplenty. But the star and its planet are the only signs of life, cut off from the rest of their neighbors by a thick field of celestial detritus that makes navigating the surrounding space both difficult and treacherous.

Somewhere on the northern and western most continent of that planet, can be found the most brilliantly beautiful caldera lake. The water is so blue, it resembles the sky at noon on the brightest, sunniest of days, and so clear that a person standing at its edge can peer clear to the base of the lake bed some thousand feet below. Mountains ring the lake on three sides but, on the fourth, it is surrounded by several miles of forest, before the final set of mountains completes the ring.

On a clear day, the breeze often rustles the leaves of those nearby trees before sweeping the lake’s surface, causing tiny waves to lap against the lakeshore. Light glistens off the water’s surface at varying intensity as the bright orb makes its trek across the sky, and every puffy white cloud that wanders by seems to stop briefly to examine itself in the blue mirror’s surface.

So it was easy to understand why Valin frequented the area, sometimes even braving autumn rain squalls to take in the breathtaking nature of the lands surrounding his new home. That the caldera lake had been born from one of the most destructive forces any planet had ever known was of little concern to him. The fires that carved the lake’s indentation had long since burned themselves out. And while he was aware of the galaxy that lay beyond the bright dust cloud in the hazy night sky, and the politics practiced by most of its planets’ inhabitants, he mostly tried not to think about it. Keep Reading.

As always tagging: @merigreenleaf,@dreameronthewindand@ilioneus
If you’d like to be tagged when I post these, please let me know!

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Fiction Friday ~ Bridge of Clay

Hi Friends!

Oh my god, is she posting for two weeks in a row? Can she keep up the momentum? Is this joke getting old yet? Only time will tell…

Bridge of Clay

ANYWAY today I want to talk about Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak. As always Zusak is an incredible story teller. He truly makes you care about his characters even if you think you won’t. I started reading this book about 5 brothers thinking I am…

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Fiction Friday ~ A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor

Hi friends,

Two posts in one week? Who is she? Can she keep that momentum up?! Only time will tell… It seems only right that my first Fiction Friday back of my little year and a half hiatus starts off with the sequel of the last book I spotlighted on Fiction Friday! Yes, I know I was gone long enough that the sequel was published… I’m a bad blogger okay?! But let’s jump into it shall we?

A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor


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Fiction Friday ~ An Absolutely Remarkable Thing

Happy Fiction Friday everyone!! Today I want to talk about a book that I have a lot of feelings on… And that is Hank Green’s debut sci-fi novel An Absolutely Remarkable Thing.

an absolutely remarkable thing

Basically my feelings on this book are all personal; with that being said if you love science fiction you will love this book, if you love fiction you will love this book, if you love reading that captures your imagination…

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Fiction Friday ~ Books I Got For Christmas!!

Happy Friday everyone!! Today I wanted to share with you the amazing books I got gifted this year for Christmas and all the books that are now on my list to read, I’m extremely excited to get reading!

xmas books 2018

~The Next Person You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom

~Little Moments of Love by Catana Comics

~Uncommon Type Some Stories by Tom Hanks

~An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green

~Yes Pleaseby Amy…

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Fiction Friday ~ Big Magic!!

Happy Fiction Friday everyone! Two posts in one week?? What is this 2017?? I’m trying so so hard guys trying to get back on the blogging game, I’m just having a hard time balancing it all but I miss it so much. 2019 look out cause this space will be back on it’s feet!

Today I want to talk about a book that I am currently in the middle of by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Big Magic

This is “Big Magic Creative Living…

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Fiction Friday ~ “Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike”!!

Happy Friday everyone! Gosh it feels so great to be writing again. I hope you are all looking forward to the weekend, I have been so busy I haven’t been able to do any fall activities!! Though this weekend Jason and I are planning to go to one of our favorite breweries, pumpkin beer is as close as I get to the pumpkin spice craze!

Anyway… This Fiction Friday goes to the show that I am currently…

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Fiction Friday ~ School House Rock Live!!

Happy Fiction Friday everyone!! Today, I wanted to talk about the show I am currently working on! I am directing School House Rock Live! Jr. at an elementary school near where I live, I am beyond thrilled to get to direct again and I thought I would share some thoughts on it as we are in our second week of rehearsal! I have about 32 kiddos in my class (they are fifth and sixth graders) and they…

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The grass touching the soles of my feet sent shivers up my spine; I wasn’t expecting it to still be wet but I took off running anyway. Tangled hair falling into my face, tree branches brushing against my skin, barely dressed, I found my way to a space in the woods where I would sit until the sun tickled my skin a little too roughly. Your dad had cut down one huge tree in this space using it to finish up a cabin we often would run away to just a few hundred feet from your house. We would pretend we were grown and on our own… We would have picnics in the space where the tree once lived or you’d go out there alone to think, journal, cry… When I went out there you never chased me. You knew I didn’t need you right now. This is a learned habit; you put this runaway spirit in me. I used to hate the grass on my bear feet.

“It’s fucking itchy!! Why can’t we just wear some shoes every once in a while?”

“You can’t feel anything if you wear shoes. Stop being a baby.”

“What is so important that I need to feel out here?”


Once I found my way to the tree stump, I sat down and held my hands out; angry.

“Could you please give me something beautiful to hold on to? I think I’m losing everything. I think I’m lost. I don’t think I can help her.”

Tears fell quietly as I continued to sit there with nothing but my anger.  I longed to hold your hand and tell you that I love you and have you actually hear it. Have it mean something. Have it change something. After a while, my anger had left. It had been taken away by the wind, I guess.

As I walk back, I feel everything; the way the ground feels soft but firm, the roughness of the twigs and small branches that have fallen, the rocks pushing against my heels, the cracking of the leaves; dead. When I walk into the kitchen, you are there. You are eating half a slice of toast with the smallest amount of peanut butter; it’s barely visible, scraped across so lightly. You try to smile but tears fill your eyes and spill over immediately. You don’t say anything but I already know what you want to say. You want to say, "It hurts. It feels "ugly.” It feels like giving up. It feels like I’m never pretty enough.” So, I hug you. I hug you and I can feel every bone in your body. I can feel every piece that is trying so hard to hold you together. You fall apart; hyperventilating.

“I love you. You’ll make it through this. I’m here.”

You pull away and look at me with blue eyes and tear stained freckled skin; trying so hard to smile. You take another bite and pretend like it doesn’t feel like dying. I walk away and give you space; give myself space. We breathe and it falls into a rhythm that feels like love, like strength; feels like healing.

Eventually, you push me away and I let you. It’s hard to watch someone hate themselves; it’s hard to know you can’t really force healing but I write you a letter years later… And it brings me peace, I think you found your own solace too. Friendships are sometimes only around for a season I’ve heard and that hurts but I’m thankful for all the lessons I’ve learned.

You taught me a lot of things I didn’t expect you to; things like how to care about someone (outside of family) more than yourself, how it feels to want things for someone but also not want those things; the ache inside like a fire burning endlessly. You can never put it out. You taught me how to love in ways that I keep under lock and key; secrets I’ll bring to the grave. You taught me to enjoy things that felt out of reach; taught me how to dance in the rain and feel like dying a little less inside. You were the most I have ever loved anyone platonically, in my entire life, I think and yet I also hated you and the things that you did… The things you said… The things that you believed made you, you. You taught me what it is like to love unconditionally.

ReBecca DeFazio

More Than a Flower
